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Last active November 21, 2023 18:26
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# Sources:
# -
# -
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('On', 'Off')]
[ValidateRange(1, 100)]
[ValidateRange(2700, 6500)]
function run {
param ($bytes)
&"$PSScriptRoot\hidapitester-windows-x86_64\hidapitester.exe" --quiet --vidpid 046D/C900 --usagePage FF43 --open --length 20 --send-output $bytes
Write-Host "State: $state, Brightness: $brightness, Temperature: $temperature"
switch ($state) {
'On' { run('0x11,0xff,0x04,0x1c,0x01') }
'Off' { run('0x11,0xff,0x04,0x1c,0x00') }
if ($state -eq 'On') {
# Remap brightness from 1-100 to 20-250
$adjustedBrightness = [Math]::Floor(($brightness - 1) / (100 - 1) * (250 - 20) + 20)
$temperatureAsBytes = [BitConverter]::GetBytes($temperature)
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