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Backpack Goods.Container.General.Resizable 2 Backpack UNLIM|Any 2 Backpack Backpack p.158
Barrel Goods.Container.General 30 Barrel UNLIM|Any 2 Barrel Barrel p.158
Basket Goods.Container.General 1 Basket UNLIM|Any 0.4 Basket Basket p.158
Bedroll Goods.General.Resizable 5 Bedroll 0.1 Bedroll Bedroll p.158
Bell Goods.General 0 Bell 1 Bell Bell p.158
Blanket, Winter Goods.General.Resizable Winter Blanket 3 Blanket, Winter 0.5 Blanket, Winter Blanket (Winter) p.158
Block and Tackle Goods.General 5 Block and Tackle 5 Block and Tackle Block and Tackle p.158
Bottle Goods.Container.General 1 Bottle 1.5|Liquid=3 2 Bottle Bottle (Glass) p.158
Bucket Goods.Container.General 2 Bucket UNLIM|Any 0.5 Bucket Bucket p.158
Caltrops Goods.General 2 Caltrops 1 Caltrops A caltrop is a four-pronged metal spike crafted so that one prong faces up no matter how the caltrop comes to rest. You scatter caltrops on the ground in the hope that your enemies step on them or are at least forced to slow down to avoid them. One 2-pound bag of caltrops covers an area 5 feet square.&nl;Each time a creature moves into an area covered by caltrops (or spends a round fighting while standing in such an area), it runs the risk of stepping on one. Make an attack roll for the caltrops (base attack bonus +0) against the creature. For this attack, the creature's shield, armor, and deflection bonuses do not count. If the creature is wearing shoes or other footwear, it gets a +2 armor bonus to AC. If the attack succeeds, the creature has stepped on a caltrop. The caltrop deals 1 point of damage, and the creature's speed is reduced by half because its foot is wounded. This movement penalty lasts for 24 hours, until the creature is successfully treated with a DC 15 Heal check, or until it receives at least 1 point of magical healing. A charging or running creature must immediately stop if it steps on a caltrop. Any creature moving at half speed or slower can pick its way through a bed of caltrops with no trouble.&nl;Caltrops may not work against unusual opponents. Caltrops p.155 Plural|No
Candle Goods.General.Consumable.Light Source Candle 0.01 Candle A candle dimly illuminates a small area, increasing the light level in a 5-foot radius by one step (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A candle cannot increase the light level above normal light. A candle burns for 1 hour. Candle p.155 ['Increases light level by one step|5 ft.', 'Duration|1 hr.', 'Increases light level by one step|5 ft.', 'Duration|1 hr.']
Canvas (sq. yd.) Goods.General 1 Canvas (sq. yd.) 0.1 Canvas (sq. yd.) Canvas (sq yd) p.158 Plural|No
Case, Scroll Goods.Container.General Scroll Case 0.5 Case, Scroll UNLIM|Total=10|Paper=10|Documents=10|Scroll=10 1 Case, Scroll Scroll Case p.158
Scroll Case.COPY=Case, Map Map Case Scroll Case.COPY=Case, Map Case, Map Map Case
Chain (10 ft.) Goods.General 2 Chain (10 ft.) 30 Chain (10 ft.) Chain has hardness 10 and 5 hit points. It can be burst with a DC 26 Strength check. Chain (10 ft) p.155 Plural|No
Chalk Goods.General Chalk 0.01 Chalk Chalk (1 Piece) p.158 Plural|No
Chest Goods.Container.General 25 Chest UNLIM|Any 2 Chest Chest p.158
Crowbar Goods.General 5 Crowbar 2 Crowbar A crowbar grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Strength checks made to force open a door or chest. If used in combat, treat a crowbar as a one-handed improvised weapon that deals bludgeoning damage equal to that of a club of its size. +2 circumstance bonus to Strength checks to force open a door or chest Crowbar p.155
Firewood, Per Day Goods.General Firewood 20 Firewood, Per Day 0.01 Firewood, Per Day Firewood (Per Day) p.158 Plural|No
Fishhook Goods.General Fishhook 0.1 Fishhook Fishhook p.158
Fishing Net Goods.General 5 Fishing Net 4 Fishing Net Fishing Net (25 sq ft) p.158
Flask Goods.Container.General.Flask 1.5 Flask 1|Liquid=1|Spell Component=1|Poison=1 0.03 Flask Flask p.158
Flint and Steel Goods.General Flint and Steel 1 Flint and Steel Lighting a torch with flint and steel is a full-round action, and lighting any other fire with them takes at least that long. Flint and Steel p.155 Plural|No
Grappling Hook Goods.General 4 Grappling Hook 1 Grappling Hook Throwing a grappling hook requires a ranged attack roll, treating the hook as a thrown weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. Objects with ample places to catch the hook are AC 5. Grappling Hook p.155
Hammer Goods.General 2 Hammer 0.5 Hammer If a hammer is used in combat, treat it as a one-handed improvised weapon that deals bludgeoning damage equal to that of a spiked gauntlet of its size. Hammer p.156
Hourglass Goods.General 1 Hourglass 25 Hourglass Hourglass p.158
Ink, 1 oz. Vial Goods.General.Writing.Liquid.Vial Ink Ink, 1 oz. Vial 8 Ink, 1 oz. Vial Ink in colors other than black costs twice as much. Ink (1 oz Vial) p.156 Plural|No
Ink, Colored, 1 oz. Vial Goods.General.Writing.Liquid.Vial Colored Ink Ink, Colored, 1 oz. Vial 16 Ink, Colored, 1 oz. Vial Ink in colors other than black costs twice as much. Ink (Color/1 oz Vial) p.156 Plural|No
Inkpen Goods.General.Writing Inkpen 0.1 Inkpen Inkpen p.158
Jug, Clay Goods.Container.General Jug 9 Jug, Clay 8|Liquid|Spell Component=1 0.03 Jug, Clay This basic jug is fitted with a stopper and holds 1 gallon of liquid. Jug (Clay) p.146
Ladder (10 ft.) Goods.General Ladder 20 Ladder (10 ft.) 0.2 Ladder (10 ft.) Ladder (10 ft) p.158
Lamp Goods.General.Light Source 1 Lamp 0.1 Lamp A lamp illuminates a small area, providing normal light in a 15-foot radius and increasing the light level by one step for an additional 15 feet beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A lamp does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. A lamp burns for 6 hours on one pint of oil. You can carry a lamp in one hand. Lamp (Common) p.156 ['Bright Illumination|15 ft.', 'Shadowy Illumination|30 ft.', 'Duration|6 hr./pint']
