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Forked from Manuel-S/FastChannel.cs
Created September 19, 2020 21:38
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Fast Shared Memory Remoting by Joseph Albahari
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
async Task Main()
using (var channel = DemoServer())
await DemoClient();
IDisposable DemoServer() => new FastChannel ("test", true, GetType().Module);
async Task DemoClient()
using (var channel = new FastChannel ("test", false, GetType().Module))
Proxy<Foo> fooProxy = await channel.Activate<Foo>();
int remoteProcessID = await fooProxy.Eval (foo => foo.ProcessID);
remoteProcessID.Dump ("Remote process ID");
int sum = await fooProxy.Eval (foo => foo.Add (2, 2));
sum.Dump ("Sum");
int sum2 = await fooProxy.Eval (foo => foo.AddAsync (3, 3));
sum2.Dump ("Sum");
#region Marshaling
Proxy<Bar> barProxy = await channel.Activate<Bar>();
Proxy<Foo> fooProxy2 = await barProxy.Eval (b => b.GetFoo());
(await fooProxy2.Eval (foo => foo.Add (2, 2))).Dump();
await barProxy.Run (b => b.PrintFoo (fooProxy2));
await barProxy.Run (b => b.PrintFoo (new Foo()));
class Foo
public int ProcessID => Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;
public int Add (int x, int y) => x + y;
public async Task<int> AddAsync (int x, int y)
await Task.Delay(1000);
return x + y;
#region Marshaling
class Bar
public Proxy<Foo> GetFoo() => new Foo();
public async Task PrintFoo (Proxy<Foo> foo)
int fooID = await foo.Eval (f => f.ProcessID);
$"Foo's process ID is {fooID}".Dump();
#region FastChannel
class FastChannel : SafeDisposable
static int _lastMessageID, _lastObjectID;
public readonly byte DomainAddress;
readonly OutPipe _outPipe;
readonly InPipe _inPipe;
readonly Module _module; // The module for which serialization is optimized.
readonly object _proxiesLock = new object ();
readonly Dictionary<int, IProxy> _proxiesByID = new Dictionary<int, IProxy> ();
readonly Dictionary<object, IProxy> _proxiesByObject = new Dictionary<object, IProxy> ();
readonly Dictionary<int, Action<MessageType, object>> _pendingReplies = new Dictionary<int, Action<MessageType, object>> ();
int _messagesReceived;
public int MessagesReceived { get { return _messagesReceived; } }
enum MessageType : byte { Activation, Deactivation, MethodCall, ReturnValue, ReturnException }
public FastChannel (string name, bool isOwner, Module module)
_module = module; // Types belonging to this module will serialize faster
DomainAddress = (byte)(isOwner ? 1 : 2);
_outPipe = new OutPipe (name + (isOwner ? ".A" : ".B"), isOwner);
_inPipe = new InPipe (name + (isOwner ? ".B" : ".A"), isOwner, OnMessageReceived);
protected override void DisposeCore()
lock (_proxiesLock)
_proxiesByID.Clear ();
_proxiesByObject.Clear ();
IProxy FindProxy (int objectID)
IProxy proxy;
lock (_proxiesLock) _proxiesByID.TryGetValue (objectID, out proxy);
return proxy;
IProxy RegisterLocalProxy (IProxy proxy)
lock (_proxiesLock)
// Avoid multiple identities for the same object:
IProxy existingProxy;
bool alreadyThere = _proxiesByObject.TryGetValue (proxy.LocalInstanceUntyped, out existingProxy);
if (alreadyThere) return existingProxy;
int objectID = Interlocked.Increment (ref _lastObjectID);
proxy.RegisterLocal (this, objectID, () => UnregisterLocalProxy (proxy, objectID));
_proxiesByID [objectID] = proxy;
_proxiesByObject [proxy] = proxy;
return proxy;
void UnregisterLocalProxy (IProxy proxy, int objectID)
lock (_proxiesLock)
_proxiesByID.Remove (objectID);
_proxiesByObject.Remove (proxy.LocalInstanceUntyped);
/// <summary>Instantiates an object remotely. To release it, you can either call Disconnect on the proxy returned
/// or wait for its finalizer to do the same.s</summary>
public Task<Proxy<TRemote>> Activate<TRemote>() where TRemote : class
lock (DisposeLock)
int messageNumber = Interlocked.Increment (ref _lastMessageID);
var ms = new MemoryStream ();
var writer = new BinaryWriter (ms);
writer.Write ((byte)MessageType.Activation);
writer.Write (messageNumber);
SerializeType (writer, typeof(TRemote));
writer.Flush ();
var task = GetResponseFuture<Proxy<TRemote>> (messageNumber);
