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Created May 3, 2022 22:34
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font-size for tiptap 2
import { Extension } from "@tiptap/core";
import "@tiptap/extension-text-style";
export type FontSizeOptions = {
types: string[];
declare module "@tiptap/core" {
interface Commands<ReturnType> {
fontSize: {
* Set the font size
setFontSize: (fontSize: string) => ReturnType;
* Unset the font size
unsetFontSize: () => ReturnType;
export const FontSize = Extension.create<FontSizeOptions>({
name: "fontSize",
addOptions() {
return {
types: ["textStyle"],
addGlobalAttributes() {
return [
types: this.options.types,
attributes: {
fontSize: {
default: null,
parseHTML: (element) =>['"]+/g, ""),
renderHTML: (attributes) => {
if (!attributes.fontSize) {
return {};
return {
style: `font-size: ${attributes.fontSize}`,
addCommands() {
return {
(fontSize) =>
({ chain }) => {
return chain().setMark("textStyle", { fontSize }).run();
() =>
({ chain }) => {
return chain()
.setMark("textStyle", { fontSize: null })
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is there any example of this ?

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is there any example of this ?

Here is how I use it in my editor. I am still using Vuetify 2.x, but it should show you how it is used.

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, PropType } from 'vue';
import { Editor } from "@tiptap/vue-2";
import EditorMenuButton from "./EditorMenuButton.vue";

export const sizes = [

export default defineComponent({
  name: "FontTypeDropdown",
  components: { EditorMenuButton },
  props: {
    editor: {
      type: Object as PropType<Editor>,
      required: true,
  setup() {
    return { sizes };

  <v-menu bottom close-on-content-click offset-y>
    <template #activator="{ on, attrs }">
        tooltip="Font Size"
    <v-list dense>
      <v-list-item @click="editor.chain().focus().unsetFontSize().run()">
        v-for="size in sizes"
          active: editor.isActive('textStyle', { fontSize: `${size}px` }),
        <v-list-item-content>{{ size }}</v-list-item-content>

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.active {
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);

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Thank you for your response. Here is how I implemented to my code in my Nextjs project with Shadcn.

const fontSizes = Array.from({ length: 31 }, (_, i) => ${i + 6}px);

const Toolbar = ({ content, editor }: Props) => {
if (!editor) return null;
return (

{/* Font Size Button */}
onValueChange={(value) => {

{, index) => (



}; of the code

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Hey, would it be possible to get a license added to this gist?

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Thank you

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