Lantern, Bullseye Goods.General.Light Source Bullseye Lantern 3 Lantern, Bullseye 12 Lantern, Bullseye A bullseye lantern provides normal light in a 60-foot cone and increases the light level by one step in the area beyond that, out to a 120-foot cone (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A bullseye lantern does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. A lantern burns for 6 hours on one pint of oil. You can carry a lantern in one hand. Lantern (Bullseye) p.156 ['Normal Illumination|60 ft. cone', 'Increases light level by 1 step|120 ft. cone', 'Duration|6 hr./pint']
Lantern, Hooded Goods.General.Light Source Hooded Lantern 2 Lantern, Hooded 7 Lantern, Hooded A hooded lantern sheds normal light in a 30-foot radius and increases the light level by one step for an additional 30 feet beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A hooded lantern does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. A lantern burns for 6 hours on one pint of oil. You can carry a lantern in one hand. Lantern (Hooded) p.156 ['Bright Illumination|30 ft.', 'Shadowy Illumination|60 ft.', 'Duration|6 hr./pint']
Lock, Simple Goods.General Simple Lock 1 Lock, Simple 20 Lock, Simple The DC to open a lock with the Disable Device skill depends on the lock's quality: simple (DC 20), average (DC 25), good (DC 30), or superior (DC 40). Lock (Simple) p.156
Lock, Average Goods.General Average Lock 1 Lock, Average 40 Lock, Average The DC to open a lock with the Disable Device skill depends on the lock's quality: simple (DC 20), average (DC 25), good (DC 30), or superior (DC 40). Lock (Average) p.156
Lock, Good Goods.General Good Lock 1 Lock, Good 80 Lock, Good The DC to open a lock with the Disable Device skill depends on the lock's quality: simple (DC 20), average (DC 25), good (DC 30), or superior (DC 40). Lock (Good) p.156
Lock, Superior Goods.General Superior Lock 1 Lock, Superior 150 Lock, Superior The DC to open a lock with the Disable Device skill depends on the lock's quality: simple (DC 20), average (DC 25), good (DC 30), or superior (DC 40). Lock (Superior) p.156
Manacles, Small Goods.General Small Manacles 2 Manacles, Small 15 Manacles, Small Manacles can bind a Medium creature. A manacled creature can use the Escape Artist skill to slip free (DC 30). Breaking the manacles requires a Strength check (DC 26). Manacles have hardness 10 and 10 hit points.&nl;Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the manacles.&nl;For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Small creature. For a Large creature, manacles cost 10 times the indicated amount, and for a Huge creature, 100 times the indicated amount. Gargantuan, Colossal, Tiny, Diminutive, and Fine creatures can be held only by specially made manacles, which cost at least 100 times the indicated amount. Manacles (Small) p.156 Plural|No
Manacles, Medium Goods.General Manacles 2 Manacles, Medium 15 Manacles, Medium Manacles can bind a Medium creature. A manacled creature can use the Escape Artist skill to slip free (DC 30). Breaking the manacles requires a Strength check (DC 26). Manacles have hardness 10 and 10 hit points.&nl;Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the manacles.&nl;For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Small creature. For a Large creature, manacles cost 10 times the indicated amount, and for a Huge creature, 100 times the indicated amount. Gargantuan, Colossal, Tiny, Diminutive, and Fine creatures can be held only by specially made manacles, which cost at least 100 times the indicated amount. Manacles (Medium) p.156 Plural|No
Manacles, Large Goods.General Large Manacles 8 Manacles, Large 150 Manacles, Large Manacles can bind a Medium creature. A manacled creature can use the Escape Artist skill to slip free (DC 30). Breaking the manacles requires a Strength check (DC 26). Manacles have hardness 10 and 10 hit points.&nl;Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the manacles.&nl;For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Small creature. For a Large creature, manacles cost 10 times the indicated amount, and for a Huge creature, 100 times the indicated amount. Gargantuan, Colossal, Tiny, Diminutive, and Fine creatures can be held only by specially made manacles, which cost at least 100 times the indicated amount. Manacles (Large) p.156 Plural|No
Manacles, Huge Goods.General Huge Manacles 32 Manacles, Huge 1500 Manacles, Huge Manacles can bind a Medium creature. A manacled creature can use the Escape Artist skill to slip free (DC 30). Breaking the manacles requires a Strength check (DC 26). Manacles have hardness 10 and 10 hit points.&nl;Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the manacles.&nl;For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Small creature. For a Large creature, manacles cost 10 times the indicated amount, and for a Huge creature, 100 times the indicated amount. Gargantuan, Colossal, Tiny, Diminutive, and Fine creatures can be held only by specially made manacles, which cost at least 100 times the indicated amount. Manacles (Huge) p.156 Plural|No
Manacles, Small Masterwork Goods.General.Masterwork Small Masterwork Manacles 2 Manacles, Small Masterwork 50 Manacles, Small Masterwork Manacles can bind a Medium creature. A manacled creature can use the Escape Artist skill to slip free (DC 35 for masterwork manacles). Breaking the manacles requires a Strength check (DC 28 for masterwork manacles). Manacles have hardness 10 and 10 hit points.&nl;Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the manacles.&nl;For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Small creature. For a Large creature, manacles cost 10 times the indicated amount, and for a Huge creature, 100 times the indicated amount. Gargantuan, Colossal, Tiny, Diminutive, and Fine creatures can be held only by specially made manacles, which cost at least 100 times the indicated amount. Manacles (Masterwork/Small) p.156 Plural|No
