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Created September 11, 2011 16:04
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CronHandler for sending SMS to a list of users in the GAE datastore
class CronHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self,time_slot=""):
logging.debug('running cron for timeslot %s' % time_slot)
if systemIsOn() is False:
logging.error('bailing... the system is turned off')
# grab the row of data out of the spreadsheet
results = getResults(time_slot)
messages = getMessages(results)
# cycle over all the users and send them a message
users = db.GqlQuery("select * from User").fetch(200)
if len(users) <= 0:
logging.error('No users in the system!')
for u in users:
# send the SMS out with a background task
logging.debug('sending notifications to %s' % u.phone_number)
task = Task(url='/sendsmstask',
## end CronHandler
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