Here's a modest project, just to see what happens: Try to convert npm
to an Ecmascript Module and compile npm to a single executable with deno compile
, bun build
, and node --experimental-sea-config
combined with postject
is written in CommonJS.
can't even handle compiling npm
to a Single executable with
cp node npm
echo '{ "main": "node-v23/bin/npm", "output": "sea-prep.blob" }' > sea-config.json
node --experimental-sea-config sea-config.json
./node_modules/postject/dist/cli.js npm NODE_SEA_BLOB sea-prep.blob --sentinel-fuse NODE_SEA_FUSE_fce680ab2cc467b6e072b8b5df1996b2 --overwrite
due to
in the injected main script is not the same as therequire()
npm --help
(node:60422) Warning: Currently the require() provided to the main script embedded into single-executable applications only supports loading built-in modules.
To load a module from disk after the single executable application is launched, use require("module").createRequire().
Support for bundled module loading or virtual file systems are under discussions in
(Use `node-npm --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
Error [ERR_UNKNOWN_BUILTIN_MODULE]: No such built-in module: ../lib/cli.js
at embedderRequire (node:internal/main/embedding:111:11)
at node-v23/bin/npm:2:1
at embedderRunCjs (node:internal/main/embedding:87:10) {
Node.js v23.0.0-nightly20241016019efe1453
Bundle the npm-cli.js
entry point to a CommonJS module
npm i npm # Using npm built with deno compile
bun build /home/user/bin/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js --target=node --format=cjs --outfile=bun-npm-bundle.js
bun-npm-bundle.js 9.20 KB
[17ms] bundle 4 modules
cp node node-npm
Modify the CommonJS output by bun build
to use replace the shebang and use createRequire()
, see
node -e 'const file="bun-npm-bundle.js";const fs=require("fs");fs.writeFileSync(file, "require=require(\"node:module\").createRequire(__filename);\n" + fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8").replace("#!/usr/bin/env node", ""));'
cp node node-npm
echo '{ "main": "bun-npm-bundle.js", "output": "sea-prep.blob" }' > sea-config.json
node --experimental-sea-config sea-config.json
Wrote single executable preparation blob to sea-prep.blob
node ./node_modules/postject/dist/cli.js node-npm NODE_SEA_BLOB sea-prep.blob --sentinel-fuse NODE_SEA_FUSE_fce680ab2cc467b6e072b8b5df1996b2 --overwrite
Start injection of NODE_SEA_BLOB in node-npm...
warning: Can't find string offset for section name '.note.100'
warning: Can't find string offset for section name '.note.100'
warning: Can't find string offset for section name '.note.100'
warning: Can't find string offset for section name '.note.100'
warning: Can't find string offset for section name '.note.100'
warning: Can't find string offset for section name '.note'
warning: Can't find string offset for section name '.note.100'
warning: Can't find string offset for section name '.note.100'
warning: Can't find string offset for section name '.note.100'
💉 Injection done!
(node:66302) ExperimentalWarning: Single executable application is an experimental feature and might change at any time
(Use `node-npm --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
npm warn cli npm v10.9.0 does not support Node.js v23.0.0-nightly20241016019efe1453. This version of npm supports the following node versions: `^18.17.0 || >=20.5.0`. You can find the latest version at
npm <command>
npm install install all the dependencies in your project
npm install <foo> add the <foo> dependency to your project
npm test run this project's tests
npm run <foo> run the script named <foo>
npm <command> -h quick help on <command>
npm -l display usage info for all commands
npm help <term> search for help on <term>
npm help npm more involved overview
All commands:
access, adduser, audit, bugs, cache, ci, completion,
config, dedupe, deprecate, diff, dist-tag, docs, doctor,
edit, exec, explain, explore, find-dupes, fund, get, help,
help-search, hook, init, install, install-ci-test,
install-test, link, ll, login, logout, ls, org, outdated,
owner, pack, ping, pkg, prefix, profile, prune, publish,
query, rebuild, repo, restart, root, run-script, sbom,
search, set, shrinkwrap, star, stars, start, stop, team,
test, token, uninstall, unpublish, unstar, update, version,
view, whoami
Specify configs in the ini-formatted file:
or on the command line via: npm <command> --key=value
More configuration info: npm help config
Configuration fields: npm help 7 config
npm@10.9.0 /home/user/bin/node_modules/npm
Deno has issues with the CommonJS source code of GitHub's (formerly Node.js's) npm
, too, from the Node.js Nightly archive v23.0.0-nightly20241016019efe1453 (from today) for source code.
deno compile -A ~/bin/node-v23/bin/npm -o deno-npm
Check file:///home/user/bin/node-v23/bin/npm
error: TS2580 [ERROR]: Cannot find name 'require'.
at file:///home/user/bin/node-v23/bin/npm.ts:2:1
TS2580 [ERROR]: Cannot find name 'process'.
at file:///home/user/bin/node-v23/bin/npm.ts:2:26
Found 2 errors.
