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# usage: | |
# Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(('{0}' -f [Guid]::NewGuid())); | |
# job settings. change these for the tasks at hand. | |
$targetCloudPlatform = 'azure'; | |
$workFolder = ('{0}{1}{2}-ci' -f 'D:', ([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar), $targetCloudPlatform); | |
$imagesToBuild = @( | |
('win7-32-{0}' -f $targetCloudPlatform), | |
('win7-32-gpu-{0}' -f $targetCloudPlatform) | |
); | |
$instanceNameMap = @{}; | |
# constants and script config. these are probably ok as they are. | |
$revision = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json).history[0].version; | |
foreach ($rm in @( | |
@{ 'module' = 'posh-minions-managed'; 'version' = '0.0.36' }, | |
@{ 'module' = 'powershell-yaml'; 'version' = '0.4.1' } | |
)) { | |
$module = (Get-Module -Name $rm.module -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue); | |
if ($module) { | |
if ($module.Version -lt $rm.version) { | |
Update-Module $rm.module -RequiredVersion $rm.version | |
} | |
} else { | |
Install-Module $rm.module -RequiredVersion $rm.version | |
} | |
Import-Module $rm.module -RequiredVersion $rm.version -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | |
} | |
foreach ($imageKey in $imagesToBuild) { | |
# computed target specific settings. these are probably ok as they are. | |
$config = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ('{0}/config.yaml' -f $revision) -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Yaml)."$imageKey"; | |
$exportImageName = ('{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}{4}-{5}.{6}' -f $config.image.os.ToLower().Replace(' ', ''), | |
$config.image.edition.ToLower(), | |
$config.image.language.ToLower(), | |
$config.image.architecture, | |
$(if ($config.image.gpu) { '-gpu' } else { '' }), | |
$config.image.type.ToLower(), | |
$config.image.format.ToLower()); | |
$vhdLocalPath = ('{0}{1}{2}-{3}-{4}' -f $workFolder, ([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar), $revision.Substring(0, 7), $targetCloudPlatform, $exportImageName); | |
if (Test-Path -Path $vhdLocalPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $targetCloudPlatform) -message ('detected existing vhd: {0}, skipping image creation for {1}' -f $vhdLocalPath, $imageKey) -severity 'info'; | |
} else { | |
$isoLocalPath = ('{0}{1}{2}' -f $workFolder, ([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar), $config.iso.source.key); | |
$unattendLocalPath = ('{0}{1}{2}-unattend-{3}-{4}.xml' -f $workFolder, ([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar), $revision.Substring(0, 7), $targetCloudPlatform, $exportImageName.Replace('.', '-')); | |
$driversLocalPath = ('{0}{1}{2}-drivers-{3}-{4}' -f $workFolder, ([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar), $revision.Substring(0, 7), $targetCloudPlatform, $exportImageName.Replace('.', '-')); | |
$packagesLocalPath = ('{0}{1}{2}-packages-{3}-{4}' -f $workFolder, ([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar), $revision.Substring(0, 7), $targetCloudPlatform, $exportImageName.Replace('.', '-')); | |
# | |
$productKey = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ('{0}/product-keys.yaml' -f $revision) -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Yaml)."$($config.image.os)"."$($config.image.edition)"; | |
$drivers = @((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ('{0}/drivers.yaml' -f $revision) -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Yaml) | ? { | |
$$config.image.os) -and | |
$$config.image.architecture) -and | |
$$targetCloudPlatform) -and | |
$$config.image.gpu) | |
}); | |
$unattendCommands = @((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ('{0}/unattend-commands.yaml' -f $revision) -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Yaml) | ? { | |
$$config.image.os) -and | |
$$config.image.architecture) -and | |
$$targetCloudPlatform) -and | |
$$config.image.gpu) | |
}); | |
$packages = @((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ('{0}/packages.yaml' -f $revision) -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Yaml) | ? { | |
$$config.image.os) -and | |
$$config.image.architecture) -and | |
$$targetCloudPlatform) -and | |
$$config.image.gpu) | |
}); | |
$disableWindowsService = @((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ('{0}/disable-windows-service.yaml' -f $revision) -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Yaml) | ? { | |
$$config.image.os) -and | |
$$config.image.architecture) -and | |
$$targetCloudPlatform) | |
} | % { $ }); | |
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $isoLocalPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { | |
Get-CloudBucketResource ` | |
-platform $config.iso.source.platform ` | |
-bucket $config.iso.source.bucket ` | |
-key $config.iso.source.key ` | |
-destination $isoLocalPath ` | |
-force; | |
} | |
do { | |
$commands = @($unattendCommands | % { $_.unattend } | % { @{ 'Description' = $_.description; 'CommandLine' = $_.command } }) + @($packages | % { $_.unattend } | % { @{ 'Description' = $_.description; 'CommandLine' = $_.command } }); | |
try { | |
# todo: set processorArchitecture, computerName, administratorPassword | |
#-processorArchitecture $(if ($config.image.architecture -eq 'x86-64') { 'amd64' } else { $config.image.architecture }) ` | |
#-computerName '*' ` | |
#-administratorPassword (New-Password) ` | |
New-UnattendFile ` | |
-destinationPath $unattendLocalPath ` | |
-uiLanguage $config.image.language ` | |
-productKey $productKey ` | |
-registeredOwner $config.image.owner ` | |
-registeredOrganization $config.image.organization ` | |
-commands $commands; | |
} catch { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $targetCloudPlatform) -message ('exception creating unattend: {0}. retrying... {1}' -f $unattendLocalPath, $_.Exception.Message) -severity 'warn'; | |
} | |
} until (Test-Path -Path $unattendLocalPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) | |
Remove-Item -Path $driversLocalPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; | |
foreach ($driver in $drivers) { | |
$driverLocalPath = ('{0}{1}{2}{3}' -f $driversLocalPath, ([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar), $, $(if ($driver.extract) { '.zip' } else { '' })); | |
try { | |
$sourceIndex = [int]$driver.sources.Length; | |
} catch { | |
$sourceIndex = 1; | |
} | |
do { | |
$source = $driver.sources[(--$sourceIndex)]; | |
if ($source.platform -eq 'url') { | |
try { | |
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($source.url, $driverLocalPath); | |