Manacles, Medium Masterwork Goods.General.Masterwork Masterwork Manacles 2 Manacles, Medium Masterwork 50 Manacles, Medium Masterwork Manacles can bind a Medium creature. A manacled creature can use the Escape Artist skill to slip free (DC 35 for masterwork manacles). Breaking the manacles requires a Strength check (DC 28 for masterwork manacles). Manacles have hardness 10 and 10 hit points.&nl;Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the manacles.&nl;For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Small creature. For a Large creature, manacles cost 10 times the indicated amount, and for a Huge creature, 100 times the indicated amount. Gargantuan, Colossal, Tiny, Diminutive, and Fine creatures can be held only by specially made manacles, which cost at least 100 times the indicated amount. Manacles (Masterwork/Medium) p.156 Plural|No
Manacles, Large Masterwork Goods.General.Masterwork Large Masterwork Manacles 8 Manacles, Large Masterwork 500 Manacles, Large Masterwork Manacles can bind a Medium creature. A manacled creature can use the Escape Artist skill to slip free (DC 35 for masterwork manacles). Breaking the manacles requires a Strength check (DC 28 for masterwork manacles). Manacles have hardness 10 and 10 hit points.&nl;Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the manacles.&nl;For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Small creature. For a Large creature, manacles cost 10 times the indicated amount, and for a Huge creature, 100 times the indicated amount. Gargantuan, Colossal, Tiny, Diminutive, and Fine creatures can be held only by specially made manacles, which cost at least 100 times the indicated amount. Manacles (Masterwork/Large) p.156 Plural|No
Manacles, Huge Masterwork Goods.General.Masterwork Huge Masterwork Manacles 32 Manacles, Huge Masterwork 5000 Manacles, Huge Masterwork Manacles can bind a Medium creature. A manacled creature can use the Escape Artist skill to slip free (DC 35 for masterwork manacles). Breaking the manacles requires a Strength check (DC 28 for masterwork manacles). Manacles have hardness 10 and 10 hit points.&nl;Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the manacles.&nl;For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Small creature. For a Large creature, manacles cost 10 times the indicated amount, and for a Huge creature, 100 times the indicated amount. Gargantuan, Colossal, Tiny, Diminutive, and Fine creatures can be held only by specially made manacles, which cost at least 100 times the indicated amount. Manacles (Masterwork/Huge) p.156 Plural|No
Mirror Goods.General 0.5 Mirror 10 Mirror Mirror (Small/Steel) p.158
Mug, Clay Goods.Container.General Mug 1 Mug, Clay 1|Liquid 0.02 Mug, Clay Mug (Clay) p.158
Mug (Clay).COPY=Tankard Mug (Clay).COPY=Tankard Tankard Tankard
Oil, 1 Pint Flask 10 Goods.General.Liquid.Flask.Consumable.Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.Fire.Splash Oil 1 x2 Oil, 1 Pint Flask 0.1 WEAPON|Splash Weapon Oil, 1 Pint Flask 1 A pint of oil burns for 6 hours in a lantern or lamp. You can also use a flask of oil as a splash weapon. Use the rules for alchemist's fire (see Special Substances and Items on Table 6-9), except that it takes a full-round action to prepare a flask with a fuse. Once it is thrown, there is a 50%% chance of the flask igniting successfully.&nl;You can pour a pint of oil on the ground to cover an area 5 feet square, provided that the surface is smooth. If lit, the oil burns for 2 rounds and deals 1d3 points of fire damage to each creature in the area. splash weapon, full-round action to prepare, 50% chance to ignite 1d6 M Oil (1 Pint Flask) p.157 Plural|No
Paper (Sheet) Goods.General.Writing.Documents Paper Paper (Sheet) 0.4 Paper Paper (Sheet) p.158 ['Plural|Sheets of', 'Single|Sheet of']
Parchment (Sheet) Goods.General.Writing.Documents Parchment Parchment (Sheet) 0.2 Paper, Parchment Parchment (Sheet) p.158 ['Plural|Sheets of', 'Single|Sheet of']
Pick, Miner's Goods.General Miner's Pick 10 Pick, Miner's 3 Pick, Miner's If a miner's pick is used in combat, treat it as a two-handed improvised weapon that deals piercing damage equal to that of a heavy pick of its size. Pick (Miner's) p.157
Pitcher, Clay Goods.Container.General Pitcher 5 Pitcher, Clay 4|Liquid 0.02 Pitcher, Clay Pitcher (Clay) p.158
Piton Goods.General 0.5 Piton 0.1 Piton Piton p.158
Pole (10 ft.) Goods.General Pole 8 Pole (10 ft.) 0.05 Pole (10 ft.) Pole (10 ft) p.158
Pot, Iron Goods.Container.General Pot 4 Pot, Iron UNLIM|Any 0.8 Pot, Iron Pot (Iron) p.158
Pouch, Belt Goods.Container.General.Resizable Belt Pouch 0.5 Pouch, Belt UNLIM|Any 1 Pouch, Belt Pouch (Belt) p.158
Ram, Portable Goods.General Portable Ram 20 Ram, Portable 10 Ram, Portable This iron-shod wooden beam gives you a +2 circumstance bonus on Strength checks made to break open a door and allows a second person to help, automatically increasing your bonus by 2. Ram (Portable) p.157
Rations, Trail Goods.Food.Resizable.Consumable Trail Ration 1 Rations, Trail 0.5 Rations, Trail Rations (Trail/Per Day) p.158
Rope (50 ft.) Goods.General 10 Rope (50 ft.) 1 Rope, Hemp (50 ft.) This rope has 2 hit points and can be burst with a DC 23 Strength check. Rope (Hemp/50 ft) p.157 Plural|No
