#!/usr/bin/env python3 |
import requests |
from configparser import ConfigParser |
import argparse |
import os |
import subprocess |
import time |
import base64 |
import json |
def base64url_decode(input): |
"""Helper method to base64url_decode a string. |
Args: |
input (str): A base64url_encoded string to decode. |
""" |
rem = len(input) % 4 |
if rem > 0: |
input += b'=' * (4 - rem) |
return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(input) |
def select_item_fzf(items, prompt): |
proc = subprocess.Popen(['fzf', '--prompt', prompt], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) |
proc.stdin.write(('\n'.join(items)).encode('utf-8')) |
proc.stdin.close() |
proc.wait() |
return proc.stdout.read().strip().decode('utf-8') |
def select_item(items, prompt, match=None): |
items = list(sorted(items)) |
if match: |
items = list(filter(lambda item: match in item, items)) |
if len(items) == 0: |
raise LookupError('Could not find item with filter {}'.format(match)) |
if len(items) == 1: |
return items[0] |
try: |
subprocess.check_call(['which', 'fzf']) |
except subprocess.CalledProcessError: |
while True: |
for idx, item in enumerate(items): |
print("{}: {}".format(idx + 1, item)) |
data = input(prompt) |
if data.isdigit(): |
idx = int(data) - 1 |
if idx < len(items): |
return items[idx] |
print('Entered wrong value') |
else: |
return select_item_fzf(items, prompt) |
class OVCli: |
def __init__(self): |
self.config = ConfigParser() |
self.configpath = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/ovc.cfg') |
with open(self.configpath) as fd: |
self.config.read_file(fd) |
self.environments = list(self.config['environments'].keys()) |
self.session = requests.Session() |
def is_jwt_expired(self, jwt): |
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8') |
signing_input, _ = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1) |
_, claims_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1) |
claimsdata = base64url_decode(claims_segment) |
if isinstance(claimsdata, bytes): |
claimsdata = claimsdata.decode('utf-8') |
data = json.loads(claimsdata) |
return data['exp'] < time.time() |
def get_jwt(self): |
jwtkey = 'jwt.{}'.format(self.environment) |
jwt = self.config['iyo'].get(jwtkey) |
if jwt and not self.is_jwt_expired(jwt): |
return jwt |
iyourl = 'https://itsyou.online/v1/oauth/access_token' |
data = {'grant_type': 'client_credentials', |
'client_id': self.config['iyo']['clientId'], |
'client_secret': self.config['iyo']['clientsecret'], |
'response_type': 'id_token', |
'scope': 'user:memberof:{0}.0-access,user:publickey:ssh'.format(self.environment) |
} |
resp = requests.post(iyourl, data=data, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}) |
resp.raise_for_status() |
jwt = resp.json()['access_token'] |
self.config['iyo'][jwtkey] = jwt |
with open(self.configpath, 'w+') as fd: |
self.config.write(fd) |
return jwt |
def select_environment(self, match=None): |
self.environment = select_item(self.environments, "Select environment: ", match) |
self.envurl = self.config['environments'][self.environment] |
self.session.headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(self.get_jwt()), |
'Accept': 'application/json'} |
def select_node(self, match=None): |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/system/gridmanager/getNodes'.format(self.envurl)) |
response.raise_for_status() |
self.nodes = response.json() |
nodenames = [node['name'] for node in self.nodes] |
nodename = select_item(nodenames, "Select node: ", match) |
self.node = list(filter(lambda node: node['name'] == nodename, self.nodes))[0] |
def select_cloudspace(self, match=None): |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudapi/cloudspaces/list'.format(self.envurl)) |
response.raise_for_status() |
cloudspaces = {cs['name']: cs for cs in response.json()} |
cloudspacename = select_item(list(cloudspaces.keys()), "Select Cloudspace: ", match) |
return cloudspaces[cloudspacename] |
def select_account(self, match=None): |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudapi/accounts/list'.format(self.envurl)) |
response.raise_for_status() |
cloudspaces = {cs['name']: cs for cs in response.json()} |
cloudspacename = select_item(list(cloudspaces.keys()), "Select Account: ", match) |
return cloudspaces[cloudspacename] |
def select_vm(self, cloudspaace, match=None): |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudapi/machines/list'.format(self.envurl), json={'cloudspaceId': cloudspace['id']}) |
response.raise_for_status() |
vms = {vm['name']: vm for vm in response.json()} |
vmname = select_item(list(vms.keys()), "Select VM: ", match) |
return vms[vmname] |
def list_vms(self, cloudspace): |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudapi/machines/list'.format(self.envurl), json={'cloudspaceId': cloudspace['id']}) |
response.raise_for_status() |
for vm in response.json(): |
print("{name} {status}".format(**vm)) |
