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gregberns / gist:1d089693da82830d708a7d1f1c814de1
Created February 10, 2025 16:26
Postgres Global string search
-- This function will do a global search through a Postgres database.
needle text,
haystack_tables name[] default '{}',
haystack_schema name[] default '{}'
RETURNS table(schemaname text, tablename text, columnname text, rowctid text)
AS $$
gregberns / sql
Last active January 29, 2025 20:12
ERD: Postgres SQL to MermaidJs
-- This will query your Postgres DB, and generate MermaidJs formatted ERD
SELECT 'erDiagram'
format(E'%s { %s\n}',
format(E'\n %s %s',
gregberns /
Last active March 31, 2022 12:34
FP Refactor

Rewrite this function to be as succinct as possible! (Hint: One function needed and an In-Fix Operator)

(a, b) => doStuff(_ => a, b)
gregberns /
Created November 29, 2021 07:47
Introduction to Yoneda and Coyoneda

Introduction to Yoneda and Coyoneda

Yoneda (and its duel Coyoneda) is well known in the Category Theory field and has been ported over to functional languages such as Haskell. Each have their uses - sometimes in similar scenarios, also in very different ways.

This will be a newbie's explanation of the concept, using Haskell to illustrate, without any Category Theory.

From what I've read, the Yonedas are not 'daily-drivers' (not used everyday), but rather can be pulled out when the time is right.

Uses: Both Yoneda's can be used to help speed up a program where there are many fmap with long lists or big trees involved. Coyoneda can be used if you want to create an 'interface' and build up calculations, then pass those calculations to an 'executor' to run them.

gregberns / StoreCompose.hs
Created July 19, 2021 06:05
Store Compose
compose ::
Lens b c ->
Lens a b ->
Lens a c
compose (Lens g) (Lens f) =
( \a ->
let Store s2 g2 = f a
Store s3 g3 = g g2
in Store (s2 . s3) g3
gregberns / BinaryTreeComonad.hs
Created July 6, 2021 00:44
Comonadic Binary Tree in Haskell
data BinaryTree3 v a
= Node3 v a (BinaryTree3 v a) (BinaryTree3 v a)
| Leaf3 v a
deriving (Show)
-- Node3 (Node3 0 False (Node3 1 False (Leaf3 3 False) (Leaf3 4 False)) (Leaf3 2 True)) False
-- (Node3 (Node3 1 False (Leaf3 3 False) (Leaf3 4 False)) False
-- (Leaf3 (Leaf3 3 False) False)
-- (Leaf3 (Leaf3 4 False) False))
-- (Leaf3 (Leaf3 2 True) True)
gregberns / ListZipper.hs
Created July 3, 2021 05:56
ListZipper duplicate
-- duplicate $ ListZipper (2:.1:.Nil) 3 (4:.5:.Nil)
-- [[1] >2< [3,4,5],[] >1< [2,3,4,5]] >[2,1] >3< [4,5]< [[3,2,1] >4< [5],[4,3,2,1] >5< []]
-- data ListZipper a = ListZipper [a] a [a]
duplicate :: ListZipper a -> ListZipper (ListZipper a)
duplicate z@(ListZipper l i r) =
let moveLeft (x :. xs) i rs = ListZipper xs x (i :. rs) :. moveLeft xs x (i :. rs)
moveLeft Nil _ _ = Nil
moveRight ls i (x :. xs) = ListZipper (i :. ls) x xs :. moveRight (i :. ls) x xs
moveRight _ _ Nil = Nil
gregberns / main.hs
Created July 2, 2021 06:42
How to make a Foldable Instance with multiple parameters
-- This code doesn't work...
-- How can you make a multi-parameter data type be Foldable?
-- foldMap over `a` so it can be converted to a Monoid
data BinaryTree3 a v
= Node3 a (BinaryTree3 a v) (BinaryTree3 a v)
| Leaf3 a v
deriving (Show)
instance Foldable (BinaryTree3 a) where
gregberns /
Created May 12, 2021 18:05
OCaml AST - ToString and Evaluation
Below is OCaml code that defines an AST (based on an ML style language) and does two things:
* Takes the AST and prints it as a string
* Evaluates the AST expressions down where possible
Tests cover most of the functionality and some glaring edge cases
Note: I couldn't figure out how importing libraries worked (ounit), so I just wrote a custom assert function
Run it:
gregberns /
Created March 10, 2021 16:47 — forked from BoQsc/
How to search my own Gists