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gschora / gist:16ab96f020384a66d650de1218a79777
Created July 15, 2018 13:43
foxit portable pdf thumbnails in explorer
1. copy FoxitThumbnailHndlr_x64.dll to <foxitportablefolder>\App\Foxit Reader\plugins
if not already there
2. open terminal in admin-mode and run
regsvr32.exe "C:\proggis\PortableApps\FoxitReaderPortable\App\Foxit Reader\plugins\FoxitThumbnailHndlr_x64.dll"
with the correct path to the dll
3. after restart it should display the correct thumbnails
if not go to file-preferences-file associations-advanced and check "include preview...."
then klick on "make default pdf viewer"
gschora / gist:5c1835d76b2234b1d4ff12673ad78b4d
Last active February 3, 2017 14:39
useful gcodes duet wifi
Useful gcodes
M302 P[0|1] ; Allow cold extrusion
M303 H1 P0.4 S240 ; PID tune heater 1 using 40% PWM, quit if temperature exceeds 240C
M106 P1 S127 ; Fan On Sxxx speed 0-255
G1 E100 F1500 ; move extruder
G92 Z0 ; set Z=0 - move head down to bed and set the new z=0
how to set z-height bevore print
gschora / gist:25b24a923c49fcefbf98
Created August 9, 2015 09:49
modifications in serialcommand for teensy 3.1
in SerialCommand.h
gschora / odys_seal_dvd-player.txt
Created July 25, 2015 10:50
odys seal portable dvd player sd card reencode videos tutorial
Der Player ist zwar sehr wählerisch, was das Format angeht, aber es funktioniert.
Für alle Interessierten, hier die Anleitung:
1. Die Software XMedia Recode (kostenlos und virenfrei z.B. bei CHIP) auf dem PC installieren
2. DVD/BD ins Laufwerk legen (alternativ gehen auch Dateien von Platte – siehe Programmdoku)
3. Im oberen Bildabschnitt den längsten Titel auswählen (bei DVDs und BDs)
4. Reiter „Format“:
. Profil: Benutzerdefiniert
. Format: AVI
. Dateiendung: avi
gschora / configure_apcupsd
Last active February 14, 2025 13:16
configuring apcupsd to suspend all running VM and then shutdown the esxi 5.5 u1 host
# these are instructions for automating the suspend and shutdown of esxi vm's and host in case of a
# power failure.
# works with apc smartups 750xl and esxi 5.5u1
0# make a new VM and install Ubuntu-Server on it
1# install apcupsd
apt-get install apcupsd
gschora / install_esxi
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
Install procedure for vmware esxi 5.5u1 with mainboard Supermicro X7SBL-LN1 and 3Ware Raid Controller 9650-4LP with usb flash drive
in esxi 5.5 were old drivers droped, this is my procedure for creating a bootable flashdrive with the old drivers for nic and raid.
1. download esxi from vmware website (registration required)
filename should be something like "VMware-VMvisor-Installer-5.5.0.update01-1623387.x86_64.iso"
2. download "esxi customizer" from
extract into directory by starting the "ESXi-Customizer-vX.X.X.exe"
3. download rufus (tool for creating bootable flash drives)