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Oldest running code from @batiste
Gestion des templates avec remplacement iteratif, récursif et alternatif
@author : Batiste Bieler
@company :
@version : 0.3
Copyright (C) 2004 Bieler Batiste
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
class Template{
function Template($model)
$fp = fopen($model, 'r' );
$this->model = fread( $fp, filesize($model) );
// remplacement simple
function replace($tagName, $contents)
$this->model = preg_replace("#<!--%$tagName%-->#si", $contents, $this->model);
// remplacement iteratif
function iterateReplace($iterateName, $contentsArray)
if( preg_match("#<!--%loop:$iterateName%-->(.*?)<!--%endloop:$iterateName%-->#si", $this->model, $matches ) )
$iterateContent = $matches[1];
foreach( $contentsArray as $contents )
$iterateContentBuffer = $this->solveAlternative($iterateContent, $contents);
foreach( $contents as $tag=>$content )
$iterateContentBuffer = preg_replace("#<!--% ?$tag ?%-->#si", $content, $iterateContentBuffer);
$this->model = preg_replace("#<!--%loop:$iterateName ?%-->.*?<!--%endloop:$iterateName%-->#si", $result, $this->model);
trigger_error("Template : boucle $iterateName non trouvé",E_USER_NOTICE);
// cherche des conditions et les résouds
// le contexte sert à passer des variables de tests pour les alternatives
function solveAlternative ($contents, $contexte=array() ){
// on cherche des blocs conditionnels
return preg_replace_callback(
function($m) use ($contexte) {
return $this->replaceAlternative($m[1], $contexte);
function replaceAlternative ($alternatives, $contexte )
// correction d'un "bug" php, plus d'info dans les commentaires
$alternatives = str_replace('\"', '"', $alternatives);
// extrait le contenu des alternatives
$alternativeContents = preg_split('#<!--%(if|else|elseif)(:.*?)?%-->#si', $alternatives, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
// extrait les conditions des alternative
preg_match_all('#<!--%(if|elseif):(.*?)%-->#si', $alternatives, $alternativeConditions, PREG_SET_ORDER );
// boucle de test
foreach( $alternativeContents as $alternativeContent )
// l'alternative existe ?
if( isset( $alternativeConditions[$i] ) )
// $ -> $contexte
$condition = preg_replace( '#\$#si', '$contexte', $alternativeConditions[$i][2] );
// on évalue la condition
eval('$condition='.$condition.';' );
// si elle est vraie, on renvoie le contenu associé
if( $condition )
return $alternativeContent;
// autrement on continue la recherche d'une expression vraie
// pas d'alternative, c'est donc un else
return $alternativeContent;
// alternative suivante
function recursiveReplace($tagName, $contentsArray )
preg_match("#<!--%recursion:$tagName%-->(.*?)<!--%endrecursion:$tagName%-->#si", $this->model, $matches );
// on extrait le contenu de la recursivité
$recursiveContent = $matches[1];
$this->model = preg_replace("#<!--%recursion:$tagName%-->.*?<!--%endrecursion:$tagName%-->#si", $this->recursiveLoop($recursiveContent,$contentsArray), $this->model );
function recursiveLoop($recursiveContent, $contentsArray)
preg_match("#<!--%loop%-->(.*?)<!--%endloop%-->#si", $recursiveContent, $matches );
$iterateContent = $matches[1];
if(count($contentsArray) > 0 )
foreach( $contentsArray as $contents )
$iterateContentBuffer = $this->solveAlternative( $iterateContent, $contents );
foreach( $contents as $tag=>$content )
if( is_array($content) )
$iterateContentBuffer = preg_replace("#<!--%recursion%-->#si",
$iterateContentBuffer );
//$iterateContentBuffer = preg_replace("#<!--%recursion%-->#si", '', $iterateContentBuffer );
$iterateContentBuffer = preg_replace("#<!--%$tag%-->#si", $content, $iterateContentBuffer );
return preg_replace("#<!--%loop%-->.*?<!--%endloop%-->#si", $result, $recursiveContent );
function setContext( $contextArray )
// le paramètre final supprime toutes les balises de templates
function toString( $final=true )
if( $final )
// résolutions des conditions
$buffer = $this->solveAlternative( $this->model, $this->contextArray );
// suppression des conditions
$buffer = preg_replace("#<!--%if:.*?%-->.*?<!--%endif%-->#si", '', $buffer );
// suppression des boucles
$buffer = preg_replace("#<!--%loop:.*?%-->.*?<!--%endloop:.*?%-->#si", '', $buffer );
// suppression de tout les tags
return preg_replace("#<!--%.*?%-->#si", '', $buffer );
return $this->model;
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