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Created May 19, 2016 09:45
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public void InputHitTest_Should_Find_Control_Translated_Outside_Parent_Bounds()
using (UnitTestApplication.Start(new TestServices(renderInterface: new MockRenderInterface())))
Border target;
var container = new Panel
Width = 200,
Height = 200,
Children = new Controls.Controls
new Border
Width = 100,
Height = 100,
ZIndex = 1,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top,
Child = target = new Border
Width = 50,
Height = 50,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top,
RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform(110, 110),
container.Arrange(new Rect(container.DesiredSize));
var context = new DrawingContext(Mock.Of<IDrawingContextImpl>());
var result = container.InputHitTest(new Point(120, 120));
Assert.Equal(target, result);
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