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Created February 15, 2018 05:28
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Useful Resources


Over time I come across lots of useful resources but then quickly forget about them. What a shame. So I have decided to put it all together in this page. Hopefully this page will come in handy one day. Will populate this page from time to time.

Dictionary type web / app

AI / Machine Learning / Deep Learning

Colfax Cluster Related

Scientific Papers Repository

  • ARXIV - Cornell University Library - Open access to 1,259,592+ e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics
  • ARXIV Sanity - Built in spare time by @karpathy to accelerate research.
  • Science Direct- Explore scientific, technical, and medical research on ScienceDirect.

Intel Software Innovator


Inspiring Blogs from people I've met

  • Karey Helms Portforlio - Human Interaction Design: Met Karey from an Intel Edison Workshop. She's got a portforlio with some pretty interesting projects!
  • Robo Kitty by Kathryn White: Kathryn is one of the most tech-savy, artistic, adventurous person I've come across in my professional career. She is a web developer, a 3D-printer maker/hacker, and an artist.
  • Connecting Nerons: My friends from FabLabLondon (Suzie, Heman, Nealesh) are launching their Kickstarter campaign on this new and exciting boardgame in Feburary 2016. I'm keeping an eye.
  • Shane Gryzko Blog: I met Shane via the FinTech Hackathon at Startup Bootcamp during a Halloween weekend at Startup Bootcamp London (by the Tower Bridge / Tower of London). A good friend who is always up for new challenges. Specialises in C++ and love exploring new technologies.
  • Adam Waxman technical blog: a fantastic technical blog on Ruby, web development, and more.
  • Paul A. Jungwirth: an awesome guy who has helped me out on a Rails query in a day on [this Stackoverflow forum[(
  • Petar Kormushev: an awesome Imperial College professional in Robotics and Machine Learning.
  • James K Nelson: awesome blog posts on JavaScripts / ES6 / React, etc. The MemAMug Project sounds cool - using Rails as Server-side API, and React for front-end client.
  • Full-Stack Redux Tutorial: a Comprehensive Guide to Test-First Development with Redux, React, and Immutableby Tero Parviainen (@teropa)
  • Michele's music - from my musician friend Michele Quaglio.


How I write Scientific Blog Posts That Contains Codes and Mathematical Expressions - a Quick Reference - with Wordpress, Gist and Mathjax: I've written this post to summarize all that is needed to know about writing Scientific Blog Posts in Markdown Syntax, in which the blog posts are used to document codes and mathematical expressions. This is my own little "how to" bible article. In case things go wrong in future (which I hope not!), this article might just hopefully will save myself!

Gist: I tend to write blog posts with Sublime Text Editor, save as a markdown (.md) file, and store the .md file on Gist. This is a nice way of writing blog posts with tons of code blogs. I then embed the Gist Embed URL in my WordPress blog content (check out the oEmbed Gist WordPress plugin). When the person view my blog post, he/she is essentially viewing the markdown file that I store inside Gist. the Content Management System (CMS) that I use for the overall website design and on-going operations. I use the Wordpress TwentyFourteen theme as a base theme, then tweaked it (via a child theme for safety) as I go along. Google-ing and Youtube-ing helped me a LOT.

oEmbedGist Plugin: Install this oEmbedGist plugin in wordpress to embed Gist items in blog posts. I tend to write the entire blog post in Gist, then simply embed the Gist embed URL (a oneliner) in the blog post.

MathJax Script: If the Gist Markdown post contains Tex Mathematical symbols / equations (inline and/or display), make sure to include the two scripts suggested by Patrick Oscity (i.e. the accepted answer), prior embedding the Gist URL. This is to ensure Mathematical symbols and equations to render correctly when viewed via wordpress. i.e. The Wordpress post should contain three scripts. Patrick's Script 1 and 2, followed by the Gist embed URL script.

