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Forked from omnisis/
Created April 20, 2022 17:07
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Uploads a local M2 repo to a remote Nexus Server
#!/usr/bin/env python
Allows mirroring local M2 repositories to a remote Nexus server with a single command.
- uploading of common classifiers (sources, javadocs) if available
- using regex include pattern for artifactIds/groupIds
- recursively processing local repo, just point to the root
- only upload artifacts missing on server (with option to force if needed)
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import os
import os.path as path
import sys
import argparse
def list_files(root, ffilter = lambda x: True, recurse = True):
""" list all files matching a filter in a given dir with optional recursion. """
for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(root):
for f in filter(ffilter, files):
yield path.join(root, f)
if recurse:
for sdir in subdirs:
for f in list_files(sdir, ffilter, recurse):
yield f
def m2_maven_info(root):
""" walks an on-disk m2 repo yielding a dict of pom/gav/jar info. """
for pom in list_files(root, lambda x: x.endswith(".pom")):
rpath = path.dirname(pom).replace(root, '')
rpath_parts = filter(lambda x: x != '', rpath.split(os.sep))
info = { 'path': path.dirname(pom), 'pom': path.basename(pom) }
info['g'] = '.'.join(rpath_parts[:-2])
info['a'] = rpath_parts[-2:-1][0]
info['v'] = rpath_parts[-1:][0]
# check for jar
jarfile = pom.replace('.pom', '.jar')
if path.isfile(jarfile):
info['jar'] = path.basename(jarfile)
# check for sources
sourcejar = jarfile.replace('.jar', '-sources.jar')
if path.isfile(sourcejar):
info['source'] = path.basename(sourcejar)
# check for javadoc
docjar = jarfile.replace('.jar', '-javadoc.jar')
if path.isfile(docjar):
info['docs'] = docjar
yield info
def nexus_postform(minfo, repo_url, files, auth, form_params):
url = "%s/%s" % (repo_url, 'nexus/service/local/artifact/maven/content')
req =, files=files, auth=auth, data=form_params)
if req.status_code > 299:
print "Error communicating with Nexus!",
print "code=" + str(req.status_code) + ", msg=" + req.content
print "Successfully uploaded: " + last_attached_file(files, minfo)
def artifact_exists(repo_url, repo_id, auth, artifact_path):
url = "%s/nexus/content/repositories/%s/%s" % (repo_url, repo_id, artifact_path)
#print "Checking for: " + url
req = requests.head(url, auth=auth)
if req.status_code == 404:
return False
if req.status_code == 200:
print "Will *NOT* upload %s, artifact already exists" % (artifact_path)
return True
# for safety, return true if we cannot determine if file exists
print "Error checking status of: " + basename
return True
def last_attached_file(files, minfo):
m2_path = "%s/%s/%s" % (minfo['g'].replace('.','/'), minfo['a'], minfo['v'])
return "%s/%s" % (m2_path, files[-1][1][0])
def nexus_upload(maven_info, repo_url, repo_id, credentials=None, force=False):
def encode_file(basename):
fullpath = path.join(maven_info['path'], basename)
return ('file', (basename, open(fullpath, 'rb')))
files = []
basepath = maven_info['path']
payload = { 'hasPom':'true', 'r':repo_id }
auth = None
if credentials is not None:
auth = HTTPBasicAuth(credentials[0], credentials[1])
# append file params
if 'jar' in maven_info:
payload.update({'e': 'jar'})
last_artifact = last_attached_file(files, maven_info)
if force or not artifact_exists(repo_url, repo_id, auth, last_artifact) :
nexus_postform(maven_info, repo_url, files=files, auth=auth, form_params=payload)
if 'source' in maven_info:
files = [ encode_file(maven_info['pom']), encode_file(maven_info['source']) ]
payload.update({'e':'jar', 'c':'sources'})
last_artifact = last_attached_file(files, maven_info)
if force or not artifact_exists(repo_url, repo_id, auth, last_artifact):
nexus_postform(maven_info, repo_url, files=files, auth=auth, form_params=payload)
if 'docs' in maven_info:
files = [ encode_file(maven_info['pom']), encode_file(maven_info['docs']) ]
payload.update({'e':'jar', 'c':'javadoc'})
nexus_postform(repo_url, files=files, auth=auth, form_params=payload)
last_artifact = last_attached_file(files, maven_info)
if force or not artifact_exists(repo_url, repo_id, auth, last_artifact):
nexus_postform(maven_info, repo_url, files=files, auth=auth, form_params=payload)
def gav(info):
return (info['g'], info['a'], info['v'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Easily upload multiple artifacts to a remote Nexus server.')
parser.add_argument('repodirs', type=str, nargs='+',
help='list of repodirs to scan')
parser.add_argument('--repo-id', type=str, help='Repository ID (in Nexus) to u/l to.', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--auth',type=str, help='basicauth credentials in the form of username:password.')
parser.add_argument('--include-artifact','-ia', type=str, metavar='REGEX', help='regex to apply to artifactId')
parser.add_argument('--include-group', '-ig', type=str, metavar='REGEX', help='regex to apply to groupId')
parser.add_argument('--force-upload', '-F', action='store_true', help='force u/l to Nexus even if artifact exists.')
parser.add_argument('--repo-url', type=str, required=True,
help="Nexus repo URL (e.g. http://localhost:8081)")
args = parser.parse_args()
import re
igroup_pat = None
iartifact_pat = None
if args.include_group:
igroup_pat = re.compile(args.include_group)
if args.include_artifact:
iartifact_pat = re.compile(args.include_artifact)
for repo in args.repodirs:
print "Uploading content from [%s] to %s repo on %s" % (repo, args.repo_id, args.repo_url)
for info in m2_maven_info(repo):
# only include specific groups if group regex supplied
if igroup_pat and not['g']):
# only include specific artifact if artifact regex supplied
if iartifact_pat and not['a']):
print "\nProcessing: %s" % (gav(info),)
nexus_upload(info, args.repo_url, args.repo_id, credentials=tuple(args.auth.split(':')), force=args.force_upload)
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