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Created November 26, 2021 09:11
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using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
namespace Avalonia.Benchmarks.Data
[MemoryDiagnoser, InProcess]
public class PropertyAddClassHandlerBenchmarks
private const int Iterations = 100;
[Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
public void AddClassHandler()
var target = new AddClassHandlerTest();
for (var i = 0; i < Iterations; ++i)
target.Foo = i;
public void OnPropertyChanged()
var target = new OnPropertyChangedTest();
for (var i = 0; i < Iterations; ++i)
target.Foo = i;
private class AddClassHandlerTest : AvaloniaObject
public static StyledProperty<int> FooProperty =
AvaloniaProperty.Register<AddClassHandlerTest, int>("Foo");
static AddClassHandlerTest()
FooProperty.Changed.AddClassHandler<AddClassHandlerTest, int>((x, e) => x.FooChanged(e));
public int Foo
get => GetValue(FooProperty);
set => SetValue(FooProperty, value);
public int LastValue { get; private set; }
private void FooChanged(AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs<int> e) => LastValue = e.NewValue.Value;
private class OnPropertyChangedTest : AvaloniaObject
public static StyledProperty<int> FooProperty =
AvaloniaProperty.Register<AddClassHandlerTest, int>("Foo");
public int Foo
get => GetValue(FooProperty);
set => SetValue(FooProperty, value);
public int LastValue { get; private set; }
protected override void OnPropertyChanged<T>(AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs<T> change)
if (change.Property == FooProperty)
LastValue = change.NewValue.GetValueOrDefault<int>();
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