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Last active February 6, 2025 16:50
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IdeaVIM config
set NERDTree
set commentary
set highlightedyank
set ideajoin
set surround
Plug 'justinmk/vim-sneak'
" set scrolloff=5 sidescrolloff=10
" Line number
set relativenumber
set number
" Buffer
map <space>bn <Action>(NextTab)
map <space>bp <Action>(PreviousTab)
map <space>bd <Action>(CloseContent)
map <space>bl <Action>(Switcher)
" Diagnostic
nmap [g <Action>(GotoPreviousError)
nmap ]g <Action>(GotoNextError)
" Navigation
nmap ]] <Action>(MethodDown)
nmap [[ <Action>(MethodUp)
nmap <C-j> <Action>(MoveStatementDown)
nmap <C-k> <Action>(MoveStatementUp)
nmap <space>a <Action>(ShowIntentionActions)
" Goto
nmap gi <Action>(GotoImplementation)
nmap gr <Action>(FindUsages)
nmap gu <Action>(GotoSuperMethod)
nmap gt <Action>(GotoTest)
nmap gy <Action>(GotoTypeDeclaration)
nmap <silent> <C-h> :nohl<CR>
nmap <space>rr <Action>(IdeaVim.ReloadVimRc.reload)
nmap <space>s <Action>(ChooseRunConfiguration)
" Find
nmap <space>fa <Action>(GotoAction)
nmap <space>fc <Action>(GotoClass)
vmap <space>fc <Action>(GotoClass)
nmap <space>fd <Action>(GotoDatabaseObject)
vmap <space>fd <Action>(GotoDatabaseObject)
nmap <space>fr <Action>(RecentFiles)
nmap <space>ff <Action>(GotoFile)
vmap <space>ff <Action>(GotoFile)
nmap <space>fo <Action>(FileStructurePopup)
vmap <space>fo <Action>(FileStructurePopup)
nmap <space>ft <Action>(GotoSymbol)
vmap <space>ft <Action>(GotoSymbol)
nmap \\ <Action>(FindInPath)
vmap \\ <Action>(FindInPath)
" Git
nmap ]c <Action>(VcsShowNextChangeMarker)
nmap [c <Action>(VcsShowPrevChangeMarker)
nmap <space>gb <Action>(Git.Branches)
nmap <space>gf <Action>(Git.Fetch)
nmap <space>gm <Action>(Vcs.QuickListPopupAction)
nmap <space>gp <Action>(Vcs.UpdateProject)
nmap <space>gP <Action>(Vcs.Push)
nmap <space>gra <Action>(Git.Rebase.Abort)
nmap <space>grc <Action>(Git.Rebase.Continue)
nmap <space>gri <Action>(Git.Interactive.Rebase)
nmap <space>grs <Action>(Git.Rebase.Skip)
nmap <space>gR <Action>(Git.Rebase)
nmap <space>gZ <Action>(Vcs.RollbackChangedLines)
" Debugger
nmap <space>db <Action>(ToggleLineBreakpoint)
nmap <space>dB <Action>(AddConditionalBreakpoint)
nmap <space>de <Action>(EditBreakpoint)
nmap <space>dl <Action>(ViewBreakpoints)
nmap <space>dt <Action>(ToggleBreakpointEnabled)
nmap <space>dc <Action>(RunToCursor)
nmap <space>di <Action>(StepInto)
nmap <space>do <Action>(StepOver)
nmap <space>dO <Action>(StepOut)
nmap <space>dp <Action>(Pause)
nmap <space>dr <Action>(Resume)
nmap <space>dk <Action>(Stop)
nmap <space>dx <Action>(EvaluateExpression)
" Refactoring
nmap <space>rn <Action>(RenameElement)
nmap <space>ri <Action>(ImplementMethods)
nmap <space>ro <Action>(OverrideMethods)
nmap <space>rc <Action>(IntroduceConstant)
nmap <space>rf <Action>(IntroduceField)
nmap <space>rfp <Action>(IntroduceFunctionalParameter)
nmap <space>rp <Action>(IntroduceParameter)
nmap <space>rpo <Action>(IntroduceParameterObject)
nmap <space>rv <Action>(IntroduceVariable)
" Toggle
nmap <space>tt <Action>(ActivateTerminalToolWindow)
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