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Created February 18, 2017 17:32
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import {bindable, inject,bindingMode, customElement} from 'aurelia-framework';
// Import JSPM modules we installed earlier
import $ from 'jquery';
import 'select2';
@customElement('form-select') // Define the name of our custom element
@inject(Element) // Inject the instance of this element
export class CustomSelect {
@bindable name = null; // name/id of custom select
@bindable({ defaultBindingMode: bindingMode.twoWay, changeHandler:'itemChanged'}) selected = ''; // default selected values
@bindable options = {}; // array of options with id/name properties
@bindable placeholder = "";
@bindable allow_clear = false;
constructor(element) {
this.element = element;
var el = $(this.element).find('select');
var sel = el.select2();
// Once the Custom Element has its DOM instantiated and ready for binding
// to happenings within the DOM itself
attached() {
var el = $(this.element).find('select');
var sel = el.select2({minimumResultsForSearch: 15 // only allow terms up to n characters long
// preload selected values
// on any change, propagate it to underlying select to trigger two-way bind
sel.on('change', (event) => {
// don't propagate endlessly
// see:
if (event.originalEvent) { return; }
// dispatch to raw select within the custom element
// bubble it up to allow change handler on custom element
var notice = new Event('change', {bubbles: true});
console.log("***************** select2 attached ***********************");
detached() {
console.log("select2 detached");
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