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Created October 9, 2020 05:44
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#!/usr/bin/env python
Ros node to make to the turtle draw a circle
import rospy
from turtlesim.msg import Pose
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
import math
class TurtleController(object):
Controls the turtle to draw a circle
def __init__(self):
# turtle current position
self.turtle_x = 0
self.turtle_y = 0
self.turtle_theta = 0
# initial turtle coordinates
self.initial_turtle_x = None
self.initial_turtle_y = None
self.initial_turtle_theta = None
self.initial_coords_updated = False
# turtle angular speed (rad/s)
self.turtle_speed = 4
# radius of the circle to be drawn
self.circle_radius = 2
rospy.init_node("node_turtle_revolve", anonymous=False)
# Subscriber for "turtle1/pose" to get current location and speed.
rospy.Subscriber("/turtle1/pose", Pose, self.update_pose)
# Publisher for "turtle1/cmd_vel" to publish angular and linear vel.
self.velocity_pub = rospy.Publisher("/turtle1/cmd_vel", Twist,
def update_pose(self, msg):
Callback funtion for topic "/turtle1/pose".
Updates x, y and theta.
self.turtle_x = msg.x
self.turtle_y = msg.y
self.turtle_theta = msg.theta
if not self.initial_coords_updated:
self.initial_turtle_x = msg.x
self.initial_turtle_y = msg.y
self.initial_turtle_theta = msg.theta
self.initial_coords_updated = True
def run(self):
msg = Twist()
current_distance = 0
circumfence = 2 * math.pi * self.circle_radius
msg.linear.x = self.turtle_speed
msg.angular.z = self.turtle_speed
rate = rospy.Rate(10)
t0 =
while not rospy.is_shutdown() and current_distance < circumfence:
# calculate the position and update
rospy.loginfo("Peri: %f Distance Travelled: %f",
circumfence, current_distance)
rospy.loginfo("x: %f y: %f theta: %f", self.turtle_x,
self.turtle_y, self.turtle_theta)
t1 =
current_distance = (self.turtle_speed * self.circle_radius)
current_distance *= (t1 - t0)
msg.linear.x = 0
msg.angular.z = 0
rospy.loginfo("Goal reached")
# def run(self):
# rad = 2
# circum = math.pi * rad
# speed = 3.14 # rad / s 1 rev in one secs
# omega = speed
# v = omega * rad
# msg = Twist()
# msg.linear.x = v
# msg.angular.z = omega
# current_distance = 0
# t0 = t1 =
# r = rospy.Rate(2)
# while not rospy.is_shutdown():
# rospy.loginfo("time: %f Peri: %f Distance Travelled: %f",
# t1 - t0, circum, current_distance)
# # calculate the position and update
# t1 =
# current_distance = speed * (t1 - t0)
# self.velocity_pub.publish(msg)
# r.sleep()
# if (current_distance > circum):
# break
# msg.linear.x = 0
# msg.angular.z = 0
# self.velocity_pub.publish(msg)
if __name__ == "__main__":
controller = TurtleController()
except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
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