As of 1 July 2016
Mostly Westeros, but a few others at the end. Note that I'm only considering the TV series here, and that I'm not trying to be super precise (i.e. there are certainly errors and omissions).
I just tried to come up with a list when I realised that all the 5 Kings were dead, and that being an important person in Westeros was dangerous. In fact, there are only two natural deaths in the list.
- Tommen Baratheon (suicide)
- Robert Baratheon (suspicious "accident")
- Mance Rayder (executed)
- Renly Baratheon (murdered by Brother)
- Rob Stark (murdered)
- Joffrey Baratheon (murdered by Great Aunt and Master of Coin)
- Stannis Baratheon (killed at the end of a battle)
- Balon Greyjoy (murdered by Brother)
Note: the last 5 above represent all involved in the War of the Five Kings
- Margery Tyrell (murdered by wildfire at the Sept of Baelor)
- Jon Arryn (murdered by Wife)
- Ned Stark (executed by King)
- Tywin Lannister (murdered by Son)
- Rickard Karstark (executed by King)
- Lysa Arryn (murdered by Husband)
- Catelyn Stark (murdered)
- Roose Bolton (murdered by Son)
- Ramsey Bolton (eaten alive by his dogs via Sansa)
- Doran Martell (murdered by "Sister in Law")
- Oberyn Martell (killed in a trial by combat)
- Trystane Martell (murdered by "Cousins")
- Mace Tyrell (murdered by wildfire at the Sept of Baelor)
- Loras Tyrell (murdered by wildfire at the Sept of Baelor)
- Kevan Lannister (murdered by wildfire at the Sept of Baelor)
- Walder Frey (murdered)
- Rickon Stark (murdered)
- Rickard Karstark (executed for treason)
- Harald Karstark (killed in battle)
- The Blackfish (killed in battle)
- Joer Mormont (murdered by mutineering soldiers)
- Jon Snow (murdered by mutineering soliders)
- Jory Cassel (murdered)
- Vardis Egen (killed in trial by combat)
- Areo Hotah (murdered)
- Mandon Moore (killed in battle while trying to assasinate the Hand of the King)
- Sandor "The Hound" Clegane (was not killed in battle)
- Maester Luwin / Winterfell (stabbed in battle, then a compassionate murder by Osha)
- Maester Aemon / Castle Black (NATURAL DEATH FROM OLD AGE!!)
- Maester Cresson / Dragonstone (killed himself while attempting a murder)
- Maester Pycell (murdered by children)
- The High Sparrow (murdered by wildfire at the Sept of Baelor)
- Lancel Lannister (murdered by wildfire at the Sept of Baelor)
- Septa Unella (technically alive but would be better off dead)
- Lothar Frey (murdered)
- Black Walder Frey (murdered)
- Grey Wind (slaughtered)
- Lady (killed)
- Shaggy Dog (killed)
- Wun Wun (killed in battle)
- Viserys Targaryen - Wannabe King (murdered by a Dothraki Khal)
- Drogo - Dothraki Khal (killed by a combination of his own stupidity and magic, but ultimately compassionately murdered by his Khaleesi)
- Most/All of Daenerys Bloodriders (battle, elements, etc)
- All the remaining Dothraki Khals (murdered by Daenerys)
- A fair few slave masters who were stupid enough to cross Daenerys