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Glenn Plas gplv2

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pjkelly /
Created August 11, 2011 18:59
Installing PHPUnit via Pear on Ubuntu Lucid
# Uninstall any pre-existing packaged
# versions of phpunit
sudo apt-get remove phpunit
# Install pear via apt-get
sudo apt-get install php-pear
# Update existing pear channels
sudo pear channel-update
predominant / .bash_logout
Created December 8, 2011 04:39
Automatic operations on logout from a server
## Commit configuration files.
if [ ! -d /etc/.git ]; then
cd /etc
git init
git config "Server Administrator"
git config "root@localhost"
hellerbarde / latency.markdown
Created May 31, 2012 13:16 — forked from jboner/latency.txt
Latency numbers every programmer should know

Latency numbers every programmer should know

L1 cache reference ......................... 0.5 ns
Branch mispredict ............................ 5 ns
L2 cache reference ........................... 7 ns
Mutex lock/unlock ........................... 25 ns
Main memory reference ...................... 100 ns             
Compress 1K bytes with Zippy ............. 3,000 ns  =   3 µs
Send 2K bytes over 1 Gbps network ....... 20,000 ns  =  20 µs
SSD random read ........................ 150,000 ns  = 150 µs

Read 1 MB sequentially from memory ..... 250,000 ns = 250 µs

bertspaan /
Last active March 17, 2018 17:40
TileMill project and SQL script to generate map tiles as seen on

Buildings in the Netherlands by year of construction

Map can be seen on The map shows all 9,866,539 buildings in the Netherlands, shaded according to year of construction. Data from BAG, via CitySDK. Map made with TileMill by Bert Spaan, Waag Society, inspired by BKLYNR.

This README file explains how to get the data, create the map and export high-res PNG and PDF files.

Download and import BAG data

First, install PostgreSQL and PostGIS. To download and import the latest BAG data into a local database, you can use the data, tools and tutorials provided

matteobertozzi /
Created November 27, 2013 05:17
postgres "server" wire protocol example
# th30z@u1310:[Desktop]$ psql -h localhost -p 55432
# Password:
# psql (9.1.10, server 0.0.0)
# WARNING: psql version 9.1, server version 0.0.
# Some psql features might not work.
# Type "help" for help.
# th30z=> select foo;
# a | b
# ---+---
msurguy /
Last active November 17, 2024 16:29
List of open source projects made with Laravel

Other people's projects:

My projects (tutorials are on my blog at

tkambler / hubot_plugin.js
Last active October 7, 2015 10:49
A simple script that demonstrates how you can create a Hubot plugin with raw JavaScript (i.e. without CoffeeScript)
var util = require('util');
* A simple script that demonstrates how you can create a Hubot plugin with raw
* JavaScript (i.e. without CoffeeScript)
var Plugin = function(robot) {
* Instruct Hubot to respond when a message is directed at him, like so:
deanrather / ErrorHandler.js
Created February 11, 2016 07:18
NodeJS Error Handler
function (err)
var stack = err.stack;
var timeout = 1;
// print note to logger
logger.log("SERVER CRASHED!");
ZhangYiJiang / ResetPassword.php
Created May 5, 2016 12:19
Reset user password command for Laravel
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use App\User;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\UserProvider;
class ResetPassword extends Command
gplv2 /
Last active July 13, 2017 16:46 — forked from jcowley/
Downgrade Apache + PHP on Ubuntu 14.04
cat <<EOF >> /etc/apt/sources.list
deb precise main restricted universe
deb precise-updates main restricted universe
deb precise-security main restricted universe multiverse
apt-get update
apt-get remove \
apache2 \