Rope, Silk (50 ft.) Goods.General Silk Rope (50 ft.) 5 Rope, Silk (50 ft.) 10 Rope, Silk (50 ft.) This rope has 4 hit points and can be burst with a DC 24 Strength check. Rope (Silk/50 ft) p.157 Plural|No
Sack Goods.Container.General.Resizable 0.5 Sack UNLIM|Any 0.1 Sack Sack p.158
Sealing Wax Goods.General.Writing 1 Sealing Wax 1 Sealing Wax Sealing Wax p.158 Plural|No
Sewing Needle Goods.General Sewing Needle 0.5 Sewing Needle Sewing Needle p.158
Shovel Goods.General 8 Shovel 2 Shovel If a shovel is used in combat, treat it as a onehanded improvised weapon that deals bludgeoning damage equal to that of a club of its size. Shovel p.157
Shovel.COPY=Spade Shovel.COPY=Spade Spade Spade
Signal Whistle Goods.General Signal Whistle 0.8 Signal Whistle Signal Whistle p.158
Signet Ring Goods.General Signet Ring 5 Signet Ring Signet Ring p.158
Sledge Goods.General 10 Sledge 1 Sledge Sledge p.158
Soap Goods.General 1 Soap 0.5 Soap Soap p.158 Plural|No
Spyglass Goods.General 1 Spyglass 1000 Spyglass Objects viewed through a spyglass are magnified to twice their size. Characters using a spyglass take a -1 penalty on Perception skill checks per 20 feet of distance to the target, if the target is visible. Spyglass p.157
Tent Goods.General.Resizable 20 Tent 10 Tent, Small Tent (Small) p.158
Torch Goods.General.Consumable.Light Source 1 Torch 0.01 Torch A torch burns for 1 hour, shedding normal light in a 20-foot radius and increasing the light level by one step for an additional 20 feet beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A torch does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. If a torch is used in combat, treat it as a one-handed improvised weapon that deals bludgeoning damage equal to that of a gauntlet of its size, plus 1 point of fire damage. Torch p.157 ['Bright Illumination|20 ft.', 'Shadowy Illumination|40 ft.', 'Duration|1 hr.']
Vial Goods.Container.General.Vial Vial 1|Liquid=1|Spell Component=1|Poison=1 1 Vial A vial is made out of glass or steel and holds 1 ounce of liquid. Vial p.157
Water Clock Goods.General 200 Water Clock 1000 Water Clock This large, bulky contrivance gives the time accurately to within half an hour per day since it was last set. It requires a source of water, and it must be kept still because it marks time by the regulated flow of droplets of water. Water Clock p.157
Waterskin Goods.Container.General Waterskin 4|Liquid=4 1 Waterskin Waterskin p.158
Waterskin, Filled Goods.General.Resizable Waterskin 4 Waterskin, Filled 1 Waterskin, Filled Waterskin (Filled) p.158
Whetstone Goods.General 1 Whetstone 0.02 Whetstone Whetstone p.158
# Fri Nov 16 19:52:40 2018 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.08.00
# CVS $Revision: 20121 $ $Author: zaister $ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00
# Original RSRD Entry by: PCGen Data Team
# Pathfinder RPG Entry by: Stefan Radermacher
###Block: Adventuring Gear
# Equipment Name Unique Key SORTKEY Output Name Required Weapon Proficiency Type Contains Cost Weight Crit Mult Crit Range Damage Range Size Source Page Quality and value Special Property Description
Backpack KEY:Backpack SORTKEY:Backpack TYPE:Goods.Container.General.Resizable CONTAINS:UNLIM|Any COST:2 WT:2 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Barrel KEY:Barrel SORTKEY:Barrel TYPE:Goods.Container.General CONTAINS:UNLIM|Any COST:2 WT:30 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Basket KEY:Basket SORTKEY:Basket TYPE:Goods.Container.General CONTAINS:UNLIM|Any COST:0.4 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Bedroll KEY:Bedroll SORTKEY:Bedroll TYPE:Goods.General.Resizable COST:0.1 WT:5 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Bell KEY:Bell SORTKEY:Bell TYPE:Goods.General COST:1 WT:0 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Blanket, Winter KEY:Blanket (Winter) SORTKEY:Blanket, Winter OUTPUTNAME:Winter Blanket TYPE:Goods.General.Resizable COST:0.5 WT:3 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Block and Tackle KEY:Block and Tackle SORTKEY:Block and Tackle TYPE:Goods.General COST:5 WT:5 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Bottle KEY:Bottle (Glass) SORTKEY:Bottle TYPE:Goods.Container.General CONTAINS:1.5|Liquid=3 COST:2 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Bucket KEY:Bucket SORTKEY:Bucket TYPE:Goods.Container.General CONTAINS:UNLIM|Any COST:0.5 WT:2 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Caltrops KEY:Caltrops SORTKEY:Caltrops TYPE:Goods.General COST:1 WT:2 SOURCEPAGE:p.155 QUALITY:Plural|No DESC:A caltrop is a four-pronged metal spike crafted so that one prong faces up no matter how the caltrop comes to rest. You scatter caltrops on the ground in the hope that your enemies step on them or are at least forced to slow down to avoid them. One 2-pound bag of caltrops covers an area 5 feet square.&nl;Each time a creature moves into an area covered by caltrops (or spends a round fighting while standing in such an area), it runs the risk of stepping on one. Make an attack roll for the caltrops (base attack bonus +0) against the creature. For this attack, the creature's shield, armor, and deflection bonuses do not count. If the creature is wearing shoes or other footwear, it gets a +2 armor bonus to AC. If the attack succeeds, the creature has stepped on a caltrop. The caltrop deals 1 point of damage, and the creature's speed is reduced by half because its foot is wounded. This movement penalty lasts for 24 hours, until the creature is successfully treated with a DC 15 Heal check, or until it receives at least 1 point of magical healing. A charging or running creature must immediately stop if it steps on a caltrop. Any creature moving at half speed or slower can pick its way through a bed of caltrops with no trouble.&nl;Caltrops may not work against unusual opponents.