def list_cloudspaces(self): |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudapi/cloudspaces/list'.format(self.envurl)) |
response.raise_for_status() |
for cloudspace in response.json(): |
print("{name} {status} {externalnetworkip}".format(**cloudspace)) |
def delete_vm(self, cloudspace, name): |
vm = self.select_vm(cloudspace, name) |
data = {'machineId': vm['id'], 'permanently': True} |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudapi/machines/delete'.format(self.envurl), json=data) |
response.raise_for_status() |
def delete_cloudspace(self, cloudspace): |
data = {'cloudspaceId': cloudspace['id'], 'permanently': True, 'reason': 'From CLI'} |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudbroker/cloudspace/destroy'.format(self.envurl), json=data) |
response.raise_for_status() |
def create_machine(self, cloudspace, name=None, memory=None, vcpus=None, forward=True): |
""" |
Create virtual machine |
:param cloudspace: Cloudspace to create virtual machine in |
:type cloudspace: dict |
:param name: Name of the vm to create, defaults to None |
:param name: str, optional |
:param memory: Amount of Memory to give to the virtual machine in MiB, defaults to None |
:param memory: int, optional |
:param vcpus: Amount of virtual CPUS to provide to the virtual machine, defaults to None |
:param vcpus: int, optional |
:raises LookupError: [description] |
""" |
if name is None: |
name = input('Enter name: ') |
if memory is None: |
memory = int(input('Memory: ')) |
if vcpus is None: |
vcpus = int(input('VCPUS: ')) |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudapi/images/list'.format(self.envurl)) |
response.raise_for_status() |
for image in response.json(): |
if 'Ubuntu 16.04' in image['name']: |
imageId = image['id'] |
break |
else: |
raise LookupError('Could not find Ubuntu image') |
keyfile = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub') |
userdata = None |
if os.path.exists(keyfile): |
pubkey = open(keyfile).read() |
userdata = {'users': [{"name":'root', "ssh-authorized-keys": [pubkey], 'shell': '/bin/bash'}]} |
data = { |
'cloudspaceId': cloudspace['id'], |
'name': name, |
'description': name, |
'memory': memory, |
'vcpus': vcpus, |
'imageId': imageId, |
'disksize': 100, |
'userdata': userdata, |
} |
print('Creating VM') |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudapi/machines/create'.format(self.envurl), json=data) |
response.raise_for_status() |
machineId = response.json() |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudapi/machines/get'.format(self.envurl), json={'machineId': machineId}) |
response.raise_for_status() |
vm = response.json() |
print('VM {}: {}'.format(vm['name'], vm['interfaces'][0]['ipAddress'])) |
for account in vm['accounts']: |
print('\tUser: {login} / {password}'.format(**account)) |
pubport = self.get_publicport(cloudspace) |
data = { |
'cloudspaceId': cloudspace['id'], |
'publicIp': cloudspace['externalnetworkip'], |
'publicPort': pubport, |
'machineId': vm['id'], |
'localPort': 22, |
'protocol': 'tcp' |
} |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudapi/portforwarding/create'.format(self.envurl), json=data) |
response.raise_for_status() |
print('ssh -p {} root@{}'.format(pubport, cloudspace['externalnetworkip'])) |
def get_publicport(self, cloudspace): |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudapi/portforwarding/list'.format(self.envurl), json={'cloudspaceId': cloudspace['id']}) |
response.raise_for_status() |
forwards = response.json() |
pubport = 3500 |
usedports = [int(fwd['publicPort']) for fwd in forwards] |
while pubport in usedports: |
pubport += 1 |
return pubport |
def create_forward(self, cloudspace, machine, publicport, privateport): |
vm = self.select_vm(cloudspace, machine) |
if not publicport: |
publicport = self.get_publicport(cloudspace) |
data = { |
'cloudspaceId': cloudspace['id'], |
'publicIp': cloudspace['externalnetworkip'], |
'publicPort': publicport, |
'machineId': vm['id'], |
'localPort': privateport, |
'protocol': 'tcp' |
} |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudapi/portforwarding/create'.format(self.envurl), json=data) |
response.raise_for_status() |
data['name'] = vm['name'] |
print("{publicIp}:{publicPort} -> {name}:{localPort} {protocol}".format(**data)) |
def delete_forward(self, cloudspace, publicport): |
data = { |
'cloudspaceId': cloudspace['id'], |
'publicIp': cloudspace['externalnetworkip'], |
'publicPort': publicport, |
} |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudapi/portforwarding/deleteByPort'.format(self.envurl), json=data) |
response.raise_for_status() |
def list_forwards(self, cloudspace): |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudapi/portforwarding/list'.format(self.envurl), json={'cloudspaceId': cloudspace['id']}) |
response.raise_for_status() |
for fwd in response.json(): |
print("{machineName} {publicIp}:{publicPort} -> {localIp}:{localPort} {protocol}".format(**fwd)) |
def create_cloudspace(self, name, account, cstype): |