_outPipe.Write (ms.ToArray ());
return task;
internal void InternalDeactivate (int objectID)
var ms = new MemoryStream ();
var writer = new BinaryWriter (ms);
writer.Write ((byte)MessageType.Deactivation);
writer.Write (objectID);
writer.Flush ();
lock (DisposeLock)
if (IsDisposed) return;
_outPipe.Write (ms.ToArray ());
internal Task<TResult> SendMethodCall<TResult> (Expression expressionBody, int objectID, bool awaitRemoteTask)
lock (DisposeLock)
int messageNumber = Interlocked.Increment (ref _lastMessageID);
byte [] payload = SerializeMethodCall (expressionBody, messageNumber, objectID, awaitRemoteTask);
var task = GetResponseFuture<TResult> (messageNumber);
_outPipe.Write (payload);
return task;
Task<T> GetResponseFuture<T> (int messageNumber)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<T> ();
lock (_pendingReplies)
_pendingReplies.Add (messageNumber, (msgType, value) =>
if (msgType == MessageType.ReturnValue)
tcs.SetResult ((T)value);
var ex = (Exception)value;
MethodInfo preserveStackTrace = typeof(Exception).GetMethod ("InternalPreserveStackTrace", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (preserveStackTrace != null) preserveStackTrace.Invoke (ex, null);
tcs.SetException (ex);
return tcs.Task;
void OnMessageReceived (byte[] data)
Interlocked.Increment (ref _messagesReceived);
lock (DisposeLock)
if (IsDisposed) return;
var ms = new MemoryStream (data);
var reader = new BinaryReader (ms);
var messageType = (MessageType)reader.ReadByte();
if (messageType == MessageType.ReturnValue || messageType == MessageType.ReturnException)
ReceiveReply (messageType, reader);
else if (messageType == MessageType.MethodCall)
ReceiveMethodCall (reader);
else if (messageType == MessageType.Activation)
ReceiveActivation (reader);
else if (messageType == MessageType.Deactivation)
ReceiveDeactivation (reader);
void ReceiveReply (MessageType messageType, BinaryReader reader)
int msgNumber = reader.ReadInt32 ();
object value = DeserializeValue (reader);
Action<MessageType, object> reply;
lock (_pendingReplies)
if (!_pendingReplies.TryGetValue (msgNumber, out reply)) return; // Orphan reply
_pendingReplies.Remove (msgNumber);
reply (messageType, value);
void ReceiveMethodCall (BinaryReader reader)
int messageNumber = reader.ReadInt32 ();
int objectID = reader.ReadInt32 ();
bool awaitRemoteTask = reader.ReadBoolean();
var method = DeserializeMethod (reader);
Exception error = null;
object returnValue = null;
object [] args = null;
IProxy proxy = null;
args = DeserializeArguments (reader, method.GetParameters ()).ToArray ();
proxy = FindProxy (objectID);
if (proxy == null) throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Proxy " + objectID + " has been disposed.");
catch (Exception ex)
error = ex;
Task.Factory.StartNew (() =>
if (error == null)
var instance = proxy.LocalInstanceUntyped;
if (instance == null)
string typeInfo = proxy.ObjectType == null ? "?" : proxy.ObjectType.FullName;
error = new ObjectDisposedException ("Proxy " + objectID + " is disposed. Type: " + typeInfo);
else returnValue = method.Invoke (instance, args);
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex is TargetInvocationException) error = ex.InnerException;
else error = ex;
SendReply (messageNumber, returnValue, error, awaitRemoteTask);
}, TaskCreationOptions.PreferFairness);
void ReceiveActivation (BinaryReader reader)
int messageNumber = reader.ReadInt32 ();
object instance = null;
Exception error = null;
var type = DeserializeType (reader);
instance = Activator.CreateInstance (type, true);
var proxy = (IProxy)Activator.CreateInstance (typeof(Proxy<>).MakeGenericType (type), BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new [] { instance, DomainAddress }, null);
instance = RegisterLocalProxy (proxy);
catch (Exception ex)
error = ex;
SendReply (messageNumber, instance, error, false);
void SendReply (int messageNumber, object returnValue, Exception error, bool awaitRemoteTask)
lock (DisposeLock)
if (IsDisposed) return;
if (awaitRemoteTask)
var returnTask = (Task)returnValue;
// The method we're calling is itself asynchronous. Delay sending a reply until the method itself completes.
