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Forked from SuperDoxin/
Created August 2, 2018 13:53
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Python Logo using bezier curves and the turtle module
import turtle
import math
def lerp(a, b, t):
"""Linear interpolation function. returns a when t==0, returns b when t==1
and linearly interpolates for values inbetween"""
return (a * (1 - t)) + (b * t)
def lerp2(a, b, t):
"""2-dimensional linear interpolation function"""
return lerp(a[0], b[0], t), lerp(a[1], b[1], t)
def bezier(p0, p1, p2, p3, t):
"""calculate coordinates for point t on the bezier defined by p1-p4
for a visual explanation"""
c1 = lerp2(p1, p2, t)
c2 = lerp2(p0, c1, t)
c3 = lerp2(c1, p3, t)
c4 = lerp2(c2, c3, t)
return c4
def stepturtle(turtle, x, y):
"""step turtle so it ends at x/y"""
while turtle.distance(x, y)>0.5:
rotdif = turtle.towards(x, y) # see how much we need to turn
turn = rotdif - turtle.heading()
if turn > 180:
elif turn < -180:
turtle.left(turn) # turn
distance = turtle.distance(x, y) # see how far we need to go
turtle.forward(distance) # go
def turtlebezier(turtle, p0, p1, p2, p3):
"""walk the turtle along a bezier"""
t = 0
while t < 1:
t += 0.001
x, y = bezier(p0, p1, p2, p3, t) # calculate position for that point on the bezier
# only step if the distance is bigger than one pixel.
if turtle.distance(x, y) >= 1:
stepturtle(turtle, x, y) # move turtle to position
def turtlecircle(turtle, r, x, y):
"""walk the turtle along a circle"""
# calculate circumference, rounded up to the nearest integer.
circumference = int(math.ceil(r*2*math.pi))
# calculate the size of a step along the circle in radians
stepsize = math.pi*2/circumference
for i in range(circumference+1):
# calculate position along the circle
cx = x + math.cos(i*stepsize) * r
cy = y + math.sin(i*stepsize) * r
# move there
stepturtle(turtle, cx, cy)
for flipx, flipy, color in ((-1, 1, "#366fa0"), (1, -1, "#ffd045")):
stepturtle(turtle, 0 * flipx, 4 * flipy)
turtlebezier(turtle, (-28 * flipx, 4 * flipy), (-43 * flipx, 5 * flipy),
(-56 * flipx, 16 * flipy), (-56 * flipx, 29 * flipy))
turtlebezier(turtle, (-56 * flipx, 88 * flipy), (-56 * flipx, 108 * flipy),
(-60 * flipx, 118 * flipy), (0 * flipx, 118 * flipy))
turtlebezier(turtle, (0 * flipx, 118 * flipy), (60 * flipx, 118 * flipy),
(57 * flipx, 108 * flipy), (57 * flipx, 88 * flipy))
stepturtle(turtle, 57 * flipx, 65 * flipy)
stepturtle(turtle, 0 * flipx, 65 * flipy)
stepturtle(turtle, 0 * flipx, 57 * flipy)
turtlebezier(turtle, (80 * flipx, 57 * flipy), (100 * flipx, 57 * flipy),
(118 * flipx, 60 * flipy), (118 * flipx, 0 * flipy))
turtlebezier(turtle, (118 * flipx, 0 * flipy), (118 * flipx, -60 * flipy),
(103 * flipx, -55 * flipy), (83 * flipx, -55 * flipy))
stepturtle(turtle, 65 * flipx, -55 * flipy)
turtlebezier(turtle, (65 * flipx, -30 * flipy), (65 * flipx, -11 * flipy),
(48 * flipx, 4 * flipy), (29 * flipx, 4 * flipy))
stepturtle(turtle, 0 * flipx, 4 * flipy)
stepturtle(turtle, 33 * flipx, 91 * flipy)
turtlecircle(turtle, 11, 33 * flipx, 91 * flipy)
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