Candle KEY:Candle SORTKEY:Candle TYPE:Goods.General.Consumable.Light Source COST:0.01 SOURCEPAGE:p.155 QUALITY:Increases light level by one step|5 ft. QUALITY:Duration|1 hr. QUALITY:Increases light level by one step|5 ft. QUALITY:Duration|1 hr. DESC:A candle dimly illuminates a small area, increasing the light level in a 5-foot radius by one step (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A candle cannot increase the light level above normal light. A candle burns for 1 hour.
Canvas (sq. yd.) KEY:Canvas (sq yd) SORTKEY:Canvas (sq. yd.) TYPE:Goods.General COST:0.1 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.158 QUALITY:Plural|No
Case, Scroll KEY:Scroll Case SORTKEY:Case, Scroll OUTPUTNAME:Scroll Case TYPE:Goods.Container.General CONTAINS:UNLIM|Total=10|Paper=10|Documents=10|Scroll=10 COST:1 WT:0.5 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Scroll Case.COPY=Case, Map KEY:Map Case SORTKEY:Case, Map OUTPUTNAME:Map Case
Chain (10 ft.) KEY:Chain (10 ft) SORTKEY:Chain (10 ft.) TYPE:Goods.General COST:30 WT:2 SOURCEPAGE:p.155 QUALITY:Plural|No DESC:Chain has hardness 10 and 5 hit points. It can be burst with a DC 26 Strength check.
Chalk KEY:Chalk (1 Piece) SORTKEY:Chalk TYPE:Goods.General COST:0.01 SOURCEPAGE:p.158 QUALITY:Plural|No
Chest KEY:Chest SORTKEY:Chest TYPE:Goods.Container.General CONTAINS:UNLIM|Any COST:2 WT:25 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Crowbar KEY:Crowbar SORTKEY:Crowbar TYPE:Goods.General COST:2 WT:5 SOURCEPAGE:p.155 SPROP:+2 circumstance bonus to Strength checks to force open a door or chest DESC:A crowbar grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Strength checks made to force open a door or chest. If used in combat, treat a crowbar as a one-handed improvised weapon that deals bludgeoning damage equal to that of a club of its size.
Firewood, Per Day KEY:Firewood (Per Day) SORTKEY:Firewood, Per Day OUTPUTNAME:Firewood TYPE:Goods.General COST:0.01 WT:20 SOURCEPAGE:p.158 QUALITY:Plural|No
Fishhook KEY:Fishhook SORTKEY:Fishhook TYPE:Goods.General COST:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Fishing Net KEY:Fishing Net (25 sq ft) SORTKEY:Fishing Net TYPE:Goods.General COST:4 WT:5 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Flask KEY:Flask SORTKEY:Flask TYPE:Goods.Container.General.Flask CONTAINS:1|Liquid=1|Spell Component=1|Poison=1 COST:0.03 WT:1.5 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Flint and Steel KEY:Flint and Steel SORTKEY:Flint and Steel TYPE:Goods.General COST:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.155 QUALITY:Plural|No DESC:Lighting a torch with flint and steel is a full-round action, and lighting any other fire with them takes at least that long.
Grappling Hook KEY:Grappling Hook SORTKEY:Grappling Hook TYPE:Goods.General COST:1 WT:4 SOURCEPAGE:p.155 DESC:Throwing a grappling hook requires a ranged attack roll, treating the hook as a thrown weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. Objects with ample places to catch the hook are AC 5.
Hammer KEY:Hammer SORTKEY:Hammer TYPE:Goods.General COST:0.5 WT:2 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 DESC:If a hammer is used in combat, treat it as a one-handed improvised weapon that deals bludgeoning damage equal to that of a spiked gauntlet of its size.
Hourglass KEY:Hourglass SORTKEY:Hourglass TYPE:Goods.General COST:25 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Ink, 1 oz. Vial KEY:Ink (1 oz Vial) SORTKEY:Ink, 1 oz. Vial OUTPUTNAME:Ink TYPE:Goods.General.Writing.Liquid.Vial COST:8 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 QUALITY:Plural|No DESC:Ink in colors other than black costs twice as much.
Ink, Colored, 1 oz. Vial KEY:Ink (Color/1 oz Vial) SORTKEY:Ink, Colored, 1 oz. Vial OUTPUTNAME:Colored Ink TYPE:Goods.General.Writing.Liquid.Vial COST:16 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 QUALITY:Plural|No DESC:Ink in colors other than black costs twice as much.
Inkpen KEY:Inkpen SORTKEY:Inkpen TYPE:Goods.General.Writing COST:0.1 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Jug, Clay KEY:Jug (Clay) SORTKEY:Jug, Clay OUTPUTNAME:Jug TYPE:Goods.Container.General CONTAINS:8|Liquid|Spell Component=1 COST:0.03 WT:9 SOURCEPAGE:p.146 DESC:This basic jug is fitted with a stopper and holds 1 gallon of liquid.
Ladder (10 ft.) KEY:Ladder (10 ft) SORTKEY:Ladder (10 ft.) OUTPUTNAME:Ladder TYPE:Goods.General COST:0.2 WT:20 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Lamp KEY:Lamp (Common) SORTKEY:Lamp TYPE:Goods.General.Light Source COST:0.1 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 QUALITY:Bright Illumination|15 ft. QUALITY:Shadowy Illumination|30 ft. QUALITY:Duration|6 hr./pint DESC:A lamp illuminates a small area, providing normal light in a 15-foot radius and increasing the light level by one step for an additional 15 feet beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A lamp does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. A lamp burns for 6 hours on one pint of oil. You can carry a lamp in one hand.
