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Created July 10, 2015 00:37
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Poker Dojo
(ns poker.core
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
;;; Helpers
(defn value [card]
(and card
(condp = (first card) \T 10 \J 11 \Q 12 \K 13 \A 14 (Integer/parseInt (str (first card))))))
(defn suit [card] (second card))
(defn of-a-kind [num hand]
(->> (group-by value hand)
(filter #(= num (count %)))
(sort-by (comp value first))
(defn same-suit? [hand] (apply = (map suit hand)))
(defn consecutive? [[a b]] (= a (dec b)))
(defn consecutive-values? [hand]
(->> (sort-by value hand)
(map value)
(partition 2 1)
(map consecutive?)
(every? identity)))
(defn of-a-kind-value[of-a-kind-result] (value (first (first of-a-kind-result))))
;;; Hand types - each returns highest value
(defn high-card [hand] (value (last (sort-by value hand))))
(defn pairs [hand] (of-a-kind-value (of-a-kind 2 hand)))
(defn two-pairs [hand]
(let [pairs (of-a-kind 2 hand)]
(and (= (count pairs) 2)
(of-a-kind-value pairs))))
(defn three-of-a-kind [hand] (of-a-kind-value (of-a-kind 3 hand)))
(defn four-of-a-kind [hand] (of-a-kind-value (of-a-kind 4 hand)))
(defn straight [hand] (and (consecutive-values? hand) (high-card hand)))
(defn flush [hand] (same-suit? hand))
(defn full-house [hand] (and (pairs hand) (three-of-a-kind hand)))
(defn straight-flush [hand]
(and (same-suit? hand)
(consecutive-values? hand)
(high-card hand)))
(def types [high-card pairs two-pairs three-of-a-kind straight flush full-house four-of-a-kind straight-flush])
;;; Calc winning hand
(defn array-value-to-value[[hand-type-index value]] (+ (* 100 hand-type-index) value))
(defn hand-value [hand]
(->> (map-indexed (fn[index hand-type] [index (hand-type hand)])
(filter last)
(defn winning-hand [hand1-str hand2-str]
(let [value1 (hand-value (str/split hand1-str #" "))
value2 (hand-value (str/split hand2-str #" "))]
(cond (> value1 value2) 1
(< value1 value2) 2
:else 0)))
(defn -main
[& args]
(println "Winning hand: "
(winning-hand "2H 3D 5S 9C KD"
"2H 3D 5S 9C KD")))
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