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Created February 28, 2013 18:38
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  • Save grex22/5059023 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save grex22/5059023 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Custom code added to P2 to enable email notifications
* when a user is @mentioned in the site.
* Original at
* and modified from there.
function send_email_notification_once($postID) {
$post = get_post($postID);
$author = get_userdata($post->post_author);
global $p2;
$mentions = $p2->components['mentions']->find_mentions($post->post_content);
$permalink = get_permalink($postID);
$blog_title = get_bloginfo('name');
foreach ( $mentions as $match ) {
$email = get_user_by('slug',$match)->user_email;
$message = "You have been mentioned in this post:\n $permalink \n\n {$post->post_content} ";
wp_mail($email, "[$blog_title] You've been mentioned by {$author->display_name}", $message);
function send_email_notification_once_comment($commentID){
$comment = get_comment($commentID);
global $p2;
$mentions = $p2->components['mentions']->find_mentions($comment->comment_content);
$permalink = get_permalink($comment->comment_post_ID);
$blog_title = get_bloginfo('name');
foreach ( $mentions as $match ) {
$email = get_user_by('slug',$match)->user_email;
$message = "You have been mentioned by {$comment->comment_author} in this comment:\n $permalink \n\n {$comment->comment_content} ";
$headers = 'From: Sprouts <[email protected]>' . "\r\n";
wp_mail($email, "[$blog_title] You've been mentioned in a comment by {$comment->comment_author}", $message, $headers);
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