returnTask.ContinueWith (ant => SendReply (messageNumber, ant.IsFaulted ? null : ant.GetUntypedResult (), ant.Exception, false));
var ms = new MemoryStream ();
var writer = new BinaryWriter (ms);
writer.Write ((byte)(error == null ? MessageType.ReturnValue : MessageType.ReturnException));
writer.Write (messageNumber);
SerializeValue (writer, error ?? returnValue);
writer.Flush ();
_outPipe.Write (ms.ToArray ());
void ReceiveDeactivation (BinaryReader reader)
int objectID = reader.ReadInt32 ();
lock (_proxiesLock)
var proxy = FindProxy (objectID);
if (proxy == null) return;
proxy.Disconnect ();
byte[] SerializeMethodCall (Expression expr, int messageNumber, int objectID, bool awaitRemoteTask)
if (expr == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("expr");
MethodInfo method;
IEnumerable<Expression> args = new Expression [0];
var mc = expr as MethodCallExpression;
if (mc != null)
method = mc.Method;
args = mc.Arguments;
var me = expr as MemberExpression;
if (me != null && me.Member is PropertyInfo)
method = ((PropertyInfo)me.Member).GetGetMethod ();
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Only method calls and property reads can be serialized");
var ms = new MemoryStream ();
var writer = new BinaryWriter (ms);
writer.Write ((byte)MessageType.MethodCall);
writer.Write (messageNumber);
writer.Write (objectID);
writer.Write (awaitRemoteTask);
SerializeMethod (writer, method);
SerializeArguments (writer, args.Select (a => GetExprValue (a, true)).ToArray ());
writer.Flush ();
return ms.ToArray ();
void SerializeArguments (BinaryWriter writer, object [] args)
writer.Write ((byte)args.Length);
foreach (var o in args) SerializeValue (writer, o);
IEnumerable<object> DeserializeArguments (BinaryReader reader, ParameterInfo [] args)
byte objectCount = reader.ReadByte ();
for (int i = 0; i < objectCount; i++) yield return DeserializeValue (reader, args [i].ParameterType);
enum FastTypeCode : byte { Null, False, True, Byte, Char, String, Int32, Proxy, Other }
void SerializeValue (BinaryWriter writer, object o)
if (o == null)
writer.Write ((byte)FastTypeCode.Null);
else if (o is bool)
writer.Write ((byte)((bool)o ? FastTypeCode.True : FastTypeCode.False));
else if (o is byte)
writer.Write ((byte)FastTypeCode.Byte);
writer.Write ((byte)o);
else if (o is char)
writer.Write ((byte)FastTypeCode.Char);
writer.Write ((char)o);
else if (o is string)
writer.Write ((byte)FastTypeCode.String);
writer.Write ((string)o);
else if (o is int)
writer.Write ((byte)FastTypeCode.Int32);
writer.Write ((int)o);
else if (o is IProxy)
writer.Write ((byte)FastTypeCode.Proxy);
var proxy = (IProxy)o;
if (proxy.LocalInstanceUntyped != null) proxy = RegisterLocalProxy (proxy);
var typeArgType = o.GetType().GetGenericArguments() [0];
SerializeType (writer, typeArgType);
SerializeType (writer, proxy.LocalInstanceUntyped == null ? typeArgType : proxy.LocalInstanceUntyped.GetType());
writer.Write (proxy.ObjectID.Value);
// The domain address will be zero if created via implicit conversion.