} catch { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $targetCloudPlatform) -message ('exception in driver download with Net.WebClient.DownloadFile from url: {0}, to: {1}. {2}' -f $source.url, $driverLocalPath, $_.Exception.Message) -severity 'error'; | |
try { | |
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $source.url -OutFile $driverLocalPath -UserAgent [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::FireFox | |
} catch { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $targetCloudPlatform) -message ('exception in driver download with Invoke-WebRequest from url: {0}, to: {1}. {2}' -f $source.url, $driverLocalPath, $_.Exception.Message) -severity 'error'; | |
} | |
} | |
} else { | |
try { | |
Get-CloudBucketResource ` | |
-platform $source.platform ` | |
-bucket $source.bucket ` | |
-key $source.key ` | |
-destination $driverLocalPath ` | |
-force; | |
} catch { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $targetCloudPlatform) -message ('exception in driver download with Get-CloudBucketResource from bucket: {0}/{1}/{2}, to: {3}. {4}' -f $source.platform, $source.bucket, $source.key, $driverLocalPath, $_.Exception.Message) -severity 'error'; | |
} | |
} | |
} until ((Test-Path -Path $driverLocalPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -or ($sourceIndex -lt 0)); | |
if ($driver.extract) { | |
Expand-Archive -Path $driverLocalPath -DestinationPath ('{0}{1}{2}' -f $driversLocalPath, ([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar), $ | |
} | |
} | |
Convert-WindowsImage ` | |
-verbose:$true ` | |
-SourcePath $isoLocalPath ` | |
-VhdPath $vhdLocalPath ` | |
-VhdFormat $config.image.format ` | |
-VhdType $config.image.type ` | |
-VhdPartitionStyle $config.image.partition ` | |
-Edition $(if ($config.iso.wimindex) { $config.iso.wimindex } else { $config.image.edition }) -UnattendPath $unattendLocalPath ` | |
-Driver @($drivers | % { '{0}{1}{2}' -f $driversLocalPath, ([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar), $_.infpath }) ` | |
-RemoteDesktopEnable:$true ` | |
-DisableWindowsService $disableWindowsService ` | |
-DisableNotificationCenter:($config.image.os -eq 'Windows 10'); | |
$vhdMountPoint = (Join-Path -Path $workFolder -ChildPath ([System.Guid]::NewGuid().Guid.Substring(24))); | |
New-Item -Path $vhdMountPoint -ItemType directory -force; | |
try { | |
Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath $vhdLocalPath -Path $vhdMountPoint -Index 1 | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $targetCloudPlatform) -message ('mounted: {0} at mount point: {1}' -f $vhdLocalPath, $vhdMountPoint) -severity 'trace'; | |
} catch { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $targetCloudPlatform) -message ('failed to mount: {0} at mount point: {1}. {2}' -f $vhdLocalPath, $vhdMountPoint, $_.Exception.Message) -severity 'error'; | |
Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $vhdMountPoint -Save -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | |
throw | |
} | |
foreach ($package in $packages) { | |
$packageLocalTempPath = ('{0}{1}{2}{3}' -f $packagesLocalPath, ([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar), $, $(if (($package.extract) -and (-not $package.savepath.ToLower().EndsWith('.zip'))) { '.zip' } else { '' })); | |
try { | |
$sourceIndex = [int]$package.sources.Length; | |
} catch { | |
$sourceIndex = 1; | |
} | |
do { | |
$source = $package.sources[(--$sourceIndex)]; | |
if ($source.platform -eq 'url') { | |
try { | |
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($source.url, $packageLocalTempPath); | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $targetCloudPlatform) -message ('downloaded: {0} to: {1} with Net.WebClient.DownloadFile' -f $source.url, $packageLocalTempPath) -severity 'trace'; | |
} catch { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $targetCloudPlatform) -message ('exception in package download with Net.WebClient.DownloadFile from url: {0}, to: {1}. {2}' -f $source.url, $packageLocalTempPath, $_.Exception.Message) -severity 'error'; | |
try { | |
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $source.url -OutFile $packageLocalTempPath -UserAgent [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::FireFox | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $targetCloudPlatform) -message ('downloaded: {0} to: {1} with Invoke-WebRequest' -f $source.url, $packageLocalTempPath) -severity 'trace'; | |
} catch { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $targetCloudPlatform) -message ('exception in package download with Invoke-WebRequest from url: {0}, to: {1}. {2}' -f $source.url, $packageLocalTempPath, $_.Exception.Message) -severity 'error'; | |
} | |
} | |
} else { | |
try { | |
Get-CloudBucketResource ` | |
-platform $source.platform ` | |
-bucket $source.bucket ` | |
-key $source.key ` | |
-destination $packageLocalTempPath ` | |
-force; | |
} catch { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $targetCloudPlatform) -message ('exception in package download with Get-CloudBucketResource from bucket: {0}/{1}/{2}, to: {3}. {4}' -f $source.platform, $source.bucket, $source.key, $packageLocalTempPath, $_.Exception.Message) -severity 'error'; | |
} | |
} | |
} until ((Test-Path -Path $packageLocalTempPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -or ($sourceIndex -lt 0)); | |
if (Test-Path -Path $packageLocalTempPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { | |
$packageLocalMountPath = (Join-Path -Path $vhdMountPoint -ChildPath $package.savepath); | |
if ($package.extract) { | |
Expand-Archive -Path $packageLocalTempPath -DestinationPath $packageLocalMountPath; | |
} else { | |
Copy-Item -Path $packageLocalTempPath -Destination $packageLocalMountPath | |
} | |
} else { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $targetCloudPlatform) -message ('failed to load image: {0} with package: {1}' -f $exportImageName, $package.savepath) -severity 'warn'; | |
} | |
} | |
# dismount the vhd, save it and remove the mount point | |
try { | |
Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $vhdMountPoint -Save | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $targetCloudPlatform) -message ('dismount success for: {0} at mount point: {1}' -f $vhdLocalPath, $vhdMountPoint) -severity 'trace'; | |
} catch { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $targetCloudPlatform) -message ('failed to dismount: {0} at mount point: {1}. {2}' -f $vhdLocalPath, $vhdMountPoint, $_.Exception.Message) -severity 'error'; | |
throw | |
} finally { | |
Remove-Item -Path $vhdMountPoint -Force | |
} | |
} | |
