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Created November 20, 2010 23:41
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Transcodes shows downloaded with sickbeard into a format usable on iOS and AppleTV with HandBrakeCLI and fills in their metadata with AtomicParsley
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, re, subprocess, sys
from xml.etree import ElementTree
retag = sys.argv[1] == "retag"
if retag:
del sys.argv[1]
source = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
extensionless = '.'.join(source.split('.')[:-1])
dest = extensionless + '.m4v'
if not os.path.exists(dest):
subprocess.check_call(["HandBrakeCLI", "-i", source, "-o", dest, "--preset", 'AppleTV'])
elif not retag:
print "Output already exists at", dest
print "Retagging", dest
nfo = extensionless + ".nfo"
season = episode = title = plot = None
if os.path.exists(nfo):
epi = ElementTree.parse(open(nfo))
if 'xbmcmultiepisode' in epi.getroot().tag:
epi = epi.find("episodedetails")
season = epi.findtext("season")
episode = epi.findtext("episode")
title = epi.findtext("title")
plot = epi.findtext("plot")
if season is None or episode is None or title is None or plot is None:
print ".nfo Missing item: %s %s %s" % (season, episode, title)
print "No .nfo, trying to extract from title"
m = re.match(".* - (\d+)x(\d+) - (.*)\.[\w\d]{3}", source)
if m:
season, episode, title = m.groups()
print "Couldn't match", source
srcdir = os.path.dirname(source)
# Always mark it as a TV show and name it. Add the other fields if they're avialable
command = ["AtomicParsley", dest, "--stik", 'TV Show', "--TVShowName", os.path.basename(srcdir)]
for flag, value in [("--TVSeasonNum", season), ("--TVEpisodeNum", episode), ("--TVEpisode", title),
("--title", title), ("--description", plot)]:
if value is not None:
tmp = [i for i in os.listdir(srcdir) if "-temp" in i]
assert len(tmp) == 1
os.rename(srcdir + "/" + tmp[0], dest)
os.system("""osascript << EOF
tell application "iTunes"
with timeout of 30000 seconds
add ("%s" as POSIX file)
end timeout
end tell
EOF""" % dest)
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