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Last active December 29, 2021 09:22
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Dining Philosophers Problem in Swift with NSOperationQueue
// A Swift implementation of the Dining Philosophers Problem:
// P0
// f3 f0
// P3 P1
// f2 f1
// P2
// Sample output:
// Starting philosoper 0
// Starting philosoper 1
// Starting philosoper 2
// Starting philosoper 3
// Philosopher 0 eating with forks 0 and 3
// Philosopher 2 eating with forks 1 and 2
// Philosopher 1 eating with forks 0 and 1
// Philosopher 3 eating with forks 2 and 3
// Philosopher 0 eating with forks 0 and 3
// Philosopher 2 eating with forks 1 and 2
// Philosopher 1 eating with forks 0 and 1
// Philosopher 3 eating with forks 2 and 3
// And so on...
import UIKit
import XCPlayground
XCPlaygroundPage.currentPage.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
var numPhilosophers = 4
class Fork {
let index: Int
let lock = NSLock()
init(_ index: Int) {
self.index = index
func pickUp(philosopher: Philosopher) {
func putDown() {
class Philosopher {
let index: Int
var firstFork: Fork?
var secondFork: Fork?
var operation: NSBlockOperation!
init(_ index: Int) {
self.index = index
var leftForkIndex: Int {
return index
var rightForkIndex: Int {
return index == 0 ? numPhilosophers - 1 : index - 1
func run() {
print("Starting philosoper \(index)")
while (true) {
firstFork = forks[min(leftForkIndex, rightForkIndex)]
secondFork = forks[max(leftForkIndex, rightForkIndex)]
print("Philosopher \(index) eating with forks \(firstFork!.index) and \(secondFork!.index)")
var forks = [Fork]()
var philosophers = [Philosopher]()
for i in 0 ..< numPhilosophers {
let queue = NSOperationQueue()
philosophers.forEach { philosopher in
philosopher.operation = NSBlockOperation() {
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