foreach ($target in $ { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('begin image export: {0} to: {1} cloud platform' -f $exportImageName, $target.platform) -severity 'info'; | |
switch ($target.hostname.slug.type) { | |
'uuid' { | |
$resourceId = (([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString().Substring((36 - $target.hostname.slug.length))); | |
$instanceName = ($target.hostname.format -f $resourceId); | |
break; | |
} | |
default { | |
$resourceId = (([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString().Substring(24)); | |
$instanceName = ('vm-{0}' -f $resourceId); | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
$osDiskConfig = (@($target.disk | ? { $_.os })[0]); | |
$tags = @{ | |
'buildRevision' = $revision; | |
'imageKey' = $imageKey; | |
'resourceId' = $resourceId; | |
'sourceIso' = ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($config.iso.source.key)) | |
}; | |
foreach ($tag in $target.tag) { | |
$tags[$] = $tag.value; | |
} | |
New-CloudInstanceFromImageExport ` | |
-platform $target.platform ` | |
-localImagePath $vhdLocalPath ` | |
-targetResourceId $resourceId ` | |
-targetResourceGroupName $ ` | |
-targetResourceRegion $target.region ` | |
-targetInstanceCpuCount $target.machine.cpu ` | |
-targetInstanceRamGb $target.machine.ram ` | |
-targetInstanceName $instanceName ` | |
-targetInstanceDiskVariant $osDiskConfig.variant ` | |
-targetInstanceDiskSizeGb $osDiskConfig.size ` | |
-targetInstanceTags $tags ` | |
-targetVirtualNetworkName $ ` | |
-targetVirtualNetworkAddressPrefix $ ` | |
-targetVirtualNetworkDnsServers $ ` | |
-targetSubnetName $ ` | |
-targetSubnetAddressPrefix $ | |
do { | |
$azVm = (Get-AzVm -ResourceGroupName $ -Name $instanceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue); | |
if ($azVm) { | |
if (@('Succeeded', 'Failed') -contains $azVm.ProvisioningState) { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('provisioning of vm: {0}, {1}' -f $instanceName, $azVm.ProvisioningState.ToLower()) -severity $(if ($azVm.ProvisioningState -eq 'Succeeded') { 'info' } else { 'error' }); | |
} else { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('provisioning of vm: {0}, in progress with state: {1}' -f $instanceName, $azVm.ProvisioningState.ToLower()) -severity 'trsace'; | |
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 | |
} | |
} else { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('provisioning of vm: {0}, failed before it started' -f $instanceName) -severity 'error'; | |
} | |
} until ((-not $azVm) -or (@('Succeeded', 'Failed') -contains $azVm.ProvisioningState)) | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('end image export: {0} to: {1} cloud platform' -f $exportImageName, $target.platform) -severity 'info'; | |
if ($azVm) { | |
$importImageName = ('{0}-{1}' -f $, $imageKey.Replace(('-{0}' -f $targetCloudPlatform), '')); | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('begin image import: {0} in region: {1}, cloud platform: {2}' -f $importImageName, $target.region, $target.platform) -severity 'info'; | |
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', ('{0}\rundsc.ps1' -f $env:Temp)); | |
# the first time occ runs, it renames the instance and reboots | |
$firstOccTriggerCommandResult = (Invoke-AzVMRunCommand ` | |
-ResourceGroupName $ ` | |
-VMName $instanceName ` | |
-CommandId 'RunPowerShellScript' ` | |
-ScriptPath ('{0}\rundsc.ps1' -f $env:Temp)); #-Parameter @{"arg1" = "var1";"arg2" = "var2"} | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('first occ trigger {0} on instance: {1} in region: {2}, cloud platform: {3}' -f $firstOccTriggerCommandResult.Status.ToLower(), $instanceName, $target.region, $target.platform) -severity $(if ($firstOccTriggerCommandResult.Status -eq 'Succeeded') { 'info' } else { 'error' }); | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('first occ trigger std out: {0}' -f $firstOccTriggerCommandResult.Value[0].Message) -severity 'debug'; | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('first occ trigger std err: {0}' -f $firstOccTriggerCommandResult.Value[1].Message) -severity 'debug'; | |
if ($firstOccTriggerCommandResult.Status -eq 'Succeeded') { | |
Set-Content -Path ('{0}\computername.ps1' -f $env:Temp) -Value '$env:ComputerName'; | |
$echoHostnameCommandOutput = ''; | |
do { | |
$echoHostnameResult = (Invoke-AzVMRunCommand ` | |
-ResourceGroupName $ ` | |
-VMName $instanceName ` | |
-CommandId 'RunPowerShellScript' ` | |
-ScriptPath ('{0}\computername.ps1' -f $env:Temp) ` | |
-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue); | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('echo hostname {0} on instance: {1} in region: {2}, cloud platform: {3}' -f $echoHostnameResult.Status.ToLower(), $instanceName, $target.region, $target.platform) -severity $(if ($echoHostnameResult.Status -eq 'Succeeded') { 'info' } else { 'error' }); | |
if ($echoHostnameResult.Value) { | |
$echoHostnameCommandOutput = $echoHostnameResult.Value[0].Message; | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('echo hostname std out: {0}' -f $echoHostnameResult.Value[0].Message) -severity 'debug'; | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('echo hostname std err: {0}' -f $echoHostnameResult.Value[1].Message) -severity 'debug'; | |
} else { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message 'echo hostname command did not return a value' -severity 'debug'; | |
} | |
if ($echoHostnameCommandOutput -match $instanceName) { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('host rename to: {0}, detected' -f $instanceName) -severity 'debug'; | |
} else { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('awaiting host rename to: {0}' -f $instanceName) -severity 'debug'; | |
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30; | |
} | |
} until ($echoHostnameCommandOutput -match $instanceName) | |
Remove-Item -Path ('{0}\computername.ps1' -f $env:Temp); | |
# todo: validate that the instance rebooted after the host rename. | |
# the second time occ runs, it invokes dsc | |
$secondOccTriggerCommandResult = (Invoke-AzVMRunCommand ` | |
-ResourceGroupName $ ` | |
-VMName $instanceName ` | |
-CommandId 'RunPowerShellScript' ` | |
-ScriptPath ('{0}\rundsc.ps1' -f $env:Temp)); | |
Remove-Item -Path ('{0}\rundsc.ps1' -f $env:Temp); | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('seccond occ trigger {0} on instance: {1} in region: {2}, cloud platform: {3}' -f $secondOccTriggerCommandResult.Status.ToLower(), $instanceName, $target.region, $target.platform) -severity $(if ($secondOccTriggerCommandResult.Status -eq 'Succeeded') { 'info' } else { 'error' }); | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('seccond occ trigger std out: {0}' -f $secondOccTriggerCommandResult.Value[0].Message) -severity 'debug'; | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('seccond occ trigger std err: {0}' -f $secondOccTriggerCommandResult.Value[1].Message) -severity 'debug'; | |