We don't have deno bundle
anymore in Deno 2+.
Let's bundle with bun
first to see if Deno can handle the Ecmascript Module produced
bun build ~/bin/node-v23/bin/npm --outfile=bun-npm-bundle.js
deno compile -A -o deno-npm bun-npm-bundle.js
deno-npm --help
error: Uncaught Error: Dynamic require of "/home/user/bin/node-v23/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/cli/entry.js" is not supported
at file:///tmp/deno-compile-deno-npm/bin/bun-npm-bundle.js:35:9
at file:///tmp/deno-compile-deno-npm/bin/bun-npm-bundle.js:547:66
at module.exports (file:///tmp/deno-compile-deno-npm/bin/bun-npm-bundle.js:324:17)
at module.exports (file:///tmp/deno-compile-deno-npm/bin/bun-npm-bundle.js:547:34)
at file:///tmp/deno-compile-deno-npm/bin/bun-npm-bundle.js:552:16
at file:///tmp/deno-compile-deno-npm/bin/bun-npm-bundle.js:19:45
at file:///tmp/deno-compile-deno-npm/bin/bun-npm-bundle.js:554:16
deno compile -A npm:npm
npm --help
npm <command>
npm install install all the dependencies in your project
npm install <foo> add the <foo> dependency to your project
npm test run this project's tests
npm run <foo> run the script named <foo>
npm <command> -h quick help on <command>
npm -l display usage info for all commands
npm help <term> search for help on <term>
npm help npm more involved overview
All commands:
access, adduser, audit, bugs, cache, ci, completion,
config, dedupe, deprecate, diff, dist-tag, docs, doctor,
edit, exec, explain, explore, find-dupes, fund, get, help,
help-search, hook, init, install, install-ci-test,
install-test, link, ll, login, logout, ls, org, outdated,
owner, pack, ping, pkg, prefix, profile, prune, publish,
query, rebuild, repo, restart, root, run-script, sbom,
search, set, shrinkwrap, star, stars, start, stop, team,
test, token, uninstall, unpublish, unstar, update, version,
view, whoami
Specify configs in the ini-formatted file:
or on the command line via: npm <command> --key=value
More configuration info: npm help config
Configuration fields: npm help 7 config
npm@10.9.0 /tmp/deno-compile-npm/bin/node_modules/.deno/npm@10.9.0/node_modules/npm
What does Bun have to say?
bun build ~/bin/node-v23/bin/npm --compile --outfile=bun-npm
bun-npm --help
npm <command>
npm install install all the dependencies in your project
npm install <foo> add the <foo> dependency to your project
npm test run this project's tests
npm run <foo> run the script named <foo>
npm <command> -h quick help on <command>
npm -l display usage info for all commands
npm help <term> search for help on <term>
npm help npm more involved overview
All commands:
access, adduser, audit, bugs, cache, ci, completion,
config, dedupe, deprecate, diff, dist-tag, docs, doctor,
edit, exec, explain, explore, find-dupes, fund, get, help,
help-search, hook, init, install, install-ci-test,
install-test, link, ll, login, logout, ls, org, outdated,
owner, pack, ping, pkg, prefix, profile, prune, publish,
query, rebuild, repo, restart, root, run-script, sbom,
search, set, shrinkwrap, star, stars, start, stop, team,
test, token, uninstall, unpublish, unstar, update, version,
view, whoami
Specify configs in the ini-formatted file:
or on the command line via: npm <command> --key=value
More configuration info: npm help config
Configuration fields: npm help 7 config
npm@10.9.0 /home/user/bin/node-v23/lib/node_modules/npm
node --experimental-sea-config sea-config.json
with postject
works for CommonJS input. See update. 116.3 MB.
deno compile
works. See update. 105.0 MB.
bun build
works on first try, out of the box. 96.4 MB.
and bun
compiled executables don't work when the source files are moved from the filesystem.