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Last active September 20, 2022 12:48
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Solution for "Understanding Reflection in Dart" video tutorial on YouTube
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:mirrors';
main() async {
var server = await HttpServer.bind('localhost', 8085);
await for (HttpRequest req in server) {
// Create InstanceMirror type from which
// we retrieve metadata information
var ref = reflect(Endpoint(req));
var path = req.uri.path;
var routeAnnotation = ref.type.metadata
.firstWhere((meta) => meta.reflectee is Route, orElse: () => null);
if (routeAnnotation != null && path == (routeAnnotation.reflectee as Route).url) {
ref.type.instanceMembers.forEach((_, member) {
// Make initial checks to target the correct members
if (member.isOperator ||
!member.isRegularMethod ||
member.owner.simpleName != #Endpoint) return;
// Read the @RouteMethod annotations
var routeMethod = member.metadata.firstWhere(
(meta) => meta.reflectee is RouteMethod,
orElse: () => null);
// Match correct @RouteMethod and...
if (routeMethod != null && (routeMethod.reflectee as RouteMethod).method == req.method) {
// ...invoke instance method
ref.invoke(member.simpleName, []);
await req.response.close();
// Annotations
class Route {
const Route(this.url);
final String url;
class RouteMethod {
const RouteMethod(this.method);
const RouteMethod.get() : this('GET');
const : this('POST');
const RouteMethod.put() : this('PUT');
const RouteMethod.delete() : this('DELETE');
final String method;
// Annotated class
class Endpoint {
final HttpRequest _req;
handleGet() => _req.response.write('Got GET request.');
handlePost() => _req.response.write('Got POST request.');
handlePut() => _req.response.write('Got PUT request.');
handleDelete() => _req.response.write('Got DELETE request.');
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