if ($secondOccTriggerCommandResult.Status -eq 'Succeeded') { | |
Set-Content -Path ('{0}\dirdsc.ps1' -f $env:Temp) -Value 'Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\dsc"'; | |
$dirDscCommandOutput = ''; | |
do { | |
$dirDscResult = (Invoke-AzVMRunCommand ` | |
-ResourceGroupName $ ` | |
-VMName $instanceName ` | |
-CommandId 'RunPowerShellScript' ` | |
-ScriptPath ('{0}\dirdsc.ps1' -f $env:Temp) ` | |
-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue); | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('dir dsc {0} on instance: {1} in region: {2}, cloud platform: {3}' -f $dirDscResult.Status.ToLower(), $instanceName, $target.region, $target.platform) -severity $(if ($dirDscResult.Status -eq 'Succeeded') { 'info' } else { 'error' }); | |
if ($dirDscResult.Value) { | |
$dirDscCommandOutput = $dirDscResult.Value[0].Message; | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('dir dsc std out: {0}' -f $dirDscResult.Value[0].Message) -severity 'debug'; | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('dir dsc std err: {0}' -f $dirDscResult.Value[1].Message) -severity 'debug'; | |
} else { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message 'dir dsc command did not return a value' -severity 'debug'; | |
} | |
if ($dirDscCommandOutput -match 'task-claim-state.valid') { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('occ completion on: {0}, detected' -f $instanceName) -severity 'debug'; | |
} else { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('awaiting occ completion on: {0}' -f $instanceName) -severity 'debug'; | |
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30; | |
} | |
} until ($dirDscCommandOutput -match 'task-claim-state.valid') | |
Remove-Item -Path ('{0}\dirdsc.ps1' -f $env:Temp); | |
New-CloudImageFromInstance ` | |
-platform $target.platform ` | |
-resourceGroupName $ ` | |
-region $target.region ` | |
-instanceName $instanceName ` | |
-imageName $importImageName; | |
$azVm = (Get-AzVm ` | |
-ResourceGroupName $ ` | |
-Name $instanceName ` | |
-Status ` | |
-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue); | |
$azImage = (Get-AzImage ` | |
-ResourceGroupName $ ` | |
-ImageName $importImageName ` | |
-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue); | |
if ($azImage) { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('image: {0}, creation appears successful in region: {1}, cloud platform: {2}' -f $importImageName, $target.region, $target.platform) -severity 'info'; | |
if (($azVm) -and (@($azVm.Statuses | ? { ($_.Code -eq 'OSState/generalized') -or ($_.Code -eq 'PowerState/deallocated') }).Length -eq 2)) { | |
Remove-AzVm ` | |
-ResourceGroupName $ ` | |
-Name $instanceName ` | |
-Force; | |
} | |
} else { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('image: {0}, creation appears unsuccessful in region: {1}, cloud platform: {2}' -f $importImageName, $target.region, $target.platform) -severity 'info'; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('end image import: {0} in region: {1}, cloud platform: {2}' -f $importImageName, $target.region, $target.platform) -severity 'info'; | |
} else { | |
Write-Log -source ('build-{0}-images' -f $target.platform) -message ('skipped image import: {0} in region: {1}, cloud platform: {2}' -f $importImageName, $target.region, $target.platform) -severity 'info'; | |
} | |
Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(('{0}' -f [Guid]::NewGuid())); | |
} | |
} |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
--- | |
win7-32-azure: | |
image: | |
os: Windows 7 | |
edition: Professional | |
language: en-US | |
architecture: x86 | |
gpu: false | |
owner: Mozilla RelOps | |
organization: Mozilla Corporation | |
partition: MBR | |
format: VHD | |
type: Fixed | |
iso: | |
source: | |
platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: iso/en_windows_7_professional_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677056.iso | |
wimindex: 5 | |
target: | |
- platform: azure | |
group: rg-west-us-gecko-t | |
region: West US | |
hostname: | |
format: vm-{0} | |
slug: | |
type: uuid | |
length: 12 | |
machine: | |
cpu: 2 | |
ram: 8 | |
disk: | |
- os: true | |
source: windows7-professional-en-us-x86 | |
variant: ssd | |
size: 64 | |
network: | |
name: vn-west-us-gecko-t | |
prefix: '' | |
dns: | |
- '' | |
- '' | |
subnet: | |
name: sn-west-us-gecko-t | |
prefix: '' | |
flow: | |
name: nsg-west-us-gecko-t | |
rules: | |
- name: allow-rdp | |
description: 'allow: inbound tcp connections, for: rdp, from: whitelist, to: any host, on port: 3389' | |
access: Allow | |
Protocol: Tcp | |
Direction: Inbound | |
Priority: 110 | |
SourceAddressPrefix: | |
- | |
SourcePortRange: '*' | |
DestinationAddressPrefix: '*' | |
DestinationPortRange: 3389 | |
- name: allow-ssh | |
description: 'allow: inbound tcp connections, for: ssh, from: whitelist, to: any host, on port: 22' | |
access: Allow | |
Protocol: Tcp | |
Direction: Inbound | |
Priority: 111 | |
SourceAddressPrefix: | |
- | |
SourcePortRange: '*' | |
DestinationAddressPrefix: '*' | |
DestinationPortRange: 22 | |
tag: | |
- name: workerType | |
value: gecko-t-win7-32-azure | |
- name: sourceOrganisation | |
value: mozilla-releng | |
- name: sourceRepository | |
value: OpenCloudConfig | |
- name: sourceRevision | |
value: azure | |
win7-32-gpu-azure: | |
image: | |
os: Windows 7 | |
edition: Professional | |
language: en-US | |
architecture: x86 | |
gpu: true | |
owner: Mozilla RelOps | |
organization: Mozilla Corporation | |
partition: MBR | |
format: VHD | |
type: Fixed | |
iso: | |
source: | |
platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: iso/en_windows_7_professional_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677056.iso | |
wimindex: 5 | |
target: | |
- platform: azure | |
group: rg-west-us-gecko-t | |
region: West US | |
hostname: | |
format: vm-{0} | |
slug: | |
type: uuid | |
length: 12 | |
machine: | |
cpu: 2 | |
ram: 8 | |
disk: | |
- os: true | |
source: windows7-professional-en-us-x86 | |
variant: ssd | |
size: 64 | |
network: | |
name: vn-west-us-gecko-t | |
prefix: '' | |
dns: | |
- '' | |
- '' | |
subnet: | |
name: sn-west-us-gecko-t | |
prefix: '' | |
flow: | |
name: nsg-west-us-gecko-t | |
rules: | |
- name: allow-rdp | |
