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Grayson Wendell grendell

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grendell / 1.c
Last active August 18, 2023 22:35
6502 Sneakiness
typedef struct {
uint8_t health;
// more fields
} enemy_t;
const int maxEnemies = 8;
enemy_t enemies[maxEnemies];
int isDead(enemy_t * enemy) {
return enemy->health == 0;
grendell / 1. explanation
Created May 17, 2015 07:43
Axiom Verge Cheat System Explanation
Any password that begins with the letters AXIO will be treated as a cheat code.
This is how the game evaluates cheat codes.
1. Map the remaining eight characters to an integer value.
0 - 9 maps to 0 - 9 and A - Z maps to 10 - 35.
2. Multiply each value with a power of 36, determined by position,
and take the sum of those calculations.
x = 36^7 * v0 + 36^6 * v1 + 36^5 * v2 + 36^4 * v3 +
36^3 * v4 + 36^2 * v5 + 36^1 * v6 + 36^0 * v7
grendell / passwords
Created May 16, 2015 18:30
Axiom Verge Passwords
Translates notes written in Sudran to English.
Translates notes written in Vykhya to English.
Trace sports the leotard of Metroid fame.