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Created June 19, 2023 01:26
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I apologize for the inconvenience, it seems there was an error in retrieving the molecular structure of caffeine. However, you can use the Qiskit's `Molecule` class to define a molecule and its quantum states. Here is an example:
from qiskit_nature.drivers import PySCFDriver
from qiskit_nature.problems.second_quantization.electronic import ElectronicStructureProblem
from qiskit_nature.mappers.second_quantization import ParityMapper
from qiskit_nature.converters.second_quantization.qubit_converter import QubitConverter
from qiskit_nature.transformers import FreezeCoreTransformer
# Define a molecule
molecule = 'H .0 .0 .0; H .0 .0 0.735'
driver = PySCFDriver(atom=molecule)
qmolecule =
# Freeze the core
problem = ElectronicStructureProblem(driver, [FreezeCoreTransformer()])
# Generate the second-quantized operators
second_q_ops = problem.second_q_ops()
# Hamiltonian
main_op = second_q_ops[0]
# Setup the mapper and qubit converter
mapper = ParityMapper()
converter = QubitConverter(mapper=mapper, two_qubit_reduction=True)
# The fermionic operators are mapped to qubit operators
num_particles = (problem.molecule_data_transformed.num_alpha,
qubit_op = converter.convert(main_op, num_particles=num_particles)
This script creates a simple molecule (two hydrogen atoms) and maps its Hamiltonian to a qubit operator which can be used in a quantum algorithm. You can replace the `molecule` string with the atomic coordinates of caffeine to study its quantum states. Please note that this is a simplified example and real-world applications might require additional steps and considerations.
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