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Created July 22, 2018 04:56
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Teste com ring + bootstrap
#!ring -cgi
Load "weblib.ring"
Import system.web
BootStrapWebPage() {
div { classname = :container
div { classname = :jumbotron
H1 { classname="display-4" text("Bootstrap Page") }
div { classname = :row
for x = 1 to 3
div { classname = "col-sm-4"
H3 { html("Welcome the the Ring programming language") }
P { html("Using a scripting language is very fun! - " + x) }
div { classname = :row
div { classname = "col-sm-4"
Button { classname="btn btn-success btn-lg" datatoggle="modal" datatarget="#myModal"
text("Open Modal")
div { classname = "col-sm-4"
div { classname="card text-white bg-info"
H5{ classname="card-header" text("Featured")}
div { classname="card-body"
P{ classname="card-text" text("With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.")}
div { classname="card-footer"
text("Dentro de dois dias")
div { classname = "col-sm-4"
div { classname = "btn-group"
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("um") }
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("dois") }
button { classname="btn btn-primary" text("três") }
h3 { text("Lista")}
div {
ul { classname = "list-group"
for x=1 to 5
li { classname = "list-group-item" text("Item "+x)}
# -----------------------
# info para o frame modal
# -----------------------
div { classname="modal fade" id="myModal" role="dialog"
div { classname = "modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered"
div { classname="modal-content"
div { classname="modal-header"
button { classname="close" datadismiss="modal"
h4 { classname="modal-title"
text("Modal Header")
div { classname = "modal-body"
p { text("This is a large model.") }
div { classname="modal-footer"
button { classname = "btn btn-danger" datadismiss="modal" text("Fechar")}
button { classname = "btn btn-primary" datadismiss="modal" text("Salvar")}
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