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Last active December 4, 2015 23:00
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Edit affine transformations with mouse and keyboard in Elm
import Color exposing (..)
import Graphics.Collage exposing (..)
import Graphics.Element exposing (..)
import Mouse
import Keyboard
import Char
import Signal
import Transform2D
import Time
main : Signal Element
main = (\affine ->
collage 800 800
[groupTransform affine
[ move (0, 0) box
, move (0, 40) box
, move (0, 80) box
, move (40, 0) box
, move (40, 40) box
, move (40, 80) box
, move (80, 0) box
, move (80, 40) box
, move (80, 80) box
, move (60, 40) (filled red (ngon 3 40))
, move (20, 40) (filled blue (ngon 3 40))
, move (0, 280) (scale 0.75 (toForm (show affine)))
]) affineSignal
box = outlined (solid black) (square 40)
sampleOnRelease : Char -> Signal a -> Signal a
sampleOnRelease chr = Signal.sampleOn (Signal.filter not True (Keyboard.isDown (Char.toCode chr)))
sampleOnPress : Char -> Signal a -> Signal a
sampleOnPress chr = Signal.sampleOn (Signal.filter identity False (Keyboard.isDown (Char.toCode chr)))
sampleOnPressed : Char -> Signal a -> Signal a
sampleOnPressed chr = Signal.sampleOn (Time.fpsWhen 30 (Keyboard.isDown (Char.toCode chr)))
type MouseKeyDrag = MouseKeyDrag Char Bool (Int, Int) (Int, Int)
mouseKeyDrag chr = Signal.map3 (MouseKeyDrag chr)
(Keyboard.isDown (Char.toCode chr))
(sampleOnPress chr Mouse.position)
(sampleOnPressed chr Mouse.position)
controls : Signal MouseKeyDrag
controls = Signal.mergeMany [ mouseKeyDrag 'T'
, mouseKeyDrag 'S'
, mouseKeyDrag 'R'
, mouseKeyDrag 'K'
type alias State = (Transform2D.Transform2D, Transform2D.Transform2D)
initialState : State
initialState = (Transform2D.identity, Transform2D.identity)
currentState : Signal State
currentState = Signal.foldp updateState initialState controls
updateState : MouseKeyDrag -> State -> State
updateState (MouseKeyDrag char pressed (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (sa, sb) =
xd = toFloat (x2 - x1)
yd = toFloat (y2 - y1)
translation = Transform2D.translation (toFloat (x2-x1)) (toFloat -(y2-y1))
scale = Transform2D.matrix ((xd / 100) + 1) 0 0 (-(yd / 100) + 1) 0 0
theta = snd (toPolar (xd, yd))
rotation = Transform2D.rotation -theta
skew = Transform2D.matrix 1 (xd / 100) 0 1 0 0
case (char, pressed) of
('T', True) -> (sa, translation)
('T', False) -> (sa `Transform2D.multiply` translation, Transform2D.identity)
('S', True) -> (sa, scale)
('S', False) -> (sa `Transform2D.multiply` scale, Transform2D.identity)
('R', True) -> (sa, rotation)
('R', False) -> (sa `Transform2D.multiply` rotation, Transform2D.identity)
('K', True) -> (sa, skew)
('K', False) -> (sa `Transform2D.multiply` skew, Transform2D.identity)
_ -> (sa, sb)
affineSignal = (uncurry Transform2D.multiply) currentState
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