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Federico Ramirez gosukiwi

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" Use |:RubocopAutocorrect[!]| to autocorrect the current file using Rubocop.
" Note that this will save the file before running the autocorrects. If ! is
" given, it will use unsafe autocorrects.
augroup ruby
autocmd FileType ruby command! -bang RubocopAutocorrect silent! call RubyRubocopAutocorrect(expand('<bang>') == '!')<CR>
augroup END
function! RubyRubocopAutocorrect(unsafe) abort
let flag = a:unsafe ? '-A' : '-a'
// no need to specify type
a = 1.2 // float
name = "Federico" // string
// you can still do it if you want
x as float
x = 1.2
function Double(x as integer)
gosukiwi /
Last active July 4, 2020 17:01
Powershell <=> Bash


Popular bash commands in PowerShell:

grep: Select-String
  Select-String -r "console" .\foo\**\*.js
cat: Get-Content
App.Lib.GlobalEvents =
This will trigger the callback whenever the user clicks on something outside
the given element. If the user clicks on something insied `el`, it will not
trigger the callback.
You can give it many elements using jQuery's `#add`:
$els = $('.my-element').add($('.some-other-element'))
App.Lib.GlobalEvents.onClickedOutside $els, =>
# do something


This can cache AJAX requests across page-loads with custom max-ages:

FIVE_MINUTES = 5 * 60 * 1000
App.Lib.Cache.promise().maxAge(FIVE_MINUTES).cache('/foo', -> $.get('/foo')).then (results) ->
  console.log results
gosukiwi / demo.rb
Created May 29, 2019 18:41
Custom predicates for Ransack, allows you to search inside a YAML-serialized Array column
# some model
serialize :my_field, Array
ransacker :my_field_raw, type: :string do
# some view (using simple form)
= search_form_for @q, builder: SimpleForm::FormBuilder do |f|
# This makes sure UTF8 characters don't break the encoding/decoding. For
# more info:
App.Lib.Base64 =
encode: (str) ->
window.btoa unescape(encodeURIComponent(str))
decode: (str) ->
decodeURIComponent escape(window.atob(str))
;; a plist associating keywords with functions
(defvar *commands*
'(:title title-command))
(defun title-command (params)
(format t "Title command function. Params: ~A" params))
;; I want to read the keyword from the CLI, but it's a char array
;; how can I cast it to keyword?
(apply (getf *commands* (read-line)) '(1 2 3))
gosukiwi /
Last active February 14, 2025 09:04
Common Lisp Cheatsheet

Common Lisp Cheatsheet

Common Lisp is a general-purpose programming language with functions as first-class citizens. Don't worry about being purely functional, Lisp is Object Oriented too. CLOS is a very powerful object-oriented system!

Useful definitions

The Common Lisp lingo is quite unique:

  • Package: Basically a namespace, a place for symbols to live
  • System: Basically a Library. A bunch of code plus some instructions how it should be treated, for example which other systems it depends on, what should be loaded and/or compiled first, etc. Not in ANSI lisp but widespread. The most common system definition tool is ASDF.
  • Modules: Deprecated and implementation-dependent
  • Quicklisp: Like NPM or Ruby Gems for ASDF Systems.