writer.Write (proxy.DomainAddress == 0 ? DomainAddress : proxy.DomainAddress);
writer.Write ((byte)FastTypeCode.Other);
writer.Flush ();
new BinaryFormatter ().Serialize (writer.BaseStream, o);
object DeserializeValue (BinaryReader reader, Type expectedType = null)
var typeCode = (FastTypeCode)reader.ReadByte ();
if (typeCode == FastTypeCode.Null) return null;
if (typeCode == FastTypeCode.False) return false;
if (typeCode == FastTypeCode.True) return true;
if (typeCode == FastTypeCode.Byte) return reader.ReadByte ();
if (typeCode == FastTypeCode.Char) return reader.ReadChar ();
if (typeCode == FastTypeCode.String) return reader.ReadString ();
if (typeCode == FastTypeCode.Int32) return reader.ReadInt32 ();
if (typeCode == FastTypeCode.Proxy)
Type genericType = DeserializeType (reader);
Type actualType = DeserializeType (reader);
int objectID = reader.ReadInt32 ();
byte domainAddress = reader.ReadByte ();
if (domainAddress == DomainAddress) // We own the real object
var proxy = FindProxy (objectID);
if (proxy == null)
throw new ObjectDisposedException ("Cannot deserialize type '" + genericType.Name + "' - object has been disposed");
// Automatically unmarshal if necessary:
if (expectedType != null && expectedType.IsInstanceOfType (proxy.LocalInstanceUntyped)) return proxy.LocalInstanceUntyped;
return proxy;
// The other domain owns the object.
var proxyType = typeof(Proxy<>).MakeGenericType (genericType);
return Activator.CreateInstance (proxyType, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new object []
}, null);
return new BinaryFormatter ().Deserialize (reader.BaseStream);
void SerializeType (BinaryWriter writer, Type t)
if (t.Module == _module)
writer.Write ((byte)1);
writer.Write (t.MetadataToken);
writer.Write ((byte)2);
writer.Write (t.AssemblyQualifiedName);
Type DeserializeType (BinaryReader reader)
int b = reader.ReadByte();
if (b == 1)
return _module.ResolveType (reader.ReadInt32());
return Type.GetType (reader.ReadString());
void SerializeMethod (BinaryWriter writer, MethodInfo mi)
if (mi.Module == _module)
writer.Write ((byte)1);
writer.Write (mi.MetadataToken);
writer.Write ((byte)2);
writer.Write (mi.DeclaringType.AssemblyQualifiedName);
writer.Write (mi.MetadataToken);
MethodBase DeserializeMethod (BinaryReader reader)
int b = reader.ReadByte ();
if (b == 1)
return _module.ResolveMethod (reader.ReadInt32 ());
return Type.GetType (reader.ReadString (), true).Module.ResolveMethod (reader.ReadInt32());
/// <summary>Evalulates an expression tree quickly on the local side without the cost of calling Compile().
