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Last active October 16, 2020 17:48
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Red Object Browser
Red [
title: "Red Object Browser"
author: "Gregg Irwin"
needs: 'View
e.g.: :comment
map-ex: func [
"Evaluates a function for all values in a series and returns the results."
series [series!]
fn [any-function!] "Function to perform on each value; called with value, index, series, [? and size ?] args"
collect [
repeat i length? series [ ; use FORSKIP if we want to support /SKIP.
keep/only fn series/:i :i :series ;:size
obj-browser: context [
num-lists: 5 ; How many text-list faces we want to use
top-ref: none ; Reference to top level object, as a block of words. e.g., [system view VID]
cur-ref: none ; Reference to the current word (top-ref + list selections).
find-fld: txt-body: cur-top-obj-lbl: none ; face references
build-ref-block: function [
blk [block!] "Block of list faces referring to path elements"
map-ex collect [
; top-ref is the alternate, top-level object, which has been
; shifted into the left-most list.
if top-ref [
foreach item top-ref [keep :item]
; Blk is the list faces themselves, where we get an offset into obj-lists.
foreach item blk [
keep pick item/data item/selected
] :to-word
clear-text-area: does [txt-body/text: copy ""]
clear-all-lists: does [clear-lists head obj-lists]
clear-list: func [lst [object!]][clear lst/data lst/selected: none]
clear-lists: func [
"Lists may be none, if the last list face triggers the call."
lists "The starting point for the series of list faces you want to clear."
if lists [foreach lst lists [clear-list lst]]
;-- Find functions
find-words: func [
start-blk [block!] "Where to look"
txt "Search pattern"
print "Find feature TBD"
do-find: func [txt] [find-words get-top-level-objects txt]
get-blk-obj: func [blk [block!] "Block of words"][get to path! blk]
get-path-obj: func [str [string!]][get load str]
get-top-level-objects: has [result] [
sort collect [
foreach w words-of system/words [
if object? get/any :w [keep form :w]
init: func [/with ref [block!] /local lst][
top-ref: ref
cur-ref: none
clear cur-top-obj-lbl/text
set-focus lst: first obj-lists
either with [
; Default back to system/words if we get a bad top-level object.
if error? try [
cur-top-obj-lbl/text: form to path! top-ref
load-list-with-obj lst get-blk-obj top-ref
lst/data: get-top-level-objects
load-list-with-obj: func [lst [object!] "Face" obj [object!]] [
lst/selected: none
lst/data: sort map-ex words-of obj :form
obj-lists: does [
collect [
foreach ctl lay/pane [
if ctl/options/style = 'obj-list [keep ctl]
;selected-object: does [get-blk-obj cur-ref]
;selected-path: does [to path! build-ref-block]
set-blk-obj: func [blk value][set to path! blk :value]
set-cur-value: has [value] [
print "Set Value feature TBD"
;!! Need to think about *exactly* how this should work. Creating function
; values, without evaluating them, is at odds with creating blocks of
; values.
;value: reduce load txt-body/text
;set-blk-obj :cur-ref either block? :value [last value][:value]
set-top-level: func [
target [block! path!]
init/with to-block target
; Return obj-list at the face given
at-list: func [face [object!]][find obj-lists face]
; Return obj-list at the face after the one given
at-next-list: func [face [object!]][next at-list face]
; Return obj-list following the one given
next-list: func [face [object!]][select obj-lists face]
; Return obj-list up to the face given
up-to-list: func [face [object!]][copy/part obj-lists index? at-list face]
; up-to-list: func [face [object!]][
; ; This fails without `index?`, with what looks like stack corruption,
; ; seeing /part as an invalid refinement somehow. Can't reproduce in
; ; a smaller test case yet.
; copy/part obj-lists at-list face
; ]
obj-list-click: func [
face [object!] event [event!]
/local ref lst err
clear-lists at-next-list face
; Look at the selected item
; - Object Load next list
; - Else Show word value
either error? err: try [
ref: get-blk-obj build-ref-block up-to-list face
txt-body/text: rejoin ["Unable to retrieve value for word: " err/arg1 " ERR: " mold err]
cur-ref: none
cur-ref: build-ref-block up-to-list face
either object? :ref [
if next-list face [
load-list-with-obj next-list face ref
][txt-body/text: mold :ref]
obj-list-dbl-click: func [
face [object!] event [event!]
/local blk-ref ref err
blk-ref: build-ref-block up-to-list face
; Get our reference before we clear everything. If we should get an
; error, because they choose an invalid item, just stay where we are.
either any [
error? err: try [ref: get-blk-obj blk-ref]
not object? :ref
][exit][init/with blk-ref]
main-layout: compose [
title "Red Object Browser"
space 5x5
style obj-list: text-list 150x275
on-change :obj-list-click
on-dbl-click :obj-list-dbl-click
text 615x35 "Click an item in the list to display its contents. Double-click an item to move it to the left-most list.^/Click the Top button to restore the top level system objects to the left-most list."
button 70 "Unview" [unview]
button 70 "Quit" [quit]
button "Top" 150 [init]
cur-top-obj-lbl: text 300 bold ;snow white
find-fld: field 150
button "Find" 150 [do-find find-fld/text]
; Load the first list with the top level objects in the system.
obj-list data get-top-level-objects
(collect [loop num-lists - 1 [keep 'obj-list]])
txt-body: area 775x200
pad -95x10
button "Set Value" [set-cur-value]
lay: layout main-layout
lay/actors: make object! [
on-resizing: function [face [object!] event [event!]][
w: face
foreach-face/with lay [
face/size/x: w/size/x - face/offset/x - 10
face/size/y: w/size/y - face/offset/y - 10
][face/type = 'area]
foreach-face/with lay [
face/offset/x: w/size/x - face/size/x - 35
][face/text = "Set value"]
; Round doesn't return an integer for floats by default. :^(
; Where is Boris' `elastic` when you need it? ;^)
wd: to integer! (w/size/x - 20) / num-lists
lists: obj-lists
repeat i length? lists [
face: lists/:i
face/size/x: wd - 5
face/offset/x: 10 + (i - 1 * wd)
view/flags obj-browser/lay [resize]
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