#!/usr/bin/env babel-node --stage=0 |
import fs from 'fs'; |
import contentful from 'contentful-management'; |
import xtend from 'xtend'; |
const client = contentful.createClient({ |
// Get one by logging in at https://www.contentful.com/developers/documentation/content-management-api/ |
accessToken: 'CMA ACCESS TOKEN' |
}); |
const spaceId = 'YOUR SPACE ID'; |
async function main () { |
const space = await client.getSpace(spaceId); |
const assetLinkFields = await findAssetLinkFields(space); |
console.log(assetLinkFields); |
await walkAssets(space, maybeDeleteAsset.bind(null, space, assetLinkFields)) |
} |
async function findAssetLinkFields (space) { |
const contentTypes = await space.getContentTypes({}); |
return contentTypes.reduce((assetLinkFields, contentType) => { |
assetLinkFields[contentType.sys.id] = contentType.fields.filter(fieldIsAssetLink).map((field) => field.id) |
return assetLinkFields; |
}, {}); |
} |
function fieldIsAssetLink (field) { |
return (field.type === 'Link' && field.linkType === 'Asset') || |
(field.type === 'Array' && fieldIsAssetLink(field.items)) |
} |
async function walkAssets (space, fn) { |
const order = '-sys.createdAt' |
const limit = 1000; |
async function next (skip) { |
const items = await space.getAssets({ skip, limit, order }) |
await Promise.all(items.map(fn)) |
if (items.length === limit) { |
return next(skip + limit) |
} |
} |
return next(0); |
} |
async function maybeDeleteAsset (space, assetLinkFields, asset) { |
const id = asset.sys.id |
var linkCount = 0; |
for (var contentTypeId in assetLinkFields) { |
let fieldIds = assetLinkFields[contentTypeId]; |
for (var i = 0, len = fieldIds.length; i < len; i++) { |
let fieldId = fieldIds[i]; |
const entries = await space.getEntries({ |
content_type: contentTypeId, |
[`fields.${fieldId}.sys.id`]: asset.sys.id |
}) |
linkCount += entries.length; |
} |
} |
if (!linkCount) { |
// No links to this asset from the selected field, safe to delete |
if (asset.sys.publishedVersion) { |
asset = await space.unpublishAsset(asset); |
} |
await space.deleteAsset(asset); |
} |
} |
main().catch((err) => { |
console.error(err.stack); |
process.exit(1); |
}); |
In case you ended up here from google like me, and want to keep linked assets, edit
to:@grncdr thanks a bunch for the snippet!