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Owen Barton grugnog

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  • Oregon, US
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progandy /
Last active September 26, 2023 08:27
Sway output mirror and screencast

Sway output mirror and screencast



With wf-recorder it is possible to record one output. When ffmpeg is compiled with sdl support, then it is possible to use "sdl" as the muxer and replay the recorded video instead of writing it to a file.

wknapik / README
Last active January 28, 2019 14:54
Lenovo Thinkpad P50, dock with external monitor, udev + xrandr auto switching
This switches between the laptop monitor ($intern) when undocked and a two monitor setup when docked ($extern right of $intern).
ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}, ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}, x_user and intern need to be set.
Based on the Arch wiki, StackExchange and Google.
germank /
Created September 8, 2016 07:13
Toggle the pulseaudio sink rotating between the available ones.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from subprocess import check_output, Popen, PIPE, call
import re
list_sinks = Popen(['pacmd', 'list-sinks'], stdout=PIPE)
output = str(check_output(['grep', r"index:"], stdin=list_sinks.stdout))
selected = None
sinks = []
for index_line in output.split(r'\n')[:-1]:
cvrebert /
Last active May 28, 2024 17:42
Survey of screenshot-based CSS testing tools

Currently considering

Core Goals:

  • Can test in up-to-date versions of all major browsers
  • Can test on up-to-date versions of all major OSes
  • Can test in IE9 (because Bootstrap v4 will support IE9+)
  • Don't want to have to setup/maintain our own cluster of VMs running all the necessary OSes (and all the versions of Windows)
  • Workflow for management of reference/baseline/norm screenshots