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Weblogic password decrypt python
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# python3 port from
# /console/ login account
# -i ~/wls<VERSION>/user_projects/domains/<DOMAIN_NAME>/security/SerializedSystemIni.dat
# -f ~/wls<VERSION>/user_projects/domains/<DOMAIN_NAME>/config/config.xml
from Cryptodome.Cipher import ARC2, AES, DES3
from Cryptodome.Hash import SHA
import struct
import re
import os
from base64 import b64decode
import functools
from optparse import OptionParser
# Script version
VERSION = '1.0'
# CRYPTO #######################################################################
# shortcut functions
unpad = lambda s : s[0:-s[-1]]
ceildiv = lambda n, d: (n + d - 1) // d
# key used by all Weblogic servers
WEBLOGIC_MASTER_KEY = "0xccb97558940b82637c8bec3c770f86fa3a391a56"
def unpack_helper(fmt, data):
size = struct.calcsize(fmt)
return struct.unpack(fmt, data[:size]), data[size:]
def PBKDF3(P, S, count, dklen, ivlen, hash):
def makelen(bytes, tolen):
q, r = divmod(tolen, len(bytes)) if bytes else (0, 0)
return bytes * q + bytes[:r]
u = hash.digest_size
v = hash.block_size
S = makelen(S, v * ceildiv(len(S), v))
P = makelen(P, v * ceildiv(len(P), v))
II = S + P
def kdf(xlen, id, I):
k = ceildiv(xlen, u)
D = (chr(id)*v).encode('utf-8')
A = []
for i in range(1, k+1):
Ai = functools.reduce(lambda Ai,_:, range(count), D + I)
if i == k:
B = btol(makelen(Ai, v)) + 1
I = ''.join([ltob(btol(I[j:j+v]) + B, v) for j in range(0, len(I), v)])
return b''.join(A)[:xlen], I
key, I = kdf(dklen, 1, II)
init, I = kdf(ivlen, 2, I) if ivlen > 1 else None
return key, init
def read_ini_file(path):
with open(path, 'br') as fd:
b =
(salt_len, ), b = unpack_helper("=B", b)
(salt, version, key_len), b = unpack_helper("=%ssBB" % salt_len, b)
(key, ), b = unpack_helper("=%ss" % key_len, b)
if version >= 2:
(key_len, ), b = unpack_helper("=B", b)
(key, ), b = unpack_helper("=%ss" % key_len, b)
return (salt, key)
def decrypt_pbe_with_and_128rc2_CBC(cipher_text, password, salt, count):
kdf = PBKDF3(password, salt, count, 16, 8, SHA)
cipher =[0], ARC2.MODE_CBC, kdf[1], effective_keylen=128)
secret_key = unpad(cipher.decrypt(cipher_text))
return secret_key
def decrypt_AES(key, data, salt):
# AES/CBC/PKCS5Paddin with iv = salt[:16]
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, data[:AES.block_size])
plain_password = unpad(cipher.decrypt(data[AES.block_size:]))
return plain_password
def decrypt_3DES(key, data, salt):
# DESEDE/CBC/PKCS5Padding with iv is the salt
cipher =, DES3.MODE_CBC, salt[DES3.block_size])
plain_password = cipher.decrypt(data)
return plain_password
# MAIN #########################################################################
parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options]\nVersion: " + VERSION)
parser.add_option("-i", "--ini", dest="ini_file", help="Path to SerializedSystemIni.dat file", default='./SerializedSystemIni.dat')
parser.add_option("-s", "--string", dest="cipher_string", help="Cipher string from config.xml")
parser.add_option("-f", "--config-file", dest="config_file", help="Weblogic configuration file", default='./config.xml')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not options.ini_file:
parser.error('Missing SerializedSystemIni.dat file')
datas = []
if options.cipher_string:
if options.cipher_string[:4] == '{AES':
datas = [(decrypt_AES, None, options.cipher_string.split('}')[1])]
elif options.cipher_string[:5] == '{3DES}':
datas = [(decrypt_3DES, None, options.cipher_string[5:])]
parser.error('Cipher string must start with "{AES}" or "{3DES}"')
elif options.config_file:
if not os.path.isfile(options.config_file):
parser.error('Config file does not exist')
with open(options.config_file) as fd:
lines = fd.readlines()
for line in lines:
name,value = line.split('=', 1)
if '{AES' in value:
datas += [(decrypt_AES, name, value.rstrip().split('}')[1])]
if '{3DES' in value:
datas += [(decrypt_3DES, name, value.rstrip().split('}')[1])]
if len(datas) == 0:
parser.error('No password found in the config file')
parser.error('Missing cipher string or configuration file')
# encode this key the "Java" encoding utf-16-be
password = (WEBLOGIC_MASTER_KEY + u'\0').encode('utf-16-be')
# read the ini file to get the salt and encryption key
salt, encryption_key = read_ini_file(options.ini_file)
# generate the secret-key using:
# - 5 rounds
secret_key = decrypt_pbe_with_and_128rc2_CBC(encryption_key, password, salt, 5)
for decrypt_fn, username, ciphertext in datas:
data = b64decode(ciphertext)
# decrypt the passwors using the correct cipher
plain_password = decrypt_fn(secret_key, data, salt)
if username:
print("[+] {}: {}".format(username, plain_password))
print("[+] Password: ", plain_password)
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