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Last active May 16, 2019 17:14
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Composite func (compose for strings) for Red
Red [
Author: [@greggirwin @endo @toomasv @hiiamboris]
Purpose: "COMPOSE for strings"
Notes: {
TBD: Security model for eval'ing expressions
TBD: Decide if support for custom marker and eval contexts are worthwhile
TBD: Finalize refinement names
TBD: Decide if suport for function contexts is worthwhile
TBD: Make it a macro?
TBD: Decide if file and url params should be read automatically
composite-ctx: context [
eval: func [
"Evaluate expr and return the result"
expr [string!] "Valid Red, as a string expression"
err-val "If not none, return this instead of formed error information, if eval fails"
ctx [none! object! function!] "Evaluate expr in the given context; none means use global context"
/local res
if error? set/any 'res try [expr: load expr][
;return any [err-val form reduce [" *** Error: Invalid expression Where:" expr "*** "]]
cause-error 'syntax 'invalid [arg1: 'composite-expression arg2: expr]
; If they used a literal string, return it.
if string? :expr [return expr]
; If expression evaluates to a non-block value that is anything other than a
; word, we can't bind it. And if ctx is a function, we have to reassign the
; rebound expr, so we do it in every case, as it's harmless for objects.
if all [:ctx any [block? :expr word? :expr]][expr: bind expr :ctx]
either error? set/any 'res try [do expr][
any [err-val form reduce [" *** Error:" res/id "Where:" expr "*** "]]
either unset? get/any 'res [""][:res]
; One of the big questions is what to do if there are mismatched expr
; markers. We can treat them as errors, or just pass through them, so
; they will be visible in the output. We can support both behaviors
; with a refinement, and then just have to choose the default.
; Putting the colons on the outside gives you a clean paren expression
; on the inside.
; `Compose` could be extended, to work as-is for blocks, but add support for
; this behavior for strings. The extra refinements are an issue, though.
; They don't conflict with the existing `compose` refinements, but we
; have to see how they might cause confusion given the different behaviors.
set 'composite func [
"Returns a copy of a string, evaluating :( ... ): sections"
;"Replace :( ... ): sections in a string with their evaluated results"
;"Returns a copy of a string, replacing :( ... ): sections with their evaluated results"
data [string! file! url!]
/marks markers [block!] "Use custom expression markers in place of :( and ):"
/with ctx [object! function!] "Evaluate the expressions in the given context"
/err-val e "Use instead of formed error info from eval error"
; /into might be useful, but it also complicates things, given the current implementation.
; Need to weigh the value. If we always create or use the out buffer, rather than changing
; the input data in place, it won't add much complexity.
;/into "Put results in `out`, instead of creating a new string"
; out [string!] "Target for results, when /into is used"
/local expr expr-beg= expr-end= pos
if all [marks not parse markers [2 [char! | string! | tag!]]][
cause-error 'script 'invalid-arg [arg1: markers]
;cause-error 'script 'invalid-data [arg1: markers]
;return make error! "Markers must be a block containing two char/string/tag values"
set [expr-beg= expr-end=] either marks [markers][ [":(" "):"] ]
data: either string? data [copy data][read data] ; Don't modify the input
parse data [
; If we take out the cause-error actions here, mismatched expression markers
; will pass through unscathed. That would adhere to Postel's Law
; (, but I think that's a
; bad criteria when we're evaluating expressions. R2's build-markup treats
; an unterminated expression as a full expression to the end of input, and
; an uninitiated expression as data thru the expr-end marker.
any [
end break
| change [expr-beg= copy expr to expr-end= expr-end=] (eval expr e :ctx)
| expr-beg= pos: to end (cause-error 'syntax 'missing [arg1: expr-end= arg2: pos])
| to expr-beg= ; find the next expression
| pos: to expr-end= (cause-error 'syntax 'missing [arg1: expr-beg= arg2: pos])
;composite/marks {Some [probe "interesting"] Red expressions like 3 + 2 = [3 + 2]} ["[" "]"]
;composite/marks {Some (probe "curious") Red expressions like 3 + 2 = (3 + 2)} ["(" ")"]
;composite {Some :(probe "curious"): Red expressions like 3 + 2 = :(3 + 2):}
;o: object [a: 1 b: 2]
;composite/with {Some :(probe "curious"): Red expressions like a + b = :(a + b):} o
;composite {Some Red expressions like :(":(3 + 2):"): = :(3 + 2):}
;composite {Some Red expressions like :(":():"): = :(3 + 2):}
Red []
test-composite: func [input][
print [mold input "==" mold composite input]
test-composite-custom-err: func [input][
print [mold input "==" mold composite/err-val input "#ERR"]
test-bad-composite: func [input][
print [mold input "==" mold try [composite input]]
test-composite-marks: func [input markers][
print [mold input mold marks tab "==" mold composite/marks input markers]
test-composite-with: func [input ctx][
print [mold input "==" mold composite/with input ctx]
test-composite-with-fn: func [input [string!] fn [function!] arg][
print [mold input "==" mold fn input arg]
print "Composite"
s: "1 + 2"
foreach val [
":(rejoin ['a 'b]):"
"ax:(1 / 0):xb"
"alpha: :(rejoin ['a 'b]): answer: :(42 / 3):"
name: :(form-full-name cust):
rank: :(as-ordinal index? find scores cust):
ser#: :(cust/uuid):
"a :('--): b"
"a :('--):"
":('--): b"
"ax :(1 / 0): xb"
{a :("1 + 2"): b}
{a :({{1 + 2}}): b}
{a :({"1 + 2"}): b}
{a :(s): b}
][test-composite val]
print "^/Composite/custom-error-val"
test-composite-custom-err "ax:(1 / 0):xb"
test-composite-custom-err "ax :(1 / 0): xb"
print "^/Bad Composite Input"
foreach val [
][test-bad-composite val]
print "^/Composite/Marks"
foreach [val marks] [
"" ["" ""]
":(1):" [":(" "):"]
"):pi:(" ["):" ":("]
"a<%'--%>b" ["<%" "%>"]
"a{'--}b" [#"{" #"}"]
"a{'--}}b" [#"{" "}}"]
"a{{'--}b" ["{{" #"}"]
"a<c>'--</c>b" ["<c>" "</c>"]
"a<c>'--</c>b" [<c> </c>]
][test-composite-marks val marks]
print "^/Composite/with"
o: object [a: 1 b: 2]
foreach val [
":(pi + a):"
":(reduce [a b]):"
":(rejoin [a b]):"
"a:(a + b):b"
][test-composite-with val o]
; Function support is from @hiiamboris. I'm not sure about it's usefulness yet.
print "^/Composite/with (func)"
f: func [str w][
composite/with str context? 'w
test-composite-with-fn ":(w):" :f 100
print ""
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