Please note that you must be eligible to get the vaccine. If you are not eligible for the vaccine, this will not help you. In that case the only thing you can do is try showing up at the end of the day at a vaccination site to see if they have any leftovers that need to be used up.
This script will check a box stating that you are elligible according to your state.
- Install the TamperMonkey extension.
- Add these scripts.
- Check that the script is running on the walgreens page by clicking on the TaperMonkey extension icon. Note that it will only run on the pages mentioned after the
metadata. - Enter your location into the search box
This is a WIP. It is fragile: if Walgreens changes anything about their page it might fail. There are two problems with the script:
- memory usage: I believe the Walgreens site has memory leaks and that continually cycling through it will eventually cause OOM errors
- logout: this script will attempt to detect when you are logged out and reload the page but this is not entirely reliable
If you have problems, start by looking at the logging statement this script produces (you will want to remove most log levels to reduce the Walgreens output).
Once an appointment is available it just stops and shows an alert. Currently it will compare the appointment date to the date April 12, which was a day of increased eligiibility.
You will probably still benefit from using an additional tool such as to send you an additional email alert when appointments are available.
The script is set to wait 20 seconds after clicking a button that changes the page.