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Created June 27, 2023 16:33
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This code snippet implements a notification store using React.js and Zustand. It provides a convenient way to manage and display different types of notifications (success, error, info, warning, loading) in a React application.
import {notifications as mantineNotifications} from '@mantine/notifications';
import {IconCheck, IconExclamationMark, IconInfoCircle, IconX} from '@tabler/icons-react';
import {create} from 'zustand';
const NotificationTypeColors = {
error: 'red',
info: 'blue',
success: 'green',
warning: 'yellow',
loading: 'blue',
type Notification = {
id: string;
/** message to display */
message: string;
type NotificationOptions = {
/** if true, notification will be closed automatically */
autoClose?: boolean;
/** icon to display before message */
icon?: React.ReactNode;
/** tell timeout in milliseconds to close notification */
timeout?: number;
/** type of notification */
type?: keyof typeof NotificationTypeColors;
type NotificationsStore = {
/** Add an error notification in the notification store */
addErrorNotification: (message: string, options?: NotificationOptions) => void;
/** Add an info notification in the notification store */
addInfoNotification: (message: string, options?: NotificationOptions) => void;
/** Add an loading notification in the notification store */
addLoadingNotification: (
message: string,
options?: NotificationOptions
) => (updatedMessage?: string, type?: keyof typeof NotificationTypeColors) => void;
/** Add a notification in the notification store */
addNotification: (message: string, options?: NotificationOptions) => string;
/** Add a success notification in the notification store */
addSuccessNotification: (message: string, options?: NotificationOptions) => void;
/** Add a warning notification in the notification store */
addWarningNotification: (message: string, options?: NotificationOptions) => void;
/** Deletes a notification from the notification store */
deleteNotification: (notificationId: string) => void;
/** using this as primary key for generating unique notification id */
lastNotificationId: number;
/** list of notifications in store */
notifications: Notification[];
/** Update a notification in the notification store */
updateNotification: (
notificationId: string,
message: string,
options?: NotificationOptions
) => void;
export const useNotificationsStore = create<NotificationsStore>((set, get) => ({
notifications: [],
lastNotificationId: 0,
addNotification: (message: string, options?: NotificationOptions) => {
const {lastNotificationId, deleteNotification} = get();
const newNotificationId = lastNotificationId + 1;
const newNotification = {message, id: newNotificationId.toString()};
set(cs => ({
notifications: [...cs.notifications, newNotification],
lastNotificationId: newNotificationId,
onClose: () => deleteNotification(,
options?.timeout || options?.autoClose !== undefined ? options?.autoClose : true,
color: NotificationTypeColors[options?.type || 'info'],
icon: options?.icon,
withBorder: true,
loading: options?.type === 'loading',
withCloseButton: options?.type !== 'loading',
return newNotificationId.toString();
updateNotification: (
notificationId: string,
message: string,
options?: NotificationOptions
) => {
id: notificationId,
color: NotificationTypeColors[options?.type || 'info'],
deleteNotification: (notificationId: string) => {
const {notifications} = get();
console.log({deletenotifiation: notificationId});
const updatedNotifications = notifications.filter(i => !== notificationId);
set(cs => ({...cs, notifications: [...updatedNotifications]}));
addSuccessNotification: (message: string, options?: NotificationOptions) => {
const {addNotification} = get();
addNotification(message, {...options, type: 'success', icon: <IconCheck />});
addErrorNotification: (message: string, options?: NotificationOptions) => {
const {addNotification} = get();
addNotification(message, {...options, type: 'error', icon: <IconX />});
addWarningNotification: (message: string, options?: NotificationOptions) => {
const {addNotification} = get();
addNotification(message, {
type: 'warning',
icon: <IconExclamationMark />,
addInfoNotification: (message: string, options?: NotificationOptions) => {
const {addNotification} = get();
addNotification(message, {...options, type: 'info', icon: <IconInfoCircle />});
addLoadingNotification: (message: string, options?: NotificationOptions) => {
const {addNotification, updateNotification, deleteNotification} = get();
const notificationId = addNotification(message, {
type: 'loading',
icon: <IconInfoCircle />,
autoClose: false,
return (updatedMessage?: string, type?: keyof typeof NotificationTypeColors) =>
? updateNotification(notificationId, updatedMessage || message, {
type: type || 'success',
icon: <IconCheck />,
autoClose: true,
: deleteNotification(notificationId);
export const {
} = useNotificationsStore.getState();
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