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Last active July 26, 2021 11:04
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Jails vs bhyve
# Jails vs bhyve (
# bhyve - Virtualisation: Creates a blank-disk that can be used to run an entire-OS
(bootloader, kernel, userland, etc.) by the virtualisation software.
# Jails - OS-Level Virtualisation: Jails uses the same kernel and main resources as
the host OS (FreeBSD). But creates a separate and isolated userland and network-space.
So the Jail cannot see the filesystems of the host OS.
It all depends on your hardware resources and needs. It would be a waste of resources to run FreeBSD inside Bhyve if using the same
version as the host. I would only assume if user wants total anonymity then FreeBSD inside Bhyve will be better since admins won't
have access to contents inside Bhyve. The only drawback is if the user forgets the login password and there's no way to get back into
OS inside Bhyve then reinstalling is the only way back in. With Jail, user can ask the admin to reset the password.
With Bhyve, users are usually on their own in maintaining updates and configurations since admins don't have direct access.
With Jail, admin can help users with updates, configurations, etc.
User can pretty much do anything inside Jails except they won't be able to use network stacks or firewall. If you recompile the kernel
with vimage then user will be able to configure their own firewall inside Jail. Most servers have front-end firewall, router or
firewall in host, and it'll be a waste of resource to have another firewall inside Jail or Bhyve. I usually have web and mail ports
open for my clients and I can reconfigure the firewall upon special requests.
Bhyve is better for different OS other than FreeBSD such as Linux, Windows, etc. It makes no sense to run same FreeBSD version in both
Host and Bhyve since it'll be a waste of resources.
# Terminal UI for using Bhyve
# (
# (
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