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mfd /
Last active February 23, 2025 20:28
Download any video from Microsoft Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive
2teams() {
NOW=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M")
if [ ! -z $2 ] ; then
echo $NOW"_"$2.mp4
ffmpeg -i $1 -codec copy $NOW"_"$2.mp4
echo $NOW"_teamsvid".mp4
ffmpeg -i $1 -codec copy $NOW"_teamsvideo".mp4
numericOverflow /
Last active February 4, 2022 09:05 — forked from antoniy/
Auto reconnect to OpenVPN via NetworkManager
#!/bin/bash +x
# Source:
# Description:
# Make the script executable "chmod +x /path/to/the/
# Put the script in .profile or .bashrc so it can be run on user login:
# Example: echo "/path/to/the/ start &" >> .bashrc
# The script can be bound to shortcut keys with these commands:
# /path/to/the/ start # starts and monitors VPN connection
IMcPwn / delete-all-messages.js
Last active February 8, 2025 11:22 — forked from niahoo/delete-all-messages.js
Delete all messages in a Discord channel
// Turn on Developer Mode under User Settings > Appearance > Developer Mode (at the bottom)
// Then open the channel you wish to delete all of the messages (could be a DM) and click the three dots on the far right.
// Click "Copy ID" and paste that instead of LAST_MESSAGE_ID.
// Copy / paste the below script into the JavaScript console.
// If you're in a DM you will receive a 403 error for every message the other user sent (you don't have permission to delete their messages).
var before = 'LAST_MESSAGE_ID';
clearMessages = function(){
const authToken = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement`iframe`).contentWindow.localStorage.token.replace(/"/g, "");
const channel = window.location.href.split('/').pop();
lukas-h /
Last active February 28, 2025 08:23
Markdown License Badges for your Project

Markdown License badges

Collection of License badges for your Project's README file.
This list includes the most common open source and open data licenses.
Easily copy and paste the code under the badges into your Markdown files.


  • The badges do not fully replace the license informations for your projects, they are only emblems for the README, that the user can see the License at first glance.

Translations: (No guarantee that the translations are up-to-date)

cknave /
Created March 21, 2015 18:01
Camlistore Encryption on S3

Camlistore Encryption on S3

Here's what I found out while setting up Camlistore to sync encrypted blobs to Amazon S3. This works for me, but I'm new to Camlistore so this might not be the best way to do it.

Amazon S3 Config

The encryption handler requires two buckets, one for metadata and one for blobs. In this example, I've created two buckets called my-camlistore-meta and my-camlistore-blob.

Barteks2x / build.gradle
Created January 18, 2015 03:12
build.gradle for Craftbukkit/Spigot 1.8
apply plugin: 'java'
//this is the same ad Maven groupID
//usually it refers to domain name you own. If your domain is then your droupID is com.bukkit.tutorial
group = 'com.tutorial'
//the same as Maven artifactID. This will be used as base for jar name. Usually the same as plugin name
archivesBaseName = 'Tutorial'
//Plugin version. "-SNAPSHOT" at the end is reserved for development versions.
version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
valorin /
Created December 6, 2014 20:49
Script to open and close Mosh ports in UFW
# Load active ports
PORTS=`lsof -i | grep mosh-serv | cut -f2 -d":"`
STATUS=`sudo ufw status`
# Add Rules for new ports
for PORT in $PORTS; do
echo $STATUS | grep "$PORT/udp" > /dev/null
nl5887 /
Last active July 30, 2024 09:21
Bash and zsh alias for Transfers files and directories to
function transfer
if test (count $argv) -eq 0
echo "No arguments specified. Usage:\necho transfer /tmp/\ncat /tmp/ | transfer"
return 1
## get temporarily filename, output is written to this file show progress can be showed
set tmpfile ( mktemp -t transferXXX )
## upload stdin or file
joostrijneveld /
Created May 20, 2014 19:43
Producing printable QR codes for persistent storage of GPG private keys
# Heavily depends on:
# libqrencode (
# paperkey (
# zbar (
# Producing the QR codes:
# Split over 4 codes to ensure the data per image is not too large.
gpg --export-secret-key KEYIDGOESHERE | paperkey --output-type raw | base64 > temp
split temp -n 4 IMG
for f in IMG*; do cat $f | qrencode -o $f.png; done
cfstras / status.html
Last active February 6, 2023 03:24
Simple Minecraft Server status box using
<script src="//"></script>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
var rq = '//';
var error = 'unknown';
var classes = {
error: "fa-question",
false: "fa-times",
true: "fa-check",