/// This works only with simple method calls and property reads. In other cases, it returns null.</summary>
public static Func<T, U> FastEvalExpr<T, U>(Expression body)
// Optimize common cases:
MethodInfo method;
IEnumerable<Expression> args = new Expression [0];
var mc = body as MethodCallExpression;
if (mc != null)
method = mc.Method;
args = mc.Arguments;
var me = body as MemberExpression;
if (me != null && me.Member is PropertyInfo)
method = ((PropertyInfo)me.Member).GetGetMethod ();
return null;
return x =>
return (U)method.Invoke (x, args.Select (a => GetExprValue (a, false)).ToArray());
catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
throw ex.InnerException;
static object GetExprValue (Expression expr, bool deferLocalInstanceProperty)
// Optimize the common simple cases, the first being a simple constant:
var constant = expr as ConstantExpression;
if (constant != null) return constant.Value;
// The second common simple case is accessing a field in a closure:
var me = expr as MemberExpression;
if (me != null && me.Member is FieldInfo && me.Expression is ConstantExpression)
return ((FieldInfo)me.Member).GetValue (((ConstantExpression)me.Expression).Value);
// If we're referring to the LocalInstance property of the proxy, we need to defer its evaluation
// until it's deserialized at the other end, as it will likely be null:
if (deferLocalInstanceProperty && me != null && me.Member is PropertyInfo)
if (me.Member.Name == "LocalInstance" &&
me.Member.ReflectedType.IsGenericType &&
me.Member.ReflectedType.GetGenericTypeDefinition () == typeof(Proxy<>))
return GetExprValue (me.Expression, true);
// This will take longer:
var objectMember = Expression.Convert (expr, typeof(object));
var getterLambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>> (objectMember);
var getter = getterLambda.Compile ();
return getter ();
#region Proxy
interface IProxy
/// <summary>Nongeneric version of the LocalInstance </summary>
object LocalInstanceUntyped { get; }
FastChannel Channel { get; }
int? ObjectID { get; }
byte DomainAddress { get; }
void Disconnect ();
Type ObjectType { get; }
bool IsDisconnected { get; }
/// <summary>Connects the proxy for channel implementors. Used by FastChannel.</summary>
void RegisterLocal (FastChannel fastChannel, int? objectID, Action onDisconnect);
/// <summary>
/// Wraps a reference to an object that potentially lives in another domain. This ensures that cross-domain calls are explicit in the
/// source code, and allows for a transport other than .NET Remoting (e.g., FastChannel).
/// </summary>
class Proxy<TRemote> : IProxy where TRemote : class
/// <summary>Any reference-type object can be implicitly converted to a proxy. The proxy will become connected
/// automatically when it's serialized during a remote method call.</summary>
public static implicit operator Proxy<TRemote> (TRemote instance)
if (instance == null) return null;
return new Proxy<TRemote> (instance);
readonly object _locker = new object();
/// <summary>The object being Remoted. This is populated only on the local side.</summary>
public TRemote LocalInstance { get; private set; }
/// <summary>This is populated if the proxy was obtained via FastChannel instead of Remoting.</summary>
public FastChannel Channel { get; private set; }
/// <summary>This is populated if the proxy was obtained via FastChannel instead of Remoting. It uniquely identifies the
/// object within the channel if the object is connected (has a presence in the other domain).</summary>
public int? ObjectID { get; private set; }
/// <summary>Identifies the domain that owns the local instance, when FastChannel is in use.</summary>
public byte DomainAddress { get; private set; }
public bool IsDisconnected { get { return LocalInstance == null && Channel == null; } }
Action _onDisconnect;
readonly Type _actualObjectType;
object IProxy.LocalInstanceUntyped { get { return LocalInstance; } }
/// <summary>The real type of the object being proxied. This may be a subclass or derived implementation of TRemote.</summary>
public Type ObjectType { get { return _actualObjectType ?? (LocalInstance != null ? LocalInstance.GetType () : typeof(TRemote)); } }
Proxy (IProxy conversionSource, Action onDisconnect, Type actualObjectType)
LocalInstance = (TRemote)conversionSource.LocalInstanceUntyped;
Channel = conversionSource.Channel;
ObjectID = conversionSource.ObjectID;
DomainAddress = conversionSource.DomainAddress;
_onDisconnect = onDisconnect;
_actualObjectType = actualObjectType;
public Proxy (TRemote instance) { LocalInstance = instance; }
// Called via reflection:
Proxy (TRemote instance, byte domainAddress) { LocalInstance = instance; DomainAddress = domainAddress; }
// Called via reflection:
Proxy (FastChannel channel, int objectID, byte domainAddress, Type actualInstanceType)
Channel = channel;
ObjectID = objectID;
DomainAddress = domainAddress;
_actualObjectType = actualInstanceType;
public void AssertRemote ()
if (LocalInstance != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Object " + LocalInstance.GetType ().Name + " is not remote");
/// <summary>Runs a (void) method on the object being proxied. This works on both the local and remote side.</summary>
public Task Run (Expression<Action<TRemote>> remoteMethod)
var li = LocalInstance;
if (li != null)
var fastEval = FastChannel.FastEvalExpr<TRemote, object> (remoteMethod.Body);
if (fastEval != null) fastEval (li);
else remoteMethod.Compile () (li);
return Task.FromResult (false);
catch (Exception ex)
return Task.FromException (ex);
return SendMethodCall<object> (remoteMethod.Body, false);
/// <summary>Runs a (void) method on the object being proxied. This works on both the local and remote side.
