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Created August 6, 2011 14:38
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Using Pusher API with Play framework in scala for publishing events
// Implementing the publishing Pusher REST API
// @see
// with Play (scala) Framework
// @see
class Pusher {
val appId = Play.configuration.getProperty("pusher.appId")
val key = Play.configuration.getProperty("pusher.key")
val secret = Play.configuration.getProperty("pusher.secret")
import java.math.BigInteger
import javax.crypto.Mac
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
def trigger(channel:String, event:String, message:String):HttpResponse = {
val domain = ""
val url = "/apps/"+appId+"/channels/"+channel+"/events";
val body = message
val params = List(
("auth_key", key),
("auth_timestamp", (new Date().getTime()/1000) toInt ),
("auth_version", "1.0"),
("name", event),
("body_md5", md5(body))
).sort( (a,b) => a._1 < b._1 ).map( o => o._1+"="+WS.encode(o._2.toString) ).mkString("&");
val signature = sha256( List("POST", url, params).mkString("\n"), secret );
def byteArrayToString(data: Array[Byte]) = {
val hash = new BigInteger(1, data).toString(16);
"0"*(32-hash.length) + hash
def md5(s: String):String = byteArrayToString(MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(s.getBytes("US-ASCII")));
def sha256(s: String, secret: String):String = {
val mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
mac.init(new SecretKeySpec( secret.getBytes(), "HmacSHA256"));
val digest = mac.doFinal(s.getBytes());
String.format("%0" + (digest.length << 1) + "x", new BigInteger(1, digest));
Usage example :
object WebSockets extends Pusher {
val channel = Play.configuration.getProperty("")
def trigger(event:String, message:String):HttpResponse = trigger(channel, event, message)
object Test {
def test = WebSockets.trigger("hello", "{ \"message\": \"test\" }")
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