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Last active October 19, 2017 15:29
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Understanding how DevTools multiprocess architecture works.

|                                   Parent process                                       |
|                                                                                        |
|  DevTools Toolbox (there can be multiple instances)                                    |
|                                                                                        |
|   - DevTools client code and panels (devtools/client)                                  |
|      Even though client code is typically running in the privileged parent process,    |
|      ideally it shouldn't actually run any privileged code. These should be factored   |
|      out into actors, or shimmed so that the panels can run independently in           |
|      content processes.                                                                |
|                                                                                        |
|   - Actor Fronts                                                                       |
|      The fronts (clients) communicate via various transport adaptors to server code    |
|      (see devtools/shared/transport/transport.js for specific mechanisms.) The         |
|      transport mechanism varies but includes message managers, freezing packets and    |
|      passing by reference, or other internal communication methods.                    |
|                                                                                        |
|                                         ^                                              |
|                                         |                                              |
|                    LocalDebuggerTransport handles messages by passing                  |
|                    deeply frozen objects by reference if communicating                 |
| . . . . . . . . .  to actors in the same process. If connecting to a   . . . . . . . . |
|                    remote debuggee, another Transport will be swapped                  |
|                    in to do the message handling.                                      |
|                                         |                                              |
|                                         v                                              |
|                                                                                        |
|  DebuggerServer (devtools/server/main.js) Only one instance is loaded in the process   |
|    .connectToChild() -> loads devtools/server/child.js in child process                |
|    .connectToContent() -> loads content-process-debugger-server.js                     |
|    .connectToWorker() -> loads devtools/server/worker.js in worker                     |
|                                                                                        |
|   Here is an example layout of the actors and their connections:                       |
|                                                                                        |
|   DebuggerServer                                                                       |
|     Connection: server1.conn0.                                                         |
|       RootActor                                                                        |
|     Connection: server1.conn1.                                                         |
|       RootActor                                                                        |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ChildDebuggerTransport handles message manager communication
|                                   Content process                                      |
|   Multiple tabs can live in a single content process, and multiple content             |
|   processes can be created. This is left up to the browser.                            |
|   Privileged frame script:                                                             |
|                                                                                        |
|   The parent process runs DebuggerServer.connectToContent() which uses a message       |
|   manager to inject devtools/server/child.js as a frame script. It requires            |
|   devtools/server/main.js and initializes DebuggerServer only on the first require.    |
|   The DebuggerServer is shared across multiple tabs in the same content process.       |
|                                                                                        |
|   DebuggerServer performs the following on each new tab connection to DevTools:        |
|                                                                                        |
|     - Runs DebuggerServer.connectToParent() to complete and create a new connection.   |
|       Both the parent and child process create a new DebuggerServerConnection          |
|       to represent this connection.                                                    |
|                                                                                        |
|     - Creates a `new TabActor()` for the tab. Tab scoped actors (like the              |
|       InspectorActor or WebConsoleActor) are loaded into that TabActor's pool and are  |
|       scoped to the lifetime of the single tab. each instance of a TabActor has a 1:1  |
|       relationship with a RootActor in the parent process. This relationship is        |
|       maintained through a DebuggerServerConnection in both the parent and child       |
|       DebuggerServer.                                                                  |
|                                                                                        |
|   Here is an example layout of the actors and their connections:                       |
|                                                                                        |
|   DebuggerServer                                                                       |
|     Connection: server1.conn0.child1/                                                  |
|       TabActor: server1.conn0.child1/tab1                                              |
|         Actor: server1.conn0.child1/consoleActor2                                      |
|         Actor: server1.conn0.child1/inspectorActor3                                    |
|         Actor: server1.conn0.child1/callWatcherActor4                                  |
|         Actor: server1.conn0.child1/canvasActor5                                       |
|         Actor: server1.conn0.child1/webglActor6                                        |
|         ...                                                                            |
|     Connection: server1.conn1.child1/                                                  |
|       TabActor: server1.conn1.child1/tab1                                              |
|         Actor: server1.conn1.child1/consoleActor2                                      |
|         Actor: server1.conn1.child1/inspectorActor3                                    |
|         Actor: server1.conn1.child1/callWatcherActor4                                  |
|         Actor: server1.conn1.child1/canvasActor5                                       |
|         Actor: server1.conn1.child1/webglActor6                                        |
|         ...                                                                            |
|                                                                                        |
|   __________________________________________________________________________________   |
|  |                                     Tab                                          |  |
|  |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|  |
|  |  Non-privileged content, e.g.                              |  |
|  |                                                                                  |  |
|  |  Actors synchronously access content here, but with Xray vision in order to      |  |
|  |  do so safely. The actors can then send messages back to the parent process      |  |
|  |  asynchronously through the actor-front relationship.                            |  |
|  |                                                                                  |  |
|  |  See:          |  |
|  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  |
|                                                                                        |
|   __________________________________________________________________________________   |
|  |                                     Tab                                          |  |
|  |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|  |
|  |  Non-privileged content, e.g.                              |  |
|  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  |
|                                                                                        |

|                                   Content process                                      |
|   Additional content processes can be created. They will have their own DebuggerServer |
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