Lantern, Bullseye KEY:Lantern (Bullseye) SORTKEY:Lantern, Bullseye OUTPUTNAME:Bullseye Lantern TYPE:Goods.General.Light Source COST:12 WT:3 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 QUALITY:Normal Illumination|60 ft. cone QUALITY:Increases light level by 1 step|120 ft. cone QUALITY:Duration|6 hr./pint DESC:A bullseye lantern provides normal light in a 60-foot cone and increases the light level by one step in the area beyond that, out to a 120-foot cone (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A bullseye lantern does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. A lantern burns for 6 hours on one pint of oil. You can carry a lantern in one hand.
Lantern, Hooded KEY:Lantern (Hooded) SORTKEY:Lantern, Hooded OUTPUTNAME:Hooded Lantern TYPE:Goods.General.Light Source COST:7 WT:2 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 QUALITY:Bright Illumination|30 ft. QUALITY:Shadowy Illumination|60 ft. QUALITY:Duration|6 hr./pint DESC:A hooded lantern sheds normal light in a 30-foot radius and increases the light level by one step for an additional 30 feet beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A hooded lantern does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. A lantern burns for 6 hours on one pint of oil. You can carry a lantern in one hand.
Lock, Simple KEY:Lock (Simple) SORTKEY:Lock, Simple OUTPUTNAME:Simple Lock TYPE:Goods.General COST:20 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 DESC:The DC to open a lock with the Disable Device skill depends on the lock's quality: simple (DC 20), average (DC 25), good (DC 30), or superior (DC 40).
Lock, Average KEY:Lock (Average) SORTKEY:Lock, Average OUTPUTNAME:Average Lock TYPE:Goods.General COST:40 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 DESC:The DC to open a lock with the Disable Device skill depends on the lock's quality: simple (DC 20), average (DC 25), good (DC 30), or superior (DC 40).
Lock, Good KEY:Lock (Good) SORTKEY:Lock, Good OUTPUTNAME:Good Lock TYPE:Goods.General COST:80 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 DESC:The DC to open a lock with the Disable Device skill depends on the lock's quality: simple (DC 20), average (DC 25), good (DC 30), or superior (DC 40).
Lock, Superior KEY:Lock (Superior) SORTKEY:Lock, Superior OUTPUTNAME:Superior Lock TYPE:Goods.General COST:150 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 DESC:The DC to open a lock with the Disable Device skill depends on the lock's quality: simple (DC 20), average (DC 25), good (DC 30), or superior (DC 40).
Manacles, Small KEY:Manacles (Small) SORTKEY:Manacles, Small OUTPUTNAME:Small Manacles TYPE:Goods.General COST:15 WT:2 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 QUALITY:Plural|No DESC:Manacles can bind a Medium creature. A manacled creature can use the Escape Artist skill to slip free (DC 30). Breaking the manacles requires a Strength check (DC 26). Manacles have hardness 10 and 10 hit points.&nl;Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the manacles.&nl;For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Small creature. For a Large creature, manacles cost 10 times the indicated amount, and for a Huge creature, 100 times the indicated amount. Gargantuan, Colossal, Tiny, Diminutive, and Fine creatures can be held only by specially made manacles, which cost at least 100 times the indicated amount.
Manacles, Medium KEY:Manacles (Medium) SORTKEY:Manacles, Medium OUTPUTNAME:Manacles TYPE:Goods.General COST:15 WT:2 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 QUALITY:Plural|No DESC:Manacles can bind a Medium creature. A manacled creature can use the Escape Artist skill to slip free (DC 30). Breaking the manacles requires a Strength check (DC 26). Manacles have hardness 10 and 10 hit points.&nl;Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the manacles.&nl;For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Small creature. For a Large creature, manacles cost 10 times the indicated amount, and for a Huge creature, 100 times the indicated amount. Gargantuan, Colossal, Tiny, Diminutive, and Fine creatures can be held only by specially made manacles, which cost at least 100 times the indicated amount.
Manacles, Large KEY:Manacles (Large) SORTKEY:Manacles, Large OUTPUTNAME:Large Manacles TYPE:Goods.General COST:150 WT:8 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 QUALITY:Plural|No DESC:Manacles can bind a Medium creature. A manacled creature can use the Escape Artist skill to slip free (DC 30). Breaking the manacles requires a Strength check (DC 26). Manacles have hardness 10 and 10 hit points.&nl;Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the manacles.&nl;For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Small creature. For a Large creature, manacles cost 10 times the indicated amount, and for a Huge creature, 100 times the indicated amount. Gargantuan, Colossal, Tiny, Diminutive, and Fine creatures can be held only by specially made manacles, which cost at least 100 times the indicated amount.
Manacles, Huge KEY:Manacles (Huge) SORTKEY:Manacles, Huge OUTPUTNAME:Huge Manacles TYPE:Goods.General COST:1500 WT:32 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 QUALITY:Plural|No DESC:Manacles can bind a Medium creature. A manacled creature can use the Escape Artist skill to slip free (DC 30). Breaking the manacles requires a Strength check (DC 26). Manacles have hardness 10 and 10 hit points.&nl;Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the manacles.&nl;For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Small creature. For a Large creature, manacles cost 10 times the indicated amount, and for a Huge creature, 100 times the indicated amount. Gargantuan, Colossal, Tiny, Diminutive, and Fine creatures can be held only by specially made manacles, which cost at least 100 times the indicated amount.
