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mutedial gregdl

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gregdl / ambient1
Created May 17, 2019 12:55 — forked from darinwilson/ambient1
Ambient experiment using Sonic Pi
# Ambient experiment for Sonic Pi (
# The piece consists of three long loops, each of which plays one of
# two randomly selected pitches. Each note has different attack,
# release and sleep values, so that they move in and out of phase
# with each other. This can play for quite awhile without
# repeating itself :)
live_loop :note1 do
use_synth :hollow
gregdl / spacy_intro.ipynb
Created May 16, 2017 07:19 — forked from aparrish/spacy_intro.ipynb
NLP Concepts with spaCy
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gregdl / word_counts_with_counter.ipynb
Created May 16, 2017 07:18 — forked from aparrish/word_counts_with_counter.ipynb
Quick word counts with Counter
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gregdl / word_counts_with_counter.ipynb
Created May 16, 2017 07:18 — forked from aparrish/word_counts_with_counter.ipynb
Quick word counts with Counter
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gregdl / data-as-documents.ipynb
Created May 16, 2017 07:18 — forked from aparrish/data-as-documents.ipynb
"Documents as data" notebook. (Python 2.7) Click the "Raw" button to download!
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