description: 'allow: inbound tcp connections, for: rdp, from: whitelist, to: any host, on port: 3389' | |
access: Allow | |
Protocol: Tcp | |
Direction: Inbound | |
Priority: 110 | |
SourceAddressPrefix: | |
- | |
SourcePortRange: '*' | |
DestinationAddressPrefix: '*' | |
DestinationPortRange: 3389 | |
- name: allow-ssh | |
description: 'allow: inbound tcp connections, for: ssh, from: whitelist, to: any host, on port: 22' | |
access: Allow | |
Protocol: Tcp | |
Direction: Inbound | |
Priority: 111 | |
SourceAddressPrefix: | |
- | |
SourcePortRange: '*' | |
DestinationAddressPrefix: '*' | |
DestinationPortRange: 22 | |
tag: | |
- name: workerType | |
value: gecko-t-win7-32-azure | |
- name: sourceOrganisation | |
value: mozilla-releng | |
- name: sourceRepository | |
value: OpenCloudConfig | |
- name: sourceRevision | |
value: azure | |
win10-64-azure: | |
image: | |
os: Windows 10 | |
edition: Professional | |
language: en-US | |
architecture: x86-64 | |
gpu: false | |
owner: Mozilla RelOps | |
organization: Mozilla Corporation | |
partition: MBR | |
format: VHD | |
type: Fixed | |
iso: | |
source: | |
platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: iso/en_windows_10_business_editions_version_1903_updated_sept_2019_x64_dvd_a10b235d.iso | |
wimindex: 5 | |
target: | |
- platform: azure | |
group: rg-west-us-gecko-t | |
region: West US | |
hostname: | |
format: vm-{0} | |
slug: | |
type: uuid | |
length: 12 | |
machine: | |
cpu: 2 | |
ram: 8 | |
disk: | |
- os: true | |
source: windows10-professional-en-us-x86-64 | |
variant: ssd | |
size: 64 | |
network: | |
name: vn-west-us-gecko-t | |
prefix: '' | |
dns: | |
- '' | |
- '' | |
subnet: | |
name: sn-west-us-gecko-t | |
prefix: '' | |
flow: | |
name: nsg-west-us-gecko-t | |
rules: | |
- name: allow-rdp | |
description: 'allow: inbound tcp connections, for: rdp, from: whitelist, to: any host, on port: 3389' | |
access: Allow | |
Protocol: Tcp | |
Direction: Inbound | |
Priority: 110 | |
SourceAddressPrefix: | |
- | |
SourcePortRange: '*' | |
DestinationAddressPrefix: '*' | |
DestinationPortRange: 3389 | |
- name: allow-ssh | |
description: 'allow: inbound tcp connections, for: ssh, from: whitelist, to: any host, on port: 22' | |
access: Allow | |
Protocol: Tcp | |
Direction: Inbound | |
Priority: 111 | |
SourceAddressPrefix: | |
- | |
SourcePortRange: '*' | |
DestinationAddressPrefix: '*' | |
DestinationPortRange: 22 | |
tag: | |
- name: workerType | |
value: gecko-t-win10-64-azure | |
- name: sourceOrganisation | |
value: mozilla-releng | |
- name: sourceRepository | |
value: OpenCloudConfig | |
- name: sourceRevision | |
value: azure | |
win10-64-gpu-azure: | |
image: | |
os: Windows 10 | |
edition: Professional | |
language: en-US | |
architecture: x86-64 | |
gpu: true | |
owner: Mozilla RelOps | |
organization: Mozilla Corporation | |
partition: MBR | |
format: VHD | |
type: Fixed | |
iso: | |
source: | |
platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: iso/en_windows_10_business_editions_version_1903_updated_sept_2019_x64_dvd_a10b235d.iso | |
wimindex: 5 | |
target: | |
- platform: azure | |
group: rg-west-us-gecko-t | |
region: West US | |
hostname: | |
format: vm-{0} | |
slug: | |
type: uuid | |
length: 12 | |
machine: | |
cpu: 2 | |
ram: 8 | |
disk: | |
- os: true | |
source: windows10-professional-en-us-x86-64-gpu | |
variant: ssd | |
size: 64 | |
network: | |
name: vn-west-us-gecko-t | |
prefix: '' | |
dns: | |
- '' | |
- '' | |
subnet: | |
name: sn-west-us-gecko-t | |
prefix: '' | |
flow: | |
name: nsg-west-us-gecko-t | |
rules: | |
- name: allow-rdp | |
description: 'allow: inbound tcp connections, for: rdp, from: whitelist, to: any host, on port: 3389' | |
access: Allow | |
Protocol: Tcp | |
Direction: Inbound | |
Priority: 110 | |
SourceAddressPrefix: | |
- | |
SourcePortRange: '*' | |
DestinationAddressPrefix: '*' | |
DestinationPortRange: 3389 | |
- name: allow-ssh | |
description: 'allow: inbound tcp connections, for: ssh, from: whitelist, to: any host, on port: 22' | |
access: Allow | |
Protocol: Tcp | |
Direction: Inbound | |
Priority: 111 | |
SourceAddressPrefix: | |
- | |
SourcePortRange: '*' | |
DestinationAddressPrefix: '*' | |
DestinationPortRange: 22 | |
tag: | |
- name: workerType | |
value: gecko-t-win10-64-gpu-azure | |
- name: sourceOrganisation | |
value: mozilla-releng | |
- name: sourceRepository | |
value: OpenCloudConfig | |
- name: sourceRevision | |
value: azure | |
win2012-azure: | |
image: | |
os: Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
edition: Datacenter | |
language: en-US | |
architecture: x86-64 | |
gpu: false | |
owner: Mozilla RelOps | |
organization: Mozilla Corporation | |
partition: MBR | |
format: VHD | |
type: Fixed | |
iso: | |
source: | |
platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: iso/en_windows_server_2012_r2_with_update_x64_dvd_6052708.iso | |
wimindex: 4 | |
target: | |
- platform: azure | |
group: rg-west-us-gecko-1 | |
region: West US | |
hostname: | |
format: vm-{0} | |
slug: | |
type: uuid | |
length: 12 | |
machine: | |
cpu: 2 | |
ram: 8 | |
disk: | |
- os: true | |
source: windowsserver2012r2-datacenter-en-us-x86-64 | |
variant: ssd | |
size: 64 | |
network: | |
name: vn-west-us-gecko-1 | |
prefix: '' | |
dns: | |
- '' | |
- '' | |
subnet: | |
name: sn-west-us-gecko-1 | |
prefix: '' | |
flow: | |
name: nsg-west-us-gecko-1 | |
rules: | |
- name: allow-rdp | |
description: 'allow: inbound tcp connections, for: rdp, from: whitelist, to: any host, on port: 3389' | |
access: Allow | |
Protocol: Tcp | |
Direction: Inbound | |
Priority: 110 | |
SourceAddressPrefix: | |
- | |
SourcePortRange: '*' | |
DestinationAddressPrefix: '*' | |
DestinationPortRange: 3389 | |
- name: allow-ssh | |
description: 'allow: inbound tcp connections, for: ssh, from: whitelist, to: any host, on port: 22' | |
access: Allow | |
Protocol: Tcp | |
Direction: Inbound | |
Priority: 111 | |
SourceAddressPrefix: | |
- | |
SourcePortRange: '*' | |
DestinationAddressPrefix: '*' | |
DestinationPortRange: 22 | |
tag: | |
- name: workerType | |
value: gecko-1-b-win2012-azure | |
- name: sourceOrganisation | |
value: mozilla-releng | |
- name: sourceRepository | |
value: OpenCloudConfig | |
- name: sourceRevision | |
value: azure | |
win2019-azure: | |
image: | |
os: Windows Server 2019 | |
edition: Datacenter | |
language: en-US | |
architecture: x86-64 | |
gpu: false | |
owner: Mozilla RelOps | |
organization: Mozilla Corporation | |
partition: MBR | |
format: VHD | |
type: Fixed | |
iso: | |
source: | |
platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: iso/en_windows_server_2019_updated_sept_2019_x64_dvd_199664ce.iso | |
