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Created April 27, 2012 00:12
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Online ranking algorithm in clojure
(bradley-terry-full 5
(list (create-team 1 45 (list (create-player 101 (create-ability-with-stddev 25 8))))
(create-team 2 32 (list (create-player 102 (create-ability-with-stddev 25 8))))))
Updates players' ability compared with how they were expected to perform")
; defn- means a private function
(defn- sum [f xs]
(apply + (map f xs)))
(defn- plus-pair [[a1 a2] [b1 b2]]
[(+ a1 b1) (+ a2 b2)])
(defn split-with-similar
"Where split-with is like [(take-while pred xs) (drop-while pred xs)], this method is like
recursive calls to split-with on the drop-while'd portion
The predicate takes two arguments: the head of the current list, and the element to compare it
[pred xs]
(when xs
; loop/recur is how to do tail recursion in clojure
; 'let', 'do', 'for', 'loop' and function params can destructure collections like this next line
(loop [[head & tail] xs
acc (vector)]
(let [[like-head not-like-head] (split-with #(pred head %) tail)
updated-acc (conj acc (cons head like-head))] ; conj is like cons, but works with vectors too
(if (empty? not-like-head)
(recur not-like-head updated-acc))))))
; defining a class called Ability with these fields. It acts much like a clojure map
(defrecord Ability [mean stddev variance])
; keywords are also functions accepting a map
; maps are also functions accepting a key
; vectors are also functions accepting an index
(defn mean [ability] (:mean ability))
(defn stddev [ability] (:stddev ability))
(defn variance [ability] (:variance ability))
(defn create-ability-with-stddev [mean stddev]
"Create ability from stddev"
(Ability. mean stddev (* stddev stddev))) ; how to call a java constructor
(defn create-ability-with-variance [mean variance]
"Create ability from variance"
(Ability. mean (Math/sqrt variance) variance)) ; call java static function
(defprotocol HasAbility
"Both Player and Team have these methods. A protocol
actually compiles down to a Java interface
Another approach would be to use multi-methods."
(id [this])
(ability [this]))
(defn skill
"A single number representative of the player(s)'s true ability.
For ranking purposes, this is chosen as a lower bound (with 95% confidence)
on the player's true ability: it only goes up from here!
With 95% confidence, the number is below the players true ability"
(let [ability (ability has-ability)]
(- (mean ability) (* 3 (stddev ability)))))
; shows how to implement a protocol/interface
(defrecord Player [id ability]
(id [this] (:id this))
(ability [this] (:ability this)))
(defn create-player [id ability]
(Player. id ability))
(defn copy-player [player ability]
(create-player (:id player) ability))
(defrecord Team [id score ability players]
(id [this] (:id this))
(ability [this] (:ability this)))
(defn create-team [id score players]
(let [abilities (map ability players)
mean (sum mean abilities)
variance (sum variance abilities)]
(Team. id score (create-ability-with-variance mean variance) players)))
(defn team-players [team] (:players team))
(defn team-size [team] (count (team-players team)))
(defn score [team] (:score team))
(def by-score-and-skill
(reify java.util.Comparator ; implement a java comparator in place
(compare [this a b]
(first (drop-while zero?
[(compare (score b) (score a))
(compare (team-size b) (team-size a))
(compare (skill b) (skill a))
(compare (id a) (id b))]))
(defn- score-within-allowance? [allowance]
(fn [a b] ; defining a lambda is done via 'fn'
(<= (- (score a) allowance) (score b))))
(defn- calculate-ranks [rank-allowance teams]
(loop [current-rank 0
ranks {}
[similar-head & similar-rest] (split-with-similar (score-within-allowance? rank-allowance) teams)]
(let [updated-ranks (apply assoc ranks (flatten (map #(vector % current-rank) similar-head)))]
(if (empty? similar-rest)
(recur (+ current-rank (count similar-head))
(defn- update-player-abilities [player team-ability Omega Delta]
(let [ability (ability player)
variance-to-team-variance (/ (variance ability) (variance team-ability))]
(copy-player player
(+ (mean ability) (* Omega variance-to-team-variance))
(* (stddev ability)
(Math/sqrt (max (- 1 (* Delta variance-to-team-variance)) 0.0001)))))))
(defn- full-update
"calc is a function expecting 2 params: team and opponent"
[teams calc]
(for [team teams ; map,for,reduce are "chunked lazy" so don't do side effects!
:let [scores (for [opponent teams :when (not= opponent team)] (calc team opponent))
[omega delta] (reduce plus-pair [0.0 0.0] scores)
team-ability (ability team)]
player (team-players team)]
(update-player-abilities player team-ability omega delta))))
(defn bradley-terry-full [rank-allowance _teams]
(when _teams ; nil is an empty list
(let [mu 25.0
sigma (/ mu 3.0)
beta (* sigma 0.5)
beta**2 (* beta beta)
teams (sort by-score-and-skill _teams)
ranks (calculate-ranks rank-allowance teams)
gamma (/ 1.0 (count teams))]
(full-update teams
(fn [team opponent-team]
(let [team-ability (ability team)
rank (ranks team)
opponent (ability opponent-team)
c (Math/sqrt (+ (variance team-ability) (variance opponent) (* 2 beta**2)))
p (/ 1.0 (+ 1 (Math/exp (/ (- (mean opponent) (mean team-ability)) c))))
variance-to-c (/ (variance team-ability) c)
cmp-opponent-rank (compare rank (ranks opponent-team))
s (cond (pos? cmp-opponent-rank) 1.0
(neg? cmp-opponent-rank) 0.0
:default 0.5)]
[(* variance-to-c (- s p))
(* gamma (/ variance-to-c c) p (- 1 p))]))))))
(defn- join [sep coll]
(if (empty? coll)
(loop [[head & tail] coll
acc ""]
(let [pretty-head (pr-str head)]
(if (empty? tail)
(str acc pretty-head)
(recur tail (str acc pretty-head sep)))))))
(let [team1 (create-team 1 500
(list (create-player 1 (create-ability-with-stddev 25 8))
(create-player 2 (create-ability-with-stddev 27 5))
(create-player 3 (create-ability-with-stddev 22 3))))
team2 (create-team 2 400
(list (create-player 4 (create-ability-with-stddev 25 8))
(create-player 5 (create-ability-with-stddev 27 5))
(create-player 6 (create-ability-with-stddev 22 3))))
team3 (create-team 3 395
(list (create-player 7 (create-ability-with-stddev 25 8))
(create-player 8 (create-ability-with-stddev 27 5))
(create-player 9 (create-ability-with-stddev 22 3))))
updated-players (bradley-terry-full 10 (list team1 team2 team3))]
(println (join "\n" updated-players)))
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