Manacles, Small Masterwork KEY:Manacles (Masterwork/Small) SORTKEY:Manacles, Small Masterwork OUTPUTNAME:Small Masterwork Manacles TYPE:Goods.General.Masterwork COST:50 WT:2 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 QUALITY:Plural|No DESC:Manacles can bind a Medium creature. A manacled creature can use the Escape Artist skill to slip free (DC 35 for masterwork manacles). Breaking the manacles requires a Strength check (DC 28 for masterwork manacles). Manacles have hardness 10 and 10 hit points.&nl;Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the manacles.&nl;For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Small creature. For a Large creature, manacles cost 10 times the indicated amount, and for a Huge creature, 100 times the indicated amount. Gargantuan, Colossal, Tiny, Diminutive, and Fine creatures can be held only by specially made manacles, which cost at least 100 times the indicated amount.
Manacles, Medium Masterwork KEY:Manacles (Masterwork/Medium) SORTKEY:Manacles, Medium Masterwork OUTPUTNAME:Masterwork Manacles TYPE:Goods.General.Masterwork COST:50 WT:2 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 QUALITY:Plural|No DESC:Manacles can bind a Medium creature. A manacled creature can use the Escape Artist skill to slip free (DC 35 for masterwork manacles). Breaking the manacles requires a Strength check (DC 28 for masterwork manacles). Manacles have hardness 10 and 10 hit points.&nl;Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the manacles.&nl;For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Small creature. For a Large creature, manacles cost 10 times the indicated amount, and for a Huge creature, 100 times the indicated amount. Gargantuan, Colossal, Tiny, Diminutive, and Fine creatures can be held only by specially made manacles, which cost at least 100 times the indicated amount.
Manacles, Large Masterwork KEY:Manacles (Masterwork/Large) SORTKEY:Manacles, Large Masterwork OUTPUTNAME:Large Masterwork Manacles TYPE:Goods.General.Masterwork COST:500 WT:8 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 QUALITY:Plural|No DESC:Manacles can bind a Medium creature. A manacled creature can use the Escape Artist skill to slip free (DC 35 for masterwork manacles). Breaking the manacles requires a Strength check (DC 28 for masterwork manacles). Manacles have hardness 10 and 10 hit points.&nl;Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the manacles.&nl;For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Small creature. For a Large creature, manacles cost 10 times the indicated amount, and for a Huge creature, 100 times the indicated amount. Gargantuan, Colossal, Tiny, Diminutive, and Fine creatures can be held only by specially made manacles, which cost at least 100 times the indicated amount.
Manacles, Huge Masterwork KEY:Manacles (Masterwork/Huge) SORTKEY:Manacles, Huge Masterwork OUTPUTNAME:Huge Masterwork Manacles TYPE:Goods.General.Masterwork COST:5000 WT:32 SOURCEPAGE:p.156 QUALITY:Plural|No DESC:Manacles can bind a Medium creature. A manacled creature can use the Escape Artist skill to slip free (DC 35 for masterwork manacles). Breaking the manacles requires a Strength check (DC 28 for masterwork manacles). Manacles have hardness 10 and 10 hit points.&nl;Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the manacles.&nl;For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Small creature. For a Large creature, manacles cost 10 times the indicated amount, and for a Huge creature, 100 times the indicated amount. Gargantuan, Colossal, Tiny, Diminutive, and Fine creatures can be held only by specially made manacles, which cost at least 100 times the indicated amount.
Mirror KEY:Mirror (Small/Steel) SORTKEY:Mirror TYPE:Goods.General COST:10 WT:0.5 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Mug, Clay KEY:Mug (Clay) SORTKEY:Mug, Clay OUTPUTNAME:Mug TYPE:Goods.Container.General CONTAINS:1|Liquid COST:0.02 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Mug (Clay).COPY=Tankard KEY:Tankard SORTKEY:Tankard
Oil, 1 Pint Flask KEY:Oil (1 Pint Flask) SORTKEY:Oil, 1 Pint Flask OUTPUTNAME:Oil PROFICIENCY:WEAPON|Splash Weapon TYPE:Goods.General.Liquid.Flask.Consumable.Weapon.Ranged.Thrown.Fire.Splash COST:0.1 WT:1 CRITMULT:x2 CRITRANGE:1 DAMAGE:1d6 RANGE:10 SIZE:M SOURCEPAGE:p.157 QUALITY:Plural|No SPROP:splash weapon, full-round action to prepare, 50% chance to ignite DESC:A pint of oil burns for 6 hours in a lantern or lamp. You can also use a flask of oil as a splash weapon. Use the rules for alchemist's fire (see Special Substances and Items on Table 6-9), except that it takes a full-round action to prepare a flask with a fuse. Once it is thrown, there is a 50%% chance of the flask igniting successfully.&nl;You can pour a pint of oil on the ground to cover an area 5 feet square, provided that the surface is smooth. If lit, the oil burns for 2 rounds and deals 1d3 points of fire damage to each creature in the area.
Paper (Sheet) KEY:Paper (Sheet) SORTKEY:Paper OUTPUTNAME:Paper TYPE:Goods.General.Writing.Documents COST:0.4 SOURCEPAGE:p.158 QUALITY:Plural|Sheets of QUALITY:Single|Sheet of
Parchment (Sheet) KEY:Parchment (Sheet) SORTKEY:Paper, Parchment OUTPUTNAME:Parchment TYPE:Goods.General.Writing.Documents COST:0.2 SOURCEPAGE:p.158 QUALITY:Plural|Sheets of QUALITY:Single|Sheet of
Pick, Miner's KEY:Pick (Miner's) SORTKEY:Pick, Miner's OUTPUTNAME:Miner's Pick TYPE:Goods.General COST:3 WT:10 SOURCEPAGE:p.157 DESC:If a miner's pick is used in combat, treat it as a two-handed improvised weapon that deals piercing damage equal to that of a heavy pick of its size.
