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Last active February 9, 2025 06:18
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Downloading steam games from another computer/faster line

Framing the issue

With almost no bandwith at home, I needed a way to download DOOM that didn't involve blocking the home internet line for two days.


Using steamcmd you can use any computer to download steam games.


  1. Install it
  2. Open it and loging with your username and password: login username password
  3. Set the operating system and 32/64 bits of the game. For example I downloaded DOOM from a mac for a 64bit Windows
  • @sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows
  • @sSteamCmdForcePlatformBitness 64
  1. Choose a folder name: force_install_dir ./DOOM
  2. Go to and find the APPID of the game you want to download.
  3. Download: app_update 379720 validate

This will generate a folder called DOOM with the game inside and one extra folder: steamapps where an appmanifest_xxx.vcf file will be created.

Installing the game back at your gaming rig.

  1. Close steam.
  2. Find your steam folder
  3. copy the game where the other games are. Usually the steamapps\common folder. Leave the name of the folder unchanged
  4. From the game you've just copied, move the appmanifest file with the other manifests in the steamapps folder.
  5. Open steam and you should see your game as installed in your library.
  6. You can verify that your game is ok following these instructions.
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avtar commented Jul 27, 2019

Thanks for documenting this. One suggestion though, in the 'Downloading' section step #7 could be opening the vcf file to see what the installdir value is and making sure the same name is used for the downloaded game. Otherwise Steam will create that directory and end up downloading the game anyway once it detects an empty directory.

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graffic commented Jul 31, 2019

Good addition @avtar Thanks

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Tried to use this to solve a publisher screwup. Arma 2 US version (33900) is what's needed to install the DLC, but ROW version (33910) is what is in the Anniversary bundle that I bought. Parts of Steam think I own the game, other parts don't. It's crazy, and they won't fix it, nor can I buy the correct version now, since Steam says it would be a dupe.

Anyway, got this in response, when following instructions above:

ERROR! Failed to install app '33900' (Missing configuration)

Any ideas? If I can just get the darned thing installed, with the correct appid showing in the folder (or wherever) my license key would work fine.

Ironically, I'd previously bought the standalone, non-Steam version, but now it won't install, and tells me to go use Steam. Grrr.

Any advice is appreciated.

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graffic commented Aug 8, 2019

@CthulhuGits Unfortunately I don't know what your issue can be. I'd recommend to contact steam support.

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l0nax commented Jan 3, 2020

@graffic Thanks for this awesome Guide! It saved me a lot of time.

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Thanks a lot this guide.
Having a really (really really) bad internet connection at home, I can now download Steam games from anywhere.
I've used this tutorial three times and it worked like a charm everytime.

After the install, I usually need to download a small patch (some "common steam library" thing) and I'm good to go.

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graffic commented Sep 3, 2020

You are welcome @l0nax & @HavokInspiration

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Can I download it using aria2

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Thanks a lot man, you saved my bandwidth.

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