wimindex: 4 | |
target: | |
- platform: azure | |
group: rg-west-us-relops | |
region: West US | |
hostname: | |
format: vm-{0} | |
slug: | |
type: uuid | |
length: 12 | |
machine: | |
cpu: 2 | |
ram: 8 | |
disk: | |
- os: true | |
source: windowsserver2019-datacenter-en-us-x86-64 | |
variant: ssd | |
size: 64 | |
network: | |
name: vn-west-us-relops | |
prefix: '' | |
dns: | |
- '' | |
- '' | |
subnet: | |
name: sn-west-us-relops | |
prefix: '' | |
flow: | |
name: nsg-west-us-relops | |
rules: | |
- name: allow-rdp | |
description: 'allow: inbound tcp connections, for: rdp, from: whitelist, to: any host, on port: 3389' | |
access: Allow | |
Protocol: Tcp | |
Direction: Inbound | |
Priority: 110 | |
SourceAddressPrefix: | |
- | |
SourcePortRange: '*' | |
DestinationAddressPrefix: '*' | |
DestinationPortRange: 3389 | |
- name: allow-ssh | |
description: 'allow: inbound tcp connections, for: ssh, from: whitelist, to: any host, on port: 22' | |
access: Allow | |
Protocol: Tcp | |
Direction: Inbound | |
Priority: 111 | |
SourceAddressPrefix: | |
- | |
SourcePortRange: '*' | |
DestinationAddressPrefix: '*' | |
DestinationPortRange: 22 | |
tag: | |
- name: workerType | |
value: relops-win2019-azure | |
- name: sourceOrganisation | |
value: mozilla-releng | |
- name: sourceRepository | |
value: OpenCloudConfig | |
- name: sourceRevision | |
value: azure |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
--- | |
- name: SecurityHealthService | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 10 | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
- x86-64 | |
- name: Sense | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 10 | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
- x86-64 | |
- name: WdBoot | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 10 | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
- x86-64 | |
- name: WdFilter | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 10 | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
- x86-64 | |
- name: WdNisDrv | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 10 | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
- x86-64 | |
- name: WdNisSvc | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 10 | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
- x86-64 | |
- name: WinDefend | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 10 | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
- x86-64 | |
- name: wscsvc | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 10 | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
- x86-64 |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
--- | |
- name: xenbus | |
infpath: xenbus | |
extract: true | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 7 | |
- Windows 8.1 | |
- Windows 10 | |
- Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
- Windows Server 2016 | |
- Windows Server 2019 | |
- Windows Server | |
architecture: | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: driver/aws-pv/ | |
- name: xeniface | |
infpath: xeniface | |
extract: true | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 7 | |
- Windows 8.1 | |
- Windows 10 | |
- Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
- Windows Server 2016 | |
- Windows Server 2019 | |
- Windows Server | |
architecture: | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: driver/aws-pv/ | |
- name: xennet | |
infpath: xennet | |
extract: true | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 7 | |
- Windows 8.1 | |
- Windows 10 | |
- Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
- Windows Server 2016 | |
- Windows Server 2019 | |
- Windows Server | |
architecture: | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: driver/aws-pv/ | |
- name: xenvbd | |
infpath: xenvbd | |
extract: true | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 7 | |
- Windows 8.1 | |
- Windows 10 | |
- Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
- Windows Server 2016 | |
- Windows Server 2019 | |
- Windows Server | |
architecture: | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: driver/aws-pv/ | |
- name: xenvif | |
infpath: xenvif | |
extract: true | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 7 | |
- Windows 8.1 | |
- Windows 10 | |
- Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
- Windows Server 2016 | |
- Windows Server 2019 | |
- Windows Server | |
architecture: | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: driver/aws-pv/ | |
- name: AwsEnaNetworkDriver | |
infpath: "AwsEnaNetworkDriver\bin.10.0" | |
extract: true | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
os: | |
- Windows 7 | |
- Windows 8.1 | |
- Windows 10 | |
- Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
- Windows Server 2016 | |
- Windows Server 2019 | |
- Windows Server | |
architecture: | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: driver/ | |
- name: 391.81_grid_win10_server2016_64bit_international | |
infpath: 391.81_grid_win10_server2016_64bit_international | |
extract: true | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
os: | |
- Windows 10 | |
- Windows Server 2016 | |
architecture: | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
sources: | |
- platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: driver/ |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
--- | |
- name: StackdriverLogging-v1-9.exe | |
savepath: Windows\Temp\StackdriverLogging-v1-9.exe | |
unattend: | |
- description: install stackdriver | |
command: cmd /c start /wait C:\Windows\Temp\StackdriverLogging-v1-9.exe /S | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 7 | |
- Windows 8.1 | |
- Windows 10 | |
- Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
- Windows Server 2016 | |
- Windows Server 2019 | |
- Windows Server | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: package/StackdriverLogging-v1-9.exe | |
- name: nxlog-ce.msi | |
savepath: Windows\Temp\nxlog-ce.msi | |
unattend: | |
- description: install nxlog | |
command: cmd /c start /wait msiexec /i C:\Windows\Temp\nxlog-ce.msi /quiet | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 7 | |
- Windows 8.1 | |
- Windows 10 | |
- Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
- Windows Server 2016 | |
- Windows Server 2019 | |
- Windows Server | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: package/nxlog-ce-2.10.2150.msi | |
- platform: google | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: package/nxlog-ce-2.10.2150.msi | |
- platform: azure | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: package/nxlog-ce-2.10.2150.msi | |
