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Created January 24, 2014 14:34
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English lang.yml
# AntiCheat language file
# Please report any bugs:
- '&player has just entered the &group hack group.'
- '&player''s last failed check was: &check.'
- 'Type ''/anticheat report &player'' for more information.'
- '[AntiCheat] Hacking is not permitted.'
- '[AntiCheat] If you continue to hack, action will be taken.'
warning: 'Stop spamming the server or you will be kicked!'
kick_reason: 'Kicked for spamming'
ban_reason: 'Banned for spamming'
kick_broadcast: '&player was kicked for spamming'
ban_broadcast: '&player was banned for spamming'
ban_reason: 'Banned by AntiCheat'
ban_broadcast: '&player was banned for hacking.'
kick_reason: 'Kicked by AntiCheat'
kick_broadcast: '&player was kicked for hacking.'
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