/// Use this overload for methods on the other domain that are themselves asynchronous.</summary>
public Task Run (Expression<Func<TRemote, Task>> remoteMethod)
var li = LocalInstance;
if (li != null)
var fastEval = FastChannel.FastEvalExpr<TRemote, Task> (remoteMethod.Body);
if (fastEval != null) return fastEval (li);
return remoteMethod.Compile () (li);
catch (Exception ex)
return Task.FromException (ex);
return SendMethodCall<object> (remoteMethod.Body, true);
/// <summary>Runs a non-void method on the object being proxied. This works on both the local and remote side.</summary>
public Task<TResult> Eval<TResult>(Expression<Func<TRemote, TResult>> remoteMethod)
var li = LocalInstance;
if (li != null)
var fastEval = FastChannel.FastEvalExpr<TRemote, TResult> (remoteMethod.Body);
if (fastEval != null) return Task.FromResult (fastEval (li));
return Task.FromResult (remoteMethod.Compile () (li));
catch (Exception ex)
return Task.FromException<TResult> (ex);
return SendMethodCall<TResult> (remoteMethod.Body, false);
/// <summary>Runs a non-void method on the object being proxied. This works on both the local and remote side.
/// Use this overload for methods on the other domain that are themselves asynchronous.</summary>
public Task<TResult> Eval<TResult>(Expression<Func<TRemote, Task<TResult>>> remoteMethod)
var li = LocalInstance;
if (li != null)
var fastEval = FastChannel.FastEvalExpr<TRemote, Task<TResult>> (remoteMethod.Body);
if (fastEval != null) return fastEval (li);
return remoteMethod.Compile () (li);
catch (Exception ex)
return Task.FromException<TResult> (ex);
return SendMethodCall<TResult> (remoteMethod.Body, true);
Task<TResult> SendMethodCall<TResult>(Expression expressionBody, bool awaitRemoteTask)
FastChannel channel;
int? objectID;
lock (_locker)
if (Channel == null)
return Task.FromException<TResult> (new InvalidOperationException ("Channel has been disposed on Proxy<" + typeof(TRemote).Name + "> " + expressionBody));
channel = Channel;
objectID = ObjectID;
return channel.SendMethodCall<TResult> (expressionBody, objectID.Value, awaitRemoteTask);
/// <summary>This is useful when this.ObjectType is a subclass or derivation of TRemote.</summary>
public Proxy<TNew> CastTo<TNew>() where TNew : class, TRemote
if (!typeof(TNew).IsAssignableFrom (ObjectType))
throw new InvalidCastException ("Type '" + ObjectType.FullName + "' cannot be cast to '" + typeof(TNew).FullName + "'.");
return new Proxy<TNew> (this, _onDisconnect, _actualObjectType);
void IProxy.RegisterLocal (FastChannel fastChannel, int? objectID, Action onDisconnect)
// This is called by FastChannel to connect/register the proxy.