- platform: url | |
url: | |
- platform: url | |
url: | |
- name: papertrail-bundle.pem | |
savepath: Windows\Temp\papertrail-bundle.pem | |
unattend: | |
- description: install papertrail certificate | |
command: cmd /c move /y C:\Windows\Temp\papertrail-bundle.pem "C:\Program Files\nxlog\cert\papertrail-bundle.pem" | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 7 | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: url | |
url: | |
- name: papertrail-bundle.pem | |
savepath: Windows\Temp\papertrail-bundle.pem | |
unattend: | |
- description: install papertrail certificate | |
command: cmd /c move /y C:\Windows\Temp\papertrail-bundle.pem "C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\cert\papertrail-bundle.pem" | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 7 | |
- Windows 8.1 | |
- Windows 10 | |
- Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
- Windows Server 2016 | |
- Windows Server 2019 | |
- Windows Server | |
architecture: | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: url | |
url: | |
- name: nxlog.conf | |
savepath: Windows\Temp\nxlog.conf | |
unattend: | |
- description: stop nxlog service | |
command: cmd /c net stop nxlog | |
- description: install nxlog configuration | |
command: cmd /c set COPYCMD=/Y && move /y C:\Windows\Temp\nxlog.conf "C:\Program Files\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf" | |
- description: start nxlog service | |
command: cmd /c net start nxlog | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 7 | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: url | |
url: | |
- name: nxlog.conf | |
savepath: Windows\Temp\nxlog.conf | |
unattend: | |
- description: stop nxlog service | |
command: cmd /c net stop nxlog | |
- description: install nxlog configuration | |
command: cmd /c set COPYCMD=/Y && move /y C:\Windows\Temp\nxlog.conf "C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf" | |
- description: start nxlog service | |
command: cmd /c net start nxlog | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 10 | |
architecture: | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: url | |
url: | |
- name: nxlog.conf | |
savepath: Windows\Temp\nxlog.conf | |
unattend: | |
- description: stop nxlog service | |
command: cmd /c net stop nxlog | |
- description: install nxlog configuration | |
command: cmd /c set COPYCMD=/Y && move /y C:\Windows\Temp\nxlog.conf "C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf" | |
- description: start nxlog service | |
command: cmd /c net start nxlog | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
architecture: | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: url | |
url: | |
- name: nxlog.conf | |
savepath: Windows\Temp\nxlog.conf | |
unattend: | |
- description: stop nxlog service | |
command: cmd /c net stop nxlog | |
- description: install nxlog configuration | |
command: cmd /c set COPYCMD=/Y && move /y C:\Windows\Temp\nxlog.conf "C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf" | |
- description: start nxlog service | |
command: cmd /c net start nxlog | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows Server 2016 | |
architecture: | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: url | |
url: | |
- name: nxlog.conf | |
savepath: Windows\Temp\nxlog.conf | |
unattend: | |
- description: stop nxlog service | |
command: cmd /c net stop nxlog | |
- description: install nxlog configuration | |
command: cmd /c set COPYCMD=/Y && move /y C:\Windows\Temp\nxlog.conf "C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog\conf\nxlog.conf" | |
- description: start nxlog service | |
command: cmd /c net start nxlog | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows Server 2019 | |
architecture: | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: url | |
url: | |
- name: | |
savepath: Windows\Temp | |
unattend: | |
- description: install ec2config | |
command: cmd /c start /wait C:\Windows\Temp\Ec2Install.exe /quiet | |
extract: true | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
os: | |
- Windows 7 | |
- Windows 8.1 | |
- Windows 10 | |
- Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
- Windows Server 2016 | |
- Windows Server 2019 | |
- Windows Server | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: package/ | |
- name: Ec2ConfigurationSettings.xml | |
savepath: Windows\Temp\Ec2ConfigurationSettings.xml | |
unattend: | |
- description: install ec2config configuration | |
command: cmd /c move /y C:\Windows\Temp\Ec2ConfigurationSettings.xml "C:\Program Files\Amazon\Ec2ConfigService\Settings\config.xml" | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
os: | |
- Windows 7 | |
- Windows 8.1 | |
- Windows 10 | |
- Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
- Windows Server 2016 | |
- Windows Server 2019 | |
- Windows Server | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: config/Ec2ConfigurationSettings.xml | |
- name: WallpaperSettings.xml | |
savepath: Windows\Temp\WallpaperSettings.xml | |
unattend: | |
- description: install ec2 wallpaper configuration | |
command: cmd /c move /y C:\Windows\Temp\Ec2ConfigurationSettings.xml "C:\Program Files\Amazon\Ec2ConfigService\Settings\WallpaperSettings.xml" | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
os: | |
- Windows 7 | |
- Windows 8.1 | |
- Windows 10 | |
- Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
- Windows Server 2016 | |
- Windows Server 2019 | |
- Windows Server | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: config/WallpaperSettings.xml | |
- name: WindowsAzureVmAgent.msi | |
savepath: Windows\Temp\WindowsAzureVmAgent.msi | |
unattend: | |
- description: install azure agent | |
command: cmd /c start /wait msiexec /i C:\Windows\Temp\WindowsAzureVmAgent.msi /quiet | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 7 | |
- Windows 8.1 | |
- Windows 10 | |
- Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
- Windows Server 2016 | |
- Windows Server 2019 | |
- Windows Server | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: package/WindowsAzureVmAgent.2.7.41491.949_191001-1418.fre.msi | |
- platform: google | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: package/WindowsAzureVmAgent.2.7.41491.949_191001-1418.fre.msi | |
- platform: azure | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: package/WindowsAzureVmAgent.2.7.41491.949_191001-1418.fre.msi | |
- platform: url | |
url: | |
- platform: url | |
url: | |
- platform: url | |
url: | |
- name: | |
savepath: Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules | |
unattend: [] | |
extract: true | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: amazon | |