Pitcher, Clay KEY:Pitcher (Clay) SORTKEY:Pitcher, Clay OUTPUTNAME:Pitcher TYPE:Goods.Container.General CONTAINS:4|Liquid COST:0.02 WT:5 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Piton KEY:Piton SORTKEY:Piton TYPE:Goods.General COST:0.1 WT:0.5 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Pole (10 ft.) KEY:Pole (10 ft) SORTKEY:Pole (10 ft.) OUTPUTNAME:Pole TYPE:Goods.General COST:0.05 WT:8 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Pot, Iron KEY:Pot (Iron) SORTKEY:Pot, Iron OUTPUTNAME:Pot TYPE:Goods.Container.General CONTAINS:UNLIM|Any COST:0.8 WT:4 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Pouch, Belt KEY:Pouch (Belt) SORTKEY:Pouch, Belt OUTPUTNAME:Belt Pouch TYPE:Goods.Container.General.Resizable CONTAINS:UNLIM|Any COST:1 WT:0.5 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Ram, Portable KEY:Ram (Portable) SORTKEY:Ram, Portable OUTPUTNAME:Portable Ram TYPE:Goods.General COST:10 WT:20 SOURCEPAGE:p.157 DESC:This iron-shod wooden beam gives you a +2 circumstance bonus on Strength checks made to break open a door and allows a second person to help, automatically increasing your bonus by 2.
Rations, Trail KEY:Rations (Trail/Per Day) SORTKEY:Rations, Trail OUTPUTNAME:Trail Ration TYPE:Goods.Food.Resizable.Consumable COST:0.5 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Rope (50 ft.) KEY:Rope (Hemp/50 ft) SORTKEY:Rope, Hemp (50 ft.) TYPE:Goods.General COST:1 WT:10 SOURCEPAGE:p.157 QUALITY:Plural|No DESC:This rope has 2 hit points and can be burst with a DC 23 Strength check.
Rope, Silk (50 ft.) KEY:Rope (Silk/50 ft) SORTKEY:Rope, Silk (50 ft.) OUTPUTNAME:Silk Rope (50 ft.) TYPE:Goods.General COST:10 WT:5 SOURCEPAGE:p.157 QUALITY:Plural|No DESC:This rope has 4 hit points and can be burst with a DC 24 Strength check.
Sack KEY:Sack SORTKEY:Sack TYPE:Goods.Container.General.Resizable CONTAINS:UNLIM|Any COST:0.1 WT:0.5 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Sealing Wax KEY:Sealing Wax SORTKEY:Sealing Wax TYPE:Goods.General.Writing COST:1 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.158 QUALITY:Plural|No
Sewing Needle KEY:Sewing Needle SORTKEY:Sewing Needle TYPE:Goods.General COST:0.5 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Shovel KEY:Shovel SORTKEY:Shovel TYPE:Goods.General COST:2 WT:8 SOURCEPAGE:p.157 DESC:If a shovel is used in combat, treat it as a onehanded improvised weapon that deals bludgeoning damage equal to that of a club of its size.
Shovel.COPY=Spade KEY:Spade SORTKEY:Spade
Signal Whistle KEY:Signal Whistle SORTKEY:Signal Whistle TYPE:Goods.General COST:0.8 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Signet Ring KEY:Signet Ring SORTKEY:Signet Ring TYPE:Goods.General COST:5 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Sledge KEY:Sledge SORTKEY:Sledge TYPE:Goods.General COST:1 WT:10 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Soap KEY:Soap SORTKEY:Soap TYPE:Goods.General COST:0.5 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.158 QUALITY:Plural|No
Spyglass KEY:Spyglass SORTKEY:Spyglass TYPE:Goods.General COST:1000 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.157 DESC:Objects viewed through a spyglass are magnified to twice their size. Characters using a spyglass take a -1 penalty on Perception skill checks per 20 feet of distance to the target, if the target is visible.
Tent KEY:Tent (Small) SORTKEY:Tent, Small TYPE:Goods.General.Resizable COST:10 WT:20 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Torch KEY:Torch SORTKEY:Torch TYPE:Goods.General.Consumable.Light Source COST:0.01 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.157 QUALITY:Bright Illumination|20 ft. QUALITY:Shadowy Illumination|40 ft. QUALITY:Duration|1 hr. DESC:A torch burns for 1 hour, shedding normal light in a 20-foot radius and increasing the light level by one step for an additional 20 feet beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A torch does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. If a torch is used in combat, treat it as a one-handed improvised weapon that deals bludgeoning damage equal to that of a gauntlet of its size, plus 1 point of fire damage.
Vial KEY:Vial SORTKEY:Vial TYPE:Goods.Container.General.Vial CONTAINS:1|Liquid=1|Spell Component=1|Poison=1 COST:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.157 DESC:A vial is made out of glass or steel and holds 1 ounce of liquid.
Water Clock KEY:Water Clock SORTKEY:Water Clock TYPE:Goods.General COST:1000 WT:200 SOURCEPAGE:p.157 DESC:This large, bulky contrivance gives the time accurately to within half an hour per day since it was last set. It requires a source of water, and it must be kept still because it marks time by the regulated flow of droplets of water.
Waterskin KEY:Waterskin SORTKEY:Waterskin TYPE:Goods.Container.General CONTAINS:4|Liquid=4 COST:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Waterskin, Filled KEY:Waterskin (Filled) SORTKEY:Waterskin, Filled OUTPUTNAME:Waterskin TYPE:Goods.General.Resizable COST:1 WT:4 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
Whetstone KEY:Whetstone SORTKEY:Whetstone TYPE:Goods.General COST:0.02 WT:1 SOURCEPAGE:p.158
# The code is still messy and experimental
# so I'm not going to post it here just yet.
def equip_lst_parser(**kwargs):
print("I'm parsing stuff")
# Also to save time scrolling through, I only posted 'Adventuring Gear'
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