lock (_locker)
Channel = fastChannel;
ObjectID = objectID;
DomainAddress = fastChannel.DomainAddress;
_onDisconnect = onDisconnect;
public void Disconnect ()
Action onDisconnect;
lock (_locker)
onDisconnect = _onDisconnect;
_onDisconnect = null;
if (onDisconnect != null) onDisconnect();
// If the remote reference drops away, we should ensure that it gets release on the other domain as well:
lock (_locker)
if (Channel == null || LocalInstance != null || ObjectID == null)
LocalInstance = null;
Channel.InternalDeactivate (ObjectID.Value);
Channel = null;
ObjectID = null;
~Proxy ()
if (_locker != null)
Disconnect ();
catch (ObjectDisposedException) { }
#region Pipe
class SafeMemoryMappedFile : SafeDisposable
readonly MemoryMappedFile _mmFile;
readonly MemoryMappedViewAccessor _accessor;
unsafe byte* _pointer;
public int Length { get; private set; }
public MemoryMappedViewAccessor Accessor
get { AssertSafe(); return _accessor; }
public unsafe byte* Pointer
get { AssertSafe(); return _pointer; }
public unsafe SafeMemoryMappedFile (MemoryMappedFile mmFile)
_mmFile = mmFile;
_accessor = _mmFile.CreateViewAccessor ();
_pointer = (byte*)_accessor.SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle.DangerousGetHandle().ToPointer();
Length = (int)_accessor.Capacity;
unsafe protected override void DisposeCore()
_pointer = null;
abstract class MutexFreePipe : SafeDisposable
protected const int MinimumBufferSize = 0x10000;
protected readonly int MessageHeaderLength = sizeof (int);
protected readonly int StartingOffset = sizeof (int) + sizeof (bool);
public readonly string Name;
protected readonly EventWaitHandle NewMessageSignal;
protected SafeMemoryMappedFile Buffer;
protected int Offset, Length;
protected MutexFreePipe (string name, bool createBuffer)
Name = name;
var mmFile = createBuffer
? MemoryMappedFile.CreateNew (name + ".0", MinimumBufferSize, MemoryMappedFileAccess.ReadWrite)
: MemoryMappedFile.OpenExisting (name + ".0");
Buffer = new SafeMemoryMappedFile (mmFile);
NewMessageSignal = new EventWaitHandle (false, EventResetMode.AutoReset, name + ".signal");
Length = Buffer.Length;
Offset = StartingOffset;
protected override void DisposeCore()
class OutPipe : MutexFreePipe
int _messageNumber;
int _bufferCount;
readonly List<SafeMemoryMappedFile> _oldBuffers = new List<SafeMemoryMappedFile> ();
public int PendingBuffers => _oldBuffers.Count;
public OutPipe (string name, bool createBuffer) : base (name, createBuffer)
public unsafe void Write (byte [] data)
lock (DisposeLock) // If there are multiple threads, write just one message at a time
if (data.Length > Length - Offset - 8)
// Not enough space left in the shared memory buffer to write the message.
WriteContinuation (data.Length);
WriteMessage (data);
NewMessageSignal.Set(); // Signal reader that a message is available
unsafe void WriteMessage (byte [] block)
byte* ptr = Buffer.Pointer;
byte* offsetPointer = ptr + Offset;
var msgPointer = (int*)offsetPointer;
*msgPointer = block.Length;
Offset += MessageHeaderLength;
offsetPointer += MessageHeaderLength;
if (block != null && block.Length > 0)
//MMF.Accessor.WriteArray (Offset, block, 0, block.Length); // Horribly slow. No. No. No.
