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Last active December 5, 2024 10:39
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Based on sysctl function by Michael Lynn aka frogor aka pudquick aka ????
# Based on sysctl function by Michael Lynn
from ctypes import CDLL, c_uint, byref, create_string_buffer
from ctypes import cast, POINTER, c_int32, c_int64
from ctypes.util import find_library
import struct
libc = CDLL(find_library('c'))
def sysctl(name, output_type=str):
'''Wrapper for sysctl so we don't have to use subprocess'''
size = c_uint(0)
# Find out how big our buffer will be
libc.sysctlbyname(name, None, byref(size), None, 0)
# Make the buffer
buf = create_string_buffer(size.value)
# Re-run, but provide the buffer
libc.sysctlbyname(name, buf, byref(size), None, 0)
if output_type in (str, 'str'):
return buf.value
if output_type in (int, 'int'):
# complex stuff to cast the buffer contents to a Python int
if size.value == 4:
return cast(buf, POINTER(c_int32)).contents.value
if size.value == 8:
return cast(buf, POINTER(c_int64)).contents.value
if output_type == 'timeval':
if size.value == 16:
seconds, microseconds = struct.unpack('LL', buf.raw)
return {'seconds': seconds, 'microseconds': microseconds}
if output_type == 'raw':
# just return the raw buffer
return buf.raw
print sysctl('hw.cpufrequency', output_type=int)
print sysctl('hw.optional.x86_64', output_type=int)
print sysctl('hw.model')
print sysctl('kern.hostname')
print sysctl('kern.version')
print sysctl('machdep.cpu.vendor')
print sysctl('kern.boottime', output_type='timeval')
print repr(sysctl('hw.cacheconfig', output_type='raw'))
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