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Created March 4, 2017 08:45
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posrgresql partition by seq id
-- partition by month
drop trigger if exists insert_master_trigger on master;
drop function if exists master_insert();
drop table if exists master cascade;
create table master(
id bigserial primary key,
ts bigint not null,
data text
create or replace function master_insert()
returns trigger as $$
partition_n bigint;
begin_id bigint;
end_id bigint;
max_child_table_size bigint = 10240;
table_master varchar := 'master';
table_child varchar;
partition_n = 1 + ( / max_child_table_size;
table_child := table_master || '_' || partition_n;
perform 1 from pg_class where relname = table_child limit 1;
if not found
begin_id = 1 + (partition_n-1) * max_child_table_size;
end_id = begin_id + max_child_table_size;
execute format('create table %s (check (id>=%s and id < %s)) inherits (%s);',
table_child, begin_id, end_id, table_master);
execute format('create index %s_id_idx on %s (id);', table_child, table_child);
end if;
execute 'insert into ' || table_child || ' values ( ($1).* )' using new;
return null;
language plpgsql;
create trigger insert_master_trigger before insert on master for each row execute procedure master_insert();
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