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Jonathan greenbigfrog

  • Germany
  • 10:28 (UTC +01:00)
View GitHub Profile
greenbigfrog /
Last active December 1, 2022 19:55
ISDT C4 teardown, fan replacement, how to open

Had trouble finding info on how to open the ISDT C4, until I finally somehow found this video:

There's a total of 6 screws. 2 in the battery bay, and 4 under the screen: taken from video linked above

Maybe putting this here, will make it easier for google...

Other stuff

Some other cool mods/hacks I found on thingiverse and might try myself at some point:

greenbigfrog / boot.bash
Last active February 23, 2021 10:49
Dogecoin "Super"Node Quick Setup
sudo apt-get -y install libboost-all-dev tmux git aria2 < /dev/null
echo 'ln -s ~/dogecoin-bootstrap-2021-01-29 ~/.dogecoin' >> ~/hook.bash
chmod +x ~/hook.bash
tmux new-session -d 'aria2c --check-integrity=true --bt-max-peers=0 --seed-ratio=0 --on-bt-download-complete="/root/hook.bash" dogecoin-bootstrap-2021-01-29.torrent'
while [ ! -d ~/.dogecoin ];do for s in / - \\ \|; do printf "\r$s Waiting for torrent to finish";sleep 1;done;done
chmod +x dogecoin*
greenbigfrog /
Last active February 24, 2021 04:52
How to install docker dogecoin node
# version
# Betaflight / STM32F405 (S405) 4.2.2 Aug 16 2020 / 01:46:41 (e833ac612) MSP API: 1.43
# config: manufacturer_id: AIRB, board_name: OMNIBUSF4SD, version: 3a35e73b, date: 2019-09-30T05:46:12Z
# start the command batch
batch start
board_name OMNIBUSF4SD
manufacturer_id AIRB
gbf 775.64M ( 1.29ns) (± 1.99%) 0 B/op fastest
builtin 231.94M ( 4.31ns) (± 1.15%) 0 B/op 3.34× slower
ssh-rsa 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 frog@thebar
*Is that a drone?* Depends on your definition.
*How fast does it go?* Ludicrous Speed.
*How high does it fly?* Who's asking?
*How much does it cost to buy one?* More than you can probably afford.
*Should I call the police?* Only if you want to give them something to do.

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am greenbigfrog on github.
  • I am greenbigfrog ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 2EB2 1F1A 3087 86C5 16E9 5647 D238 903E A57E 39EE

To claim this, I am signing this object:

greenbigfrog / gist:f74219941615d70f8fd0fc009fd23578
Created August 22, 2016 13:48
Methods to hide your bot's token (Configatron, DotENV, YAML)
# Don't share your bot's token with anyone!
Your application's token is essentially the password to your bot's account. If this token is shared publicly, then anyone can log into your bot's account and do whatever they like with it.
**It is strongly recommended that you take steps to hide your token when hosting an open-source bot on GitHub, or other public platforms, that can be viewed by anyone.**
Below are several methods to do this.
## 1. [Configatron](