Marshal.Copy (block, 0, new IntPtr (offsetPointer), block.Length);
Offset += block.Length;
// Write the latest message number to the start of the buffer:
int* iptr = (int*)ptr;
*iptr = ++_messageNumber;
void WriteContinuation (int messageSize)
// First, allocate a new buffer:
string newName = Name + "." + ++_bufferCount;
int newLength = Math.Max (messageSize * 10, MinimumBufferSize);
var newFile = new SafeMemoryMappedFile (MemoryMappedFile.CreateNew (newName, newLength, MemoryMappedFileAccess.ReadWrite));
$"Allocated new buffer of {newLength} bytes".DumpTrace();
// Write a message to the old buffer indicating the address of the new buffer:
WriteMessage (new byte [0]);
// Keep the old buffer alive until the reader has indicated that it's seen it:
_oldBuffers.Add (Buffer);
// Make the new buffer current:
Buffer = newFile;
Length = newFile.Length;
Offset = StartingOffset;
// Release old buffers that have been read:
foreach (var buffer in _oldBuffers.Take (_oldBuffers.Count - 1).ToArray())
lock (buffer.DisposeLock)
if (!buffer.IsDisposed && buffer.Accessor.ReadBoolean (4))
_oldBuffers.Remove (buffer);
$"Cleaned file".DumpTrace();
protected override void DisposeCore()
foreach (var buffer in _oldBuffers) buffer.Dispose();
class InPipe : MutexFreePipe
int _lastMessageProcessed;
int _bufferCount;
readonly Action<byte []> _onMessage;
public InPipe (string name, bool createBuffer, Action<byte []> onMessage) : base (name, createBuffer)
_onMessage = onMessage;
new Thread (Go).Start();
void Go()
int spinCycles = 0;
while (true)
int? latestMessageID = GetLatestMessageID ();
if (latestMessageID == null) return; // We've been disposed.
if (latestMessageID > _lastMessageProcessed)
Thread.MemoryBarrier (); // We need this because of lock-free implementation
byte [] msg = GetNextMessage ();
if (msg == null) return;
if (msg.Length > 0 && _onMessage != null) _onMessage (msg); // Zero-length msg will be a buffer continuation
spinCycles = 1000;
if (spinCycles == 0)
if (IsDisposed) return;
Thread.MemoryBarrier (); // We need this because of lock-free implementation
unsafe int? GetLatestMessageID ()
lock (DisposeLock)
lock (Buffer.DisposeLock)
return IsDisposed || Buffer.IsDisposed ? (int?)null : *((int*)Buffer.Pointer);
unsafe byte [] GetNextMessage ()
lock (DisposeLock)
if (IsDisposed) return null;
lock (Buffer.DisposeLock)
if (Buffer.IsDisposed) return null;
byte* offsetPointer = Buffer.Pointer + Offset;
var msgPointer = (int*)offsetPointer;
int msgLength = *msgPointer;
Offset += MessageHeaderLength;
offsetPointer += MessageHeaderLength;
if (msgLength == 0)
Buffer.Accessor.Write (4, true); // Signal that we no longer need file
string newName = Name + "." + ++_bufferCount;
Buffer = new SafeMemoryMappedFile (MemoryMappedFile.OpenExisting (newName));
Offset = StartingOffset;
return new byte [0];
Offset += msgLength;
//MMF.Accessor.ReadArray (Offset, msg, 0, msg.Length); // too slow
var msg = new byte [msgLength];
Marshal.Copy (new IntPtr (offsetPointer), msg, 0, msg.Length);
return msg;
protected override void DisposeCore()
#region SafeDisposable
public class SafeDisposable : IDisposable
public object DisposeLock = new object();
public bool IsDisposed { get; private set; }
public void Dispose()
lock (DisposeLock)
if (!IsDisposed)
IsDisposed = true;
protected virtual void DisposeCore() { }
public void AssertSafe()
lock (DisposeLock)
if (IsDisposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException (GetType().Name + " has been disposed");
#region Extensions
static class Extensions
public static object GetUntypedResult (this Task t)
if (!t.GetType ().IsGenericType || t.GetType().GetGenericArguments().First().Name == "VoidTaskResult") return null;
return ((dynamic)t).Result;
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