if name is None: |
name = input('Enter name: ') |
account = self.select_account(account)['id'] |
data = {'accountId': account, 'name': name} |
if cstype: |
data['type'] = cstype |
whoami = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/system/usermanager/whoami'.format(self.envurl)) |
whoami.raise_for_status() |
data['access'] = whoami.json()['name'] |
location = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudapi/locations/list'.format(self.envurl)) |
location.raise_for_status() |
data['location'] = location.json()[0]['locationCode'] |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudapi/cloudspaces/create'.format(self.envurl), json=data) |
response.raise_for_status() |
def connect_node(self): |
def get_nic_ip(iface): |
for nic in self.node['netaddr']: |
if nic['name'] == iface: |
for ip in nic['ip']: |
return ip |
return None |
nodeip = get_nic_ip('backplane1') |
if not nodeip: |
nodeip = self.node['ipaddr'][0] |
data = {'remote': nodeip} |
response = self.session.post('https://{}/restmachine/cloudbroker/zeroaccess/provision'.format(self.envurl), json=data) |
response.raise_for_status() |
result = response.json() |
print('Executing: ssh -A -p {ssh_port} {username}@{ssh_ip}'.format(**result)) |
subprocess.Popen(['ssh', '-A', '-p', str(result['ssh_port']), "{username}@{ssh_ip}".format(**result)]).communicate() |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
parser.add_argument("--env", help="Filter for environment", default=os.environ.get("ENV_NAME")) |
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="group") |
vmgroup = subparsers.add_parser("vm") |
vmsubs = vmgroup.add_subparsers(dest="vmaction") |
vmcreate = vmsubs.add_parser("create") |
vmlist = vmsubs.add_parser("list") |
vmlist.add_argument('--cloudspace', default=None, help='Preselect cloudspace') |
vmcreate.add_argument('--name', default=None) |
vmcreate.add_argument('--memory', default=1024, type=int, help='VM memory in MiB defaults to 1024') |
vmcreate.add_argument('--vcpus', default=1, type=int, help='VM vcpus defaults to 1') |
vmcreate.add_argument('--cloudspace', default=None, help='Preselect cloudspace') |
vmdelete = vmsubs.add_parser("delete") |
vmdelete.add_argument('--name', default=None) |
vmdelete.add_argument('--cloudspace', default=None, help='Preselect cloudspace') |
console = subparsers.add_parser('zaccess') |
console.add_argument('--node', default=None, help='Preselect node to connect to') |
cloudspace = subparsers.add_parser("cloudspace") |
cssubs = cloudspace.add_subparsers(dest="csaction") |
cssubs.add_parser("list") |
cscreate = cssubs.add_parser("create") |
cscreate.add_argument('--name', default=None) |
cscreate.add_argument('--account', default=None) |
cscreate.add_argument('--type', default=None) |
csdelete = cssubs.add_parser("delete") |
csdelete.add_argument('--name', default=None) |
forwards = subparsers.add_parser('forwarding') |
fwdsubs = forwards.add_subparsers(dest="fwdaction") |
fwdlist = fwdsubs.add_parser("list") |
fwdlist.add_argument('--cloudspace', default=None, help='Preselect cloudspace') |
fwdcreate = fwdsubs.add_parser("create") |
fwdcreate.add_argument('--machine', default=None, help='Preselect vm') |
fwdcreate.add_argument('--publicport', default=None, help='Choose public port') |
fwdcreate.add_argument('--privateport', default=None, help='Choose private port', required=True) |
fwdcreate.add_argument('--cloudspace', default=None, help='Preselect cloudspace') |
fwddelete = fwdsubs.add_parser("delete") |
fwddelete.add_argument('--publicport', default=None, help='Choose public port', required=True) |
fwddelete.add_argument('--cloudspace', default=None, help='Preselect cloudspace') |
options = parser.parse_args() |
try: |
cli = OVCli() |
cli.select_environment(options.env) |
if options.group in [None, 'zaccess']: |
cli.select_node(getattr(options, 'node', None)) |
cli.connect_node() |
elif options.group == 'vm': |
cloudspace = cli.select_cloudspace(options.cloudspace) |
if options.vmaction == 'create': |
cli.create_machine(cloudspace, options.name, options.memory, options.vcpus) |
elif options.vmaction == 'list': |
cli.list_vms(cloudspace) |
elif options.vmaction == 'delete': |
cli.delete_vm(cloudspace, options.name) |
elif options.group == 'cloudspace': |
if options.csaction == "list": |
cli.list_cloudspaces() |
elif options.csaction == "create": |
cli.create_cloudspace(options.name, options.account, options.type) |
elif options.csaction == "delete": |
cs = cli.select_cloudspace(options.name) |
cli.delete_cloudspace(cs) |
elif options.group == 'forwarding': |
cloudspace = cli.select_cloudspace(options.cloudspace) |
if options.fwdaction == 'list': |
cli.list_forwards(cloudspace) |
elif options.fwdaction == 'create': |
cli.create_forward(cloudspace, options.machine, options.publicport, options.privateport) |
elif options.fwdaction == 'delete': |
cli.delete_forward(cloudspace, options.publicport) |
except KeyboardInterrupt: |
print('Fine be that way') |