bucket: windows-ami-builder | |
key: package/ | |
- name: OpenCloudConfig | |
savepath: Windows\Temp\rundsc.ps1 | |
unattend: | |
- description: create log folder | |
command: cmd /c mkdir C:\log | |
- description: create dsc folder | |
command: cmd /c mkdir C:\dsc | |
- description: install occ trigger script | |
command: cmd /c move /y C:\Windows\Temp\rundsc.ps1 C:\dsc\rundsc.ps1 | |
- description: create occ scheduled task | |
command: cmd /c start /wait schtasks /create /tn RunDesiredStateConfigurationAtStartup /sc onstart /ru SYSTEM /rl HIGHEST /tr "powershell -NoLogo -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -File C:\dsc\rundsc.ps1 -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -ConsoleOutputFile C:\dsc\rundsc-run.log" /f | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 7 | |
- Windows 8.1 | |
- Windows 10 | |
- Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
- Windows Server 2016 | |
- Windows Server 2019 | |
- Windows Server | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false | |
sources: | |
- platform: url | |
url: |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
--- | |
Windows 7: | |
Enterprise: 33PXH-7Y6KF-2VJC9-XBBR8-HVTHH | |
Professional: FJ82H-XT6CR-J8D7P-XQJJ2-GPDD4 | |
Windows 8.1: | |
Professional: GCRJD-8NW9H-F2CDX-CCM8D-9D6T9 | |
Windows 10: | |
Enterprise: NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43 | |
Professional: W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX | |
Windows Server 2012 R2: | |
Datacenter: W3GGN-FT8W3-Y4M27-J84CP-Q3VJ9 | |
Standard: D2N9P-3P6X9-2R39C-7RTCD-MDVJX | |
Windows Server 2016: | |
Datacenter: CB7KF-BWN84-R7R2Y-793K2-8XDDG | |
Windows Server 2019: | |
Datacenter: WMDGN-G9PQG-XVVXX-R3X43-63DFG | |
Standard: N69G4-B89J2-4G8F4-WWYCC-J464C | |
Windows Server: | |
Datacenter: 6NMRW-2C8FM-D24W7-TQWMY-CWH2D | |
Standard: N2KJX-J94YW-TQVFB-DG9YT-724CC |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
# usage: | |
# Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(('{0}' -f [Guid]::NewGuid())) | |
$deallocatedAzVms = @(Get-AzVm -Status | ? { $_.PowerState -eq 'Provisioning succeeded' } | % { (Get-AzVm -Name $_.Name -ResourceGroupName $_.ResourceGroupName -Status) | ? { $_.Statuses -and $_.Statuses[2].Code -match 'deallocated' } }); | |
Write-Output -InputObject ('removing {0} deallocated AzVm objects' -f $deallocatedAzVms.Length); | |
foreach ($deallocatedAzVm in $deallocatedAzVms) { | |
Write-Output -InputObject ('removing deallocated AzVm {0} / {1}' -f $deallocatedAzVm.ResourceGroupName, $deallocatedAzVm.Name); | |
$deallocatedAzVm | Remove-AzVm -Force; | |
} | |
$orphanedAzNetworkInterfaces = @(Get-AzNetworkInterface | ? { $_.VirtualMachine -eq $null }); | |
Write-Output -InputObject ('removing {0} orphaned AzNetworkInterface objects' -f $orphanedAzNetworkInterfaces.Length); | |
foreach ($orphanedAzNetworkInterface in $orphanedAzNetworkInterfaces) { | |
Write-Output -InputObject ('removing orphaned AzNetworkInterface {0} / {1} / {2}' -f $orphanedAzNetworkInterface.Location, $orphanedAzNetworkInterface.ResourceGroupName, $orphanedAzNetworkInterface.Name); | |
$orphanedAzNetworkInterface | Remove-AzNetworkInterface -Force; | |
} | |
$orphanedAzPublicIpAddresses = @(Get-AzPublicIpAddress | ? { $_.IpAddress -eq 'Not Assigned' }); | |
Write-Output -InputObject ('removing {0} orphaned AzPublicIpAddress objects' -f $orphanedAzPublicIpAddresses.Length); | |
foreach ($orphanedAzPublicIpAddress in $orphanedAzPublicIpAddresses) { | |
Write-Output -InputObject ('removing orphaned AzPublicIpAddress {0} / {1} / {2}' -f $orphanedAzPublicIpAddress.Location, $orphanedAzPublicIpAddress.ResourceGroupName, $orphanedAzPublicIpAddress.Name); | |
$orphanedAzPublicIpAddress | Remove-AzPublicIpAddress -Force; | |
} | |
$orphanedAzNetworkSecurityGroups = @(Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup | ? { -not $_.NetworkInterFaces }); | |
Write-Output -InputObject ('removing {0} orphaned AzNetworkSecurityGroup objects' -f $orphanedAzNetworkSecurityGroups.Length); | |
foreach ($orphanedAzNetworkSecurityGroup in $orphanedAzNetworkSecurityGroups) { | |
Write-Output -InputObject ('removing orphaned AzNetworkSecurityGroup {0} / {1} / {2}' -f $orphanedAzNetworkSecurityGroup.Location, $orphanedAzNetworkSecurityGroup.ResourceGroupName, $orphanedAzNetworkSecurityGroup.Name); | |
$orphanedAzNetworkSecurityGroup | Remove-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -Force; | |
} | |
$orphanedAzVirtualNetworks = @(Get-AzVirtualNetwork | ? { (-not $_.Subnets) -or (-not $_.Subnets[0].IpConfigurations) }); | |
Write-Output -InputObject ('removing {0} orphaned AzVirtualNetwork objects' -f $orphanedAzVirtualNetworks.Length); | |
foreach ($orphanedAzVirtualNetwork in $orphanedAzVirtualNetworks) { | |
Write-Output -InputObject ('removing orphaned AzVirtualNetwork {0} / {1} / {2}' -f $orphanedAzVirtualNetwork.Location, $orphanedAzVirtualNetwork.ResourceGroupName, $orphanedAzVirtualNetwork.Name); | |
foreach ($orphanedAzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig in $orphanedAzVirtualNetwork.Subnets) { | |
Write-Output -InputObject ('skipped removing orphaned AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig {0}' -f $orphanedAzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig.Name); | |
#Remove-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $orphanedAzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig.Name -VirtualNetwork $orphanedAzVirtualNetwork; | |
} | |
$orphanedAzVirtualNetwork | Remove-AzVirtualNetwork -Force; | |
} | |
$orphanedAzDisks = @(Get-AzDisk | ? { $_.DiskState -eq 'Unattached' }); | |
Write-Output -InputObject ('removing {0} orphaned AzDisk objects' -f $orphanedAzDisks.Length); | |
foreach ($orphanedAzDisk in $orphanedAzDisks) { | |
Write-Output -InputObject ('removing orphaned AzDisk {0} / {1} / {2}' -f $orphanedAzDisk.Location, $orphanedAzDisk.ResourceGroupName, $orphanedAzDisk.Name); | |
$orphanedAzDisk | Remove-AzDisk -Force; | |
} |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
--- | |
- unattend: | |
- description: enable remote desktop firewall exception | |
command: cmd /c start /wait C:\Windows\System32\netsh.exe advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote desktop" new enable=yes | |
target: | |
cloud: | |
- amazon | |
- azure | |
os: | |
- Windows 7 | |
- Windows 8.1 | |
- Windows 10 | |
- Windows Server 2012 R2 | |
- Windows Server 2016 | |
- Windows Server 2019 | |
- Windows Server | |
architecture: | |
- x86 | |
- x86-64 | |
gpu: | |
- true | |
- false |
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