MathJax Cheatsheet: for quick references of inserting mathematical symbols and equations into a Markdown blog post. Latex Syntax - Cheatsheet might also come in handy.

MathJax Guide by Martin Keefe: another very good MathJax cheatsheet.

StackEdit: This free online tool might come in handy for quickly testing out Tex maths equations.

SciWeaver: Another free online tool for quickly testing out Tex maths equations. It renders the maths a graphic file which can be saved away. This can be handy sometime.

Sublime Text - my new favourite text editor. I write blog with it all the time now!

Notepad++ - another very cool editor.

GeoGeBra - looks like a good potential good software to accurately draw geometry diagrams.

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

Udacity: my current favourite. A site full of education around data analysis, app development, and other cool stuff! Courses are taught by instructors from the like of Google and Facebook.

Udemy: did some tutorials on Java and Python. Taught by instructors from all over the world. It's like YouTube tutorials but more organized.

Coursera: the Standard Machine Learning course by Andrew Ng can be found here. I hope to go through the course one day!

MIT Open Courseware: Spent a week going through all the video lectures on Artificial Intelligence taught by Prof Patrick Henry Winston. I even bought his book on ebay afterwards!

MyCodeSchool an excellent YouTube channel containing tons of very good playlists on C/C++, Data Structures, Algorithms, etc. The videos are very well made (quite Udacity like and if not, better :). Also see their official site

HackerRank: offers free coding practices and challenges. Definitely need checking out this site.

CodeAcademy: where I learn JavaScript!

CodeSchool: a pretty cool interactive platform where you get to leran new programming languages via very intersting exercises.

Code4Startup: learn to code by cloning startups / websites!

Katacoda: Docker, Kebernetes, and more! (free courses)

Descriptive / Inferential Statistics - Interactivate Activities: tons of statistical web applications. The Histogram is very cool.

Wolfram Alpha - copy and paste a list of numbers to the box (separated by comma). This cool applet will work out relationships for you. e.g. histograms, statistics, etc.

Sampling Distribution - by This is a very cool tool to simulate sampling distribution. I first learnt about this from This Udacity Intro to Descriptive Statistics Tutorial.

The Klout Score - The Klout Score is a number between 1-100 that represents your influence. The more influential you are, the higher your Klout Score. I first learnt about this from This Udacity Intro to Descriptive Statistics Tutorial. - virtual shufflers: a virtual Shufflers, such as dice, playing cards, etc. This may be used to complete the final project for the Udacity Intro to Descriptive Statistics Course.

Graph Pad: An online software to quickly compute statistics (e.g. distributions, P values, random numbers, etc.).

z Table: Use z-table when the population distribution parameters are given. Use this to find proportion of population below a given a Z-Score. Or vice versa, given the probability of a population being picked that is below an unknown Z-Score, find the Z-Score.

t Table: Use t-table when the population parameters are not given. Use it similar to a similar fashion as the z-table. df is the degree-of-freedom. Given a sample size of n, the df is n - 1.

F Table: Use the F Table to find the critical F statistic when performing ANOVA analysis. e.g. say we are comparing the means and variations of more than 2 samples, are at least two samples significantly different to each other?

q Table: If the F Hypothesis Test is significant, perform Multiple Comparison Test. This requires the Tukey's HSD (Honest Significant Difference), which requires the q-value - from this q-table.

Chi-Square Table: Use this to perform Chi-Square Test for Independence. (Udacity Intro to Inferential Statistics - Lesson 16.)



C++ Programming

Accelerated C++ by Andrew Koening and Babara Moo, 2000: this is the book I used when first learnt to program in C++. I love the way the author starts by a problem, then introduces you to the tools to solve that problem. After solving a few problems with the techniques used in the book, my C++ skills had gone up a knotch.The godsend knowledge is the asymmetric range [m, n) - meaning from m (inclusive) to n (exclusive).

JavaScript / NodeJS

CSS Styling

Ruby / Ruby-on-Rails


# Other

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