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Created September 11, 2011 16:07
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Save gtracy/1209756 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Signup handler function for a Twilio SMS interface
class CallHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
# extract the message and phone
message = self.request.get('Body')
phone = self.request.get('From')
# the first word tells us everything...
first = message.lower().split()[0]
# the admin gets extra special commands to control the app
if phone == configuration.ADMIN_PHONE:
if first == 'stop':
elif first == 'start':
# interrogate the message to figure out what to do
if first == 'signup':
# if signup request, create a new user
response = "Sweet - you're in! We'll send you schedule reminders all day."
elif first.isdigit() or first.find('#') > -1:
# if the first word is a number, assume it's feedback
response = "Thanks for sharing your feedback!"
# else, tell the caller we don't know what they're saying
response = "Snap! We don't know what to do with this. Any feedback should start with the session number"
r